Destroy Her

Hearing this Lui Marime began to protest, "if you will not take me now then I will go by myself."

But her words fell on deaf ears the only one that had heard her was the oversoul who had pulled her into his small pocket dimension.

"I came to warn you… I could explain but it would be better if I show you." The oversoul said before lightly tapping Lui Marime's forehead showing her what he had seen and experienced in his battle.

"Loraine?" Lui Marime said her voice shaky. "Sh-she's…" Lui Marime said as she began to shudder thinking bout her younger sister.

"She's beyond the eternal realm, the general accompanying you is correct only the likes of myself and your clan head and ancestors have a hope of keeping you safe at the very least and sadly I cannot be everywhere at once." The oversoul said his implications clear.

"But if me and Wo Shie are together you can keep both of us safe until I'm strong enough." Lui Marime began to explain.

"Unfortunately I have more duties than to protect. You and Wo Shie… and if you are together right now we stand the chance of losing you both to that organization, besides Wo Shie is in the belly of the beast right next to the death god sect that holds a few covert shinigami who would recognize you without a doubt now that they have realized you reincarnated." The oversoul said causing every light of hope to leave Lui Marime's eyes.

Silent tears began to fall from Lui Marime's eyes, her last life the shinigami council had always tried to keep her busy and seperate her from Wo Shie, and again in this life he had been ripped from her time and time again.

Her tears continued to fall as her sadness slowly boiled into rage at her own powerlessness. 'Why couldn't I just live a normal life I never asked to be a shinigami.'

Thinking this made Lui Marime think back to when she had first been conceived. She was born into the world the first time a fully formed woman.

Ages ago…

"Why do we have to take peoples souls to samsara?" Lui Marime asked the shadowy figure of a woman.

"Vzekche tvsr vtso qedv" the shadowy figures voice came out completely distorted and inaudible.

"So what would happen if we just stopped, and what if someone is too powerful to be taken to samsara?" Lui Marime asked.

"Release the seal!" The shadowy figures voice boomed as the fabric of reality everywhere past, present and future shook violently for a moment.

Present day…

The violent vibration of reality jolted Lui Marime back to her senses as the oversouls face became grave.

Lui Marime's facial expression had become completely fearful, the only person that had ever made her feel that way was her mother and creator.

She could always see through Lui Marime as if she could read her thoughts, she never had to lay a finger on her, her overbearing aura of death was enough that hardly any being in the u inverse could even be in her presence without dying if they hadn't comprehended the laws of death.

Still there was something deeper and even more mysterious and overbearing about her presence. Lui Marime could help but feel a primal fear.

The rage and anger she'd heard in her creators voice telling her to release her felt like an omen of the destruction to come.

"Are you strong enough to defeat my creator?" Lui Marime asked her voice weak and her head down while her body trembled hearing her creators scream over and over in her mind.

"No…" the oversoul said, "as The oversoul I only came into existence when the first mortal souls were created as an overseer of them while they live, there are many oversoul's and we can only be considered as pseudo-primordial." The oversoul spoke.

"Those before us like your creator embody the laws and rules that make reality, they're power is absolute.." the oversoul added.

"Do we have a chance of defeating her at all?" Lui Marime asked as everything continued to seem more and more hopeless with every realization.

"Mortals have the blessings of the worlds, the most talented of you can reach that level by completely embodying the laws and rules of heaven and earth… but no mortal has completely attained that level ever." The oversoul spoke.

Hearing this Lui Marime looked up towards The oversoul, streaks could be seen on her caramel face from her tears. Her eyes were red but there was a determined spark within them.

"I will destroy her… and anyone who gets in my way." Lui Marime said thinking of her creator who had damned her fate.