Get Closer

"Detirmination is good, but you still have a ways to go. All we can do is try to defend for now." The oversoul spoke his serious tone further reinforcing the gravity of the situation.

Planet Cyrus…

"Yes sir I've made my way to the top of the tree… it-it's magnificent." A cloak e man said as he flew over the edge of the trunk and seeing Taijutu's abode coming into view. Greed colored his eyes as he momentarily forgot his task.

"What is it?! Xen! What did you discover need I send a larger envoy?" A voice began to shout though a transmisión device the man called Neb was wearing.

"It's a.. It's a castle, I couldn't tell of these dragons were real for a moment." Xen spoke as he inspected every inch of Taijutu's abode before slowly walking to the door.

"Is it like the one I described to you and the one in our sun clan legends?" The man on the other end of the recieved asked.

"Only more magnificent the black flame that covered the entire tree for a moment was exactly like the black flame described in the legend of the consuming black sun." Xen spoke through the recieved as he made his way closer to the castle while being observant of the other energies he felt around the area.

Before Xen could take another step a small blade landed right in front of his feet before being yanked away by a chain attached to it.

"The Sun clan is pretty far out of their jurisdiction are they not?" The head of the guards spoke.

"To meet the man dubbed the Lone Commander face to face I'm honored but you will not stop me today." Xen spoke as he removed his cloak.

"Oh for the sun clan to send their own general on an espionage mission, it's is truly my honor to be in the presence of the Neutron General." The Lone commander spoke as many ghostly clones of himself began to form an encirclement around Xen.

After saying this the head of the guards made his move first 3 of his clones rushed into close combat each holding different weapons while the other ones began shooting ranged blast towards the Sun clan general.

a loud explosion rang out shaking the massive castle atop the tree causing the trees leaves to shake lightly.

"This tree is more Saturday than many arena's I've seen I suppose I don't have to hold back in that case." Xen's voice came through the spoke of the explosion.

The 3 ghostly clones had be destroyed on impact and the mist that made them up had went into 3 of the other clones that started transforming into giant darkness wolves.

Instead of waiting Xen took the initiative and rushed towards one of the transforming clones destroying in before it could fully transform, he send a beam of a condensed green slime like material that could be seen viably warping space around it.

Just like that in an instant Xen had destroyed 5 of the Lone commanders clones, but again the misty material that bade the clones only traveled to another set of clones that began to make an even more ghastly transformation.

This time Xen had became distracted by the general who had began to emit a large ammount of energy before his body began to change slightly. He became skinnier as if all his muscles were becoming that much more dense.

His arms became slightly longer and his back started to slightly hunch. "Now that you've seen me like this I can't let you leave alive." The head of the guards spoke.

The large spike of energy and explosions couldn't escape someone like Fu Shuo's spirtual sense, even Wo Shie had been roused out of his slumber and began to make his way to one of the windows the let him see outside.

The head of the guards began spinning his chained blade in a cooling pattern to where it resembled a vortex or a spring before he rushed the man known as Neb and hitting him so hard another explosion rang out while Xen's body could be seen flying from the explosion.

Just before Xen's body could balance out in the air the chain could be seen wrapping around his leg and stabbing him before his body was violently thrown back to the ground.

Through the dust green streaks could be seen that looked almost like lightning but noticiable lacked the powerful domineering aura of lightning.

"I assume that you knowing my title means you also know how I recieved it." Xen said as he brushed the dust off his clothes from being slammed into the ground seemingly unharmed.

"You might want to get closer" Xen said as one of the green streaks snake down the chain blade wrapping around the head guards hand.

The chain continued to get tighter around the head guards hand before he forcibly broke the chain effectively destroying his own weapon.

The head guards expression had become grave as he knew he couldn't fail here, he used his energy converging his cloned until there only remained 2 and himself.

Him and his 3 clones rushed towards Xen who had coated himself in the green energy, one of the clones attempted to kick his legs to make him lose his footing but it was like trying to kick a building that had been set in place.

The weight in Xen's energy could be felt, it was as if he had condensed the energy of a small sun into a thin line around him.

"I told you, you will not be stopping here, I'd rather we not fight to the death I'd hate to see political repercussions." Xen spoke.

At the same time Wo Shie had made it to the window and noticed the man's energy and cloak as he froze stiff and began to feel goosebumps.

Wo Shie could feel the rage and utter powerlessness boiling in his stomach and his bones, his emotions and his instincts were at battle. His instincts told him to hide or get help. His emotions told him he needed to kill that man.

His body was trembling with the mix of rage and fear as he didn't move a muscle and his eyes began to bore holes into the image of the man that killed his mother.

In that moment Lola's gentle touch woke him up from his stupor, "I will take care of him and hold him in the dungeon here alive until you are ready." Her gentle voice rang out before she reappeared directly in the middle of the battle field.

Lola held out a hand towards Xen who had been dragged into her grasp by an invisible force at unimaginable speeds.

Xen kicked and thrashed about trying to resist the force but once he had landed in Lola's grasp all of his resistance stopped and he became as docile as a sleeping lamb.

"Wh-who are y…" the head of the guards began to ask before Lola disappeared right before his eyes as well.

"He is in the dungeon whenever you are ready for him." Lola said to Wo Shie who was standing there blood dripping from his clenched fist as he looked at the ground.