What Seperates Gods from the Rest

As Wo Shie went further down this line of thought the karmic energies he could feel became more noticeable.

It was as if the karmic energy was trying to reveal something that he couldn't completly understand. But he could feel them, he could feel the intention within the energy to reveal something to him.

Again the silver glow began to shroud Wo Shie pushing away all the divine water acting as a barrier between himself and the outside world causing him to look like a glowing silver statue.

He could tell it was because of his insights into control, he could feel it was directly linked to karma and karmic energies, still he couldn't completly understand what it meant.

Every moment he spent meditating on the karmic energies the light he was emitting intensified, to the point the light he was emitting below the surface of the divine water began to match that of the artificial star that hung at the peak of the pyramid.

At the waters surface…

Fu Shen, and the others had noticed the energy eminating from Wo Shie, Fu Shen recognized it, it was the energy he had felt emitting from Wo Shie when he had nearly killed him in the forest and he meditated near his body.

This time the energy was more profound, it felt as though they were directly in front of the source of all energy it was so pure and abundant.

Jai Ming began to perceive the smallest flicker of lightning before lord Barak appeared standing on the water. "I was going to wait to teach you the new method of cultivation but with this opportunity it can no longer wait…"

"What sets apart cultivators, mortals and immortals from true Gods is their ability to create and birth their own worlds alongside no longer needing the energy of this world to cultivate or grow in strength…"

"Your first task is to see into the nature of your dantain, meridians, and foundation and transform them into stars or a single star, if you make them one single star your potential will increase based on how well you are able to change the nature of your body…"

"While transforming them into multiple stars will allow you to make this process faster and allow you to cultivate much faster in the future however you will reach your power cieling sooner…"

Normal people would have asked him to repeat himself but they were astute cultivators the moment he had appeared they were locked in.

"While doing this you will need to imbue the laws you have learned into this point into your energy as if to sign it as your own." Lord Barak spoke giving the two a moment to take everything in.

"Aren't those born with omnipotent constitutions able to do this naturally and at birth if their soul and spirit realms are at the same level?" Lui Marime asked as if what she was suggesting was obvious.

"That is correct, but since a lot of the time they can be born in the country and outskirts a lot of them never cultivate this way or learn of it." He responded causing hai Ming to nod.

"Uhh so what energy do we use for this the energy stored in our dantain a or…" Fu Shen began to ask before he was cut off by lord Barak.

"A great question indeed, youths taught this method of cultivation naturally have powerhouses and monsters as parents that are able to share their own source energy with their children helping reveal to them the nature of their own source energy, in your case you may be among the luckiest, you have the chance to use the source energy emoted by young Wo Shie…" lord Barak spoke in a jovial tone with a large smile on his face as if he were in the midst of receiving or seeing a treasure he had desired for ages.

Hearing his tone and seeing his expression the group looked somewhat apprehensively at Lord Barak causing him stop facepalm and explain further.

"The purity of the source energy goes a long way when helping others birth their own inner universes and their own source energy. The more pure the person assisting source energy was the higher level of purity those awakening these new foundation to their cultivation could achieve…"

"And since Wo Shie hasn't comprehended many daos and was practically born with his own source energy already present within his body this is the most pure source energy in all of existence currently." Lord Barack spoke as he looked down into the water in the direction of Wo Shie.

A light smile formed across his face as a single tear managed to streak down his face.

"So do we start now?" Fu Shen asked excitedly ready to become stronger.

"Yes, right" lord Barack spoke as he was pulled out of his stupor. He pointed at Fu Shen then Lui Marime's foreheads and a blue beam of light shot out of his finger into both of their foreheads causing them to enter a deep state of conscious meditation as their bodies laid out on their back floating across the water.

The moment they began peering into the nature of their cultivation a black shadow like glow began to emit from Fu Shen while a purplish glow began to emit from Lui Marime.