Chapter 59

"The Neutral Territory is quite remarkable," Ivan said with a smile. "Some areas are covered by ice caps and some are ravaged by sandstorms, but there are places like this as well."

He had led her to a small lake—a large pond, rather—in the woods, flowing with hot water. He hung a lantern on a nearby tree as Lia looked around in awe.

"What do you think?"

"It's truly fascinating. I've only read about hot springs. Is there a volcano around here?"

"I can't say for sure, but you can find springs like this scattered throughout the land. The late duke actually constructed aqueducts so the people of Del Casa can have yearlong access to hot water."

"He was an admirable man."

"Yes. He truly was worthy of the name," Ivan said after a pause. "Please take all the time you need. Do you require towels or extra clothes?"

"No, I plan to wash only my face."

"Then I'll wait outside the forest." Ivan bowed and walked away.