Chapter 43

Were horses always this well-behaved?

Lia turned back to glance at Ian, who sat behind her holding the reins, with a slight smile. It was evident that he was doing his best to maneuver the steed as gently as possible for her.

"I told you riding the horse wasn't a good idea," she said.

"It's too far to walk."

"The sun's setting soon. The day's gotten long, but I know when it's dinnertime."

"Don't worry, I won't starve you," Ian replied, leading them toward the forest connected to the Academy. The horse trotted on a narrow path through the firs, acacias, and other nameless trees in bloom. Their thick scent enveloped Lia long after they left the woods. Ian guided his steed to the bank of a pond with a huge sycamore tree growing at its edge. A light breeze welcomed them as Lia took in the scenery.

"It looks like Corsor," she murmured.