Chapter 50

Fireworks laced the night sky, and the crowd cheered both inside and outside the palace.

It was a mesmerizing sight, yet Marilyn found herself horribly distracted. Even though he had arrived late, Claude had escorted her with perfect decorum and a certain sweetness she'd never seen from him before. He had looked so happy that she almost forgot the appalling sight she'd witnessed at the library.

However, he was gone. Again.

Marilyn scanned her surroundings, annoyance and stress coiling around her whole body. It was quite unlike the young duke to put her in such distress. He had always kept his manners, and the way he rejected her advances only made him more attractive to her—after all, he was an Ihar. His disposition only seemed to prove that he was worthy to inherit the title of grand duke. But lately she felt he was turning into someone entirely different.

Was I wrong? Was he keeping his distance because he already had someone else in his heart?