Even as an Insect

A few minutes went by with Wo Shie not moving, deep in thought about facing his mothers killer.

Finally after waiting he looked up and locked eyes with Lola, who nodded at him and began heading towards the undercroft but before they got far the entire castle rumbled and the front doors burst open.

The rumbling knocked Wo Shie off his feet onto the ground as Lola became alert because she hadn't felt anyone's energy.

The dust began to settle as the moons light shone through where the front doors had been previously.

Against the moons light a figure could be seen walking into the castle. She was wearing dark robes that made her figure prominent against the moons light and the dark night sky.

Wo Shie coughed examining the figure walking into the castle while Lola jumped between the intruder and Wo Shie.

Right behind the intruder was another curvaceous womanly figure clad in a deep red dress that clung tightly to her figure.

"M-mom… i-is that you?" Wo Shie began to ask.

"Aww my poor little boy has had it so rough these past years." The woman spoke.

"Who are you!" Lola spoke in a firm tone not convinced.

"Silence don't ruin my fun." The woman that resembled Wo Shie's mother spoke while waving her hand sending Lola crashing through the walls of the castle that began repairing themselves after being destroyed.

Seeing this Wo Shie's breath became caught in his throat, he didn't know what to say or think everything had been happening so fast.

"I won't be here long little Wo Shie I just came to get something." Wo Shie's mother spoke.

"I-I thought you were dead…" Wo Shie said in a low voice obviously full of disbelief. As the woman's figure behind his mother came into view it was someone he didn't recognize.

"Why can't i kill the brat again?" The woman asked pointing to Wo Shie.

When he heard this his heart just about sank in his chest as he stumbled back onto the ground falling backwards.

"Aw don't be afraid little Shie remember you have to get big and strong!" His mother spoke with a devious grin etched across her face.

Just at this moment Lola had burst back into the room her clothes dusty from being launched through the castle.

"What an annoying insect, keep her busy I will only be a minute." Wo Shie's mother spoke.

"Aye" the woman said before she disappeared appearing right behind lola, placing a hand on her back and warping them to her own pocket dimension.

"So did you meet him yet?" Wo Shie's mother asked Wo Shie in an excited tone.

"Meet who?" He asked with his own trepidation building.

'Is this really her… Did I even really know her?' He asked himself internally.

"Mmm well he's kind of like your dad but more of a soul father but also kind of you." His mother said with a playful expression.

"Truth?" Wo Shie said obviously confused as to why his mother was asking about this.

"Ding ding ding, I wonder if he still has enough power to maintain the seal on both ends. I've waited so long I can hardly contain my excitement, how about you entertain me a while before I go?" The woman said her ecstasy obviously rising.

"Entertain you? Mom what hap…" Wo Shie began to speak.

"DON'T call me that, I'm not your mother I just couldn't find a body more suitable for my goals than this one so I made it mine, now play or die little rat." The woman said shooting a dark beam from her finger.

As soon as she pointed towards Wo Shie his every instinct began to scream for him to move but his body wouldn't listen.

'So I made it my own' the woman's words continued to ring in his mind before the dark beam pierced cleanly through Wo Shie's shoulder causing him to cry out in pain.

"W-why you were supposed to care about me!?" He said as tears began to stream from his face. It felt like a knife had been thrust into his throat after he spoke he violently began to cough up blood.

"Oh how interesting I knew you could entertain me even as an insect, before I go I want you to know truth is a liar he wasn't the first, we were." The woman said as she strode past Wo Shie's body on the floor.

High within the castle a small marble with the weight of many suns floated exerting an invisible pressure on any who got close to it.

The woman floated up into the air grabbing the marble that contained Wo Shie's foundation, "thank you for being a blind sheep led by a blind Sheppard little Shie, don't forget to grow big and strong for mommy… or the next time you see me you will surely die." The woman said before disappearing.

Wo Shie tried to remain conscious but his vision had begun fading. Before it went completely dark he heard a loud thud and saw Lola's mangled and beat up body land right beside him.

"Lola…" he began before the darkness pulled him completely within.