Chapter 6

Lia nearly dropped the gun Claude placed in her hand. Being much stronger than her, he effortlessly turned her body around and spread her feet apart into a proper stance.

Street urchins…

Lia could hear the others snickering but couldn't look back in fear her bewildered face would give her away.

At least it's just clay targets and not actual game.

Claude, who was at least two feet taller, stood behind her. He grabbed the gun in her arms and raised it in preparation to shoot.

"So," he whispered in her ear, "what did the snowflakes taste like, Camellius?"

His seemingly joyful tone tickled her ears.

She wanted to shake him off but couldn't dare—he was the son of the Grand Duke.

"Answer me."

Flustered, she squeezed her eyes shut and tried to come up with a reply.


Lia's finger froze on the trigger. She had fired before the signal.

After a moment of deafening silence, Kieran and the other boys stood in shock as panicked servants came rushing toward them.