Chapter 44

Lia felt a trail of cold sweat run down her back even in the frigid water.

Do I make a run for it? Should I swim to the other side?

Yet, she hesitated; she had dodged him too many times in the past.

If I try to escape now, he might be even more suspicious or get angry with me…

But I can't possibly just swim with him either!

Lia locked eyes with Claude, who was looking down at her with his vest open. He dropped it into the basket and began unbuttoning his shirt.

"The water must be cold."

"I'm used to it now, but it might be too chilly for you, Lord Claude." Lia moved backward surreptitiously toward the deep end.

Claude smirked, noticing her inching away. "It's deep over there."

"I can handle it."

"Stop showing off and get back here," he warned, pointing to where she had been standing. "You could be in big trouble if your foot gets stuck in those jagged rocks at the bottom, no matter how skilled you are at swimming."