
"Even though it's a great treasure it's one best saved until your strength had reached a certain point then it will help you peer into the one everything else makes up." Lord Baraak spoke.

"Just like a single country consist of a mass of singular almost infinite people considering the birth and death rates, the universe and all of existence also made up a single body and that is the new way I will teach you to cultivate you will begin the birth of your own universes from your dantains." He continued.

Hearing this Wo Shie's eye brows raised while Lui marine gave him an uncaring glance and Jai Ming nodded in approval with her eyes closed.

"Huh, we're going to what?" Fu Shen asked lost wondering what and how this thing he thought he just heard truly exist.

"Still you all may go in, and relax I will be in the north corridor when you are ready." Lord Baraak spoke before he disappearead leaving the four behind.

Wo Shie and the others left behind exchanged glances before like a ghost Wo Shie dashed towards the lake. Seeing this the others also ran towards the lake as fast as they could they were all wearing Wo Shie's custom designs with many enchantments so they were able to keep their clothes on while in the water.

As they jumped into the water the clothes they wore seemed to shrink until it became skintight. Wo Shie had his hood drawn and was holding his breath as he dived under.

Below the surface of the water it was the same cool blue as above the clearest water you could imagine as though swimming through the blue sky.

Wo Shie dived further and further, as he noticed the water seemed to eminate its own light source, but when he tried to look into the information contained within the water it was as though he had been rejected.

'What is this,' the water was cool on the skin, immediately upon jumping in they all felt the life energy within themselves growing.

Wo Shie could feel his mind clearing from the things that were currently out of his control. As he began to reflect inward, and ask himself.

'If I had been born into this world with my current power I would have been able to stop all of this, if only I had taken the time to learn more of the manual instead of indulging in other people's spectacles and adventures. Maybe I could have…'

Wo Shie thought to himself before he notice jormungander had freely left his mental realm about the size of a water moccasin, he moved a few meters away and coiled up in the divine water.

Wo Shie took note of this before he realized that his sweatsuit had become completely waterproof and perfectly sealed from the moment he hit the water. He could also feel the sensation of spiritual energy emitting from his facemask on his favorite hood, it was emitting air allowing to breathe though he hadn't felt he needed to do so until he had noticed this function of the suit.

'She must be sending me stuff with more upgrades than originally asked for, I'm going to ask her what enchantments she put on this.' He thought to himself before focusing his mind on the manual.

This time as he reread the same first pages he had read the last time it was as though he was watching a movie. He opened the book to first touch a bi-colored bright gold and black page.

As he read through and flipped the page it was as though he was witnessing a misty dream.

He could see wars being fought, peaceful fields, people in slavery some horribly abused while he saw others were pampered and taken care of like kings or queens. Some worked and they all had different flavors of balance in their lives.

Wo Shie immediately noticed that this was the balance of Order and Chaos, just as much pain and horror that is unleashed on the world there can be that much positivity and beauty.

This is why control was extremely important, these energy couldn't be used out of balance causing Wo Shie to suffer recoil in the past.

The further he looked into the vision from the first page he could detect very faintly karmic energies.

'Like a state of being?' Wo Shie asked himself as his feelings began to resonate with whatever he was viewing in an overwhelming way.

He felt like he felt the emotional and physical pain of each situation he'd seen, while also feeling the overwhelming joy from extremely positive ones, he found the most impactful and helpful ones he recieved was from mundane experiences that maintained that balance.

They allowed to reel himself in from extreme experiences and observe his recovery and experienced.

What allowed Wo Shie to understand from the mundane experiences was that in the extreme experiences he can maintain his own internal balance of chaos and order to not be effected by outer world interferences.