Is a Thousand Years Enough

After the Lui Marime's sister disappeared Albus stepped out of a portal that appeared.

"It seems the Shinigami Organization is highly invested in this matter, I'm surprised she was able to injure you to that extent." Albus said as he hovered towards the oversoul.

Hearing this the oversoul only scoffed before taking a meditative posture and releasing a pulse of his energy, the energy wheat out like a gentle ripple encompassing the entire area around planet Veda and its moons.

The broken pieces of one of the moons seemed to flow in reverse as it began to come back together until it was back in the shape of a moon.

The land that had been razed to the crowns around Lui Marime's family estate also began to move in reverse as the trees that had been felled lifted back up and animals that had been completely flattened inflated and reassumed their natural form.

"Did you know that the woman known as Lui Marime was the creation of Death." The oversoul spoke.

Hearing this Albus face became grave the council of light had been established by one of the primordial beings as had the shinigami organization.

"Death could create… I thought she was only capable of destruction?" Albus said trying to wrap his mind around what he had just heard.

"I also didn't know this was possible… their organization won't stop now that they have located Lui Marime." The oversoul spoke.

"So what do we do? This cultivation world would be decimated by an onslaught of the shinigami organization, only those strong enough to flee would survive." Albus said.

"We have to give the girl over to save this universe." Albus continued while pacing back and forward through the air thinking about the consequences of fighting the Shinigami.

"It may not be much right now but the child Wo Shie is changing this cultivation world, elevating it. It's possible that within the next thousand years this cultivation universe does have a few strong enough to stand against the shinigami organization and protect this universe." The oversoul spoke causing Albus to stop in his tracks and look questioningly at the oversoul.

"He hasn't reached the level where he is using the information of the world to change it, it's mostly natural occurrences but the exposure that the masses are receiving from it is sure to spark many enlightenments and aid in the most talented youths to quickly sprout while also being a boon to the older generations." The oversoul spoke causing Albus to show a look of realization.

"Do you think there will be a shift of the power dynamic between the levels of the cultivation world?" Albus asked.

"They have already begun shifting, since the first event before you took Wo Shie to train with the council of light the mortal plane has surpassed the immortal dimension in overall strength… that is why I believe it's possible we may become strong enough within a thousand years.." the oversoul spoke before going back into deep thought.

"But is a thousand years enough?" Albus asked only to receive no response.

The oversoul then disappeared leaving Albus standing alone above planet Veda.

On a flying ship ship

"How long until we arrive at planet Cyrus?" Lui Marime asked the driver of the ship.

The main branch of the moon clan had went all out not sparing any resources when they heard the branch where their primary candidate for next family head had been attacked.

They sent a full envoy with a single general multiple captains and many soldiers.

"We will arrive in a day if the journey is smooth, if there is unexpected turbulence a day and a half." the general spoke.

Just as he finished talking his ring began to beep and vibrate, "this had better be important what did you fi…" the general began to speak before being frantically cut of by the captain calling home.

"Wh-whoever it was that attacked send a second attack, a-a l-lone woman!" The captain screamed through the transmission device.

"Get yourself together captain what happened!" The general spoke firmly while his own nerves began to rise.

"S-she killed Captain Mu.. w-with a single strike then all we heard after that was explosions, we witnessed one of this planets moons destroyed and reformed within a few minutes." The captain said through the transmission device.

"Thank you for your report captain song." The general said before giving a glance at Lui Marime the suspicious lone survivor.

"Change of plans, I must take you directly to the family head… I'm afraid he and the ancestor are the only ones that can possibly protect you."