Chapter 58

Lia dropped the letter and stumbled backward, but Claude's hand was faster. It latched onto her wrist and dragged her forward, causing her to lose balance and fall into his arms. He embraced her tightly, smelling of disinfectant and blood.

"It doesn't feel like a dream," he murmured.

"Please let go. You're injured! What if it worsens?"

"Judging by your immediate nagging, you do seem like the Camellius I know."

"It is me, Lord Claude, so—"

"Why are you here?" he continued, undeterred. As he lifted her chin, his calloused fingers roamed over her cheeks and ran through her hair. "Camellius," he repeated with a husky laugh, voice now clear as his eyes. His hand moved back down to caress her cheek.

"Yes, it's me. Camellius," she replied as calmly as she could, surreptitiously casting her eyes down to hide the surprise written over them. However, Claude's hand held her chin and lifted her head up, filling her eyes with him.