Chapter 7

Marquis Bale snipped off the end of his cigar and stood by the window.

The snow had stopped for a moment, but it was starting to fall again. After three long hours, Lia came out of hiding from under the angel statue. She covered her head with her hands and scurried toward the house where Betty was waiting with a thick coat.

The marquis watched as Betty led Lia into the house. His gaze then moved to Lady Bale, who was reading by the foot of the bed.

"If you plan to continue raising the child as a son, you must learn to have some respect."

She remained silent at the marquis's words. The rustling of slowly turning pages was the only sound in the room.

The marquis opened the window to let the smoke clear before turning to his wife with a hardened face.

"Anastasia." The marquis called out her name, biting down hard on his cigar.

She finally closed her book and slowly looked up. "Are you saying I punished Lius because I haven't learned respect?"