
In the middle of the night, the wall of the White Plain Settlement was standing tall and imposing. As people came back for the wildness, seeing these familiar structures that reflected the moon life, it was natural that most will find a sentiment of safety.

Teitei sighed as he was on his return trip. From time to time, He will meet some people that were also returning from the wildness. Some were alone while others were in the group. Without exception, they looked at Teitei's miserable appearance wondering what he had gone through during the last few hours, but none of them could even come close to the truth...

His young-looking face and his shabby equipment Helped them, as they could deduce in Wich kind of situation The boy was: A newcomer in the ancient world without connexion and skills. They could not be closer to the truth.

As these people were looking at him with these different kinds of gazes, pity, indifferences, and gloating, Teitei remained mostly uncaring. He had met another issue that he needed to deal with.

The name explorer was used to design the name of people that entered the ancient world. The average physical attributes of an explorer were around the value of twelve Wich was more than twofold Superior to that of ordinary human physic. While his earlier experience in the forest had made him reach 14 points in all his attributes, there was another issue.

" It is a little uncomfortable" Teitei mumbled to himself.

He had not only obtained an increase in attributes, but he had also obtained new ancient fighting technics that had modified and strengthened his body. But while these modifications did not make him feel too uncomfortable, the same could not be said about the modifications brought to his body, after he had assimilated the ancient green mamba's Gene.


- Green Mamba snake

Basic poison resistance, Basic smell detection,

After he had assimilated the gene of the snake, he obtained some collected Traits, and a file name 'traits' appeared in the database of the biochip.

Teitei guessed that it was another function of the biochip, assimilating the Beast gene to obtain traits. Just this fact made him excited about an endless amount of possibilities that seemed to open themselves to him.

For a moment He wondered what would have happened if he had assimilated the gene of the green devil mantis and Wich traits he would have awakened.

The way and the condition required to assimilate the DNA remained somewhat of a mystery and it seemed like he will need to wait another 100 days for a chance to try and understand the concept of gene assimilation.

Talking about the Green Mamba snake traits that he had obtained, there were two of them.

Firstly, there was 'Basic poison resistance', from the name, it seemed like he had become more resistant to poison.

" Not like I am in rush to test it," Teitei thought jokingly.

"But the real nuisance is this trait, ' basic smell detection.

It is uncomfortable"

As the name implied, The trait seemed to increase his sense of smell. Teitei initially thought that traits could be turned off like in a video game, but he soon found that he was wrong. At least, it was not the case for these traits.

It was still fine, earlier in the day when his body was full of adrenaline and his perception was somewhat clouded.

But at this moment, things were completely different, thanks to the basic smell detection, his brain was assaulted by many information.

Many different scents, that he could differentiate much more clearly. It did not mean that he could identify all with them.

It was a strange feeling, not just like leaving a dark environment to enter its bright area; it was as if he had been blind for a long time but he could suddenly see against it.

At this moment what he was doing was akin to getting familiar with the differentiation of color.

There were many people around him, and after spending a long time in the wildness, they were not smelling like a rose.

Teitei was still trying to get used to this sensation.


There was a registration office at the entrance of the settlement. Every explorer who went on to trip outside of the settlement needed to sign up after returning.

In this world where ancient beasts will feast on the flesh of the explorers that had fallen without leaving a single bone, it was the main mean used to determine whether a hunter was still alive or not.

If one did not register after a year, the person will generally be considered dead and the belongings will be seized and divided, one part going to the administration of the settlement while the other part will go to their families or acquaintance.

Since electric appliances could not be used in the Ancient World, all the processes could only be done manually, making it cumbersome.

After waiting behind the line, for what seemed like an agonizing process, it was finally Teitei's turn.

Teitei smelled a faint fragrance through his nose and looked in the direction where it was coming from.

Without surprise, it was not coming from one of the explorers but rather from the receptionist. It was a young woman who seemed to be in her late twenties.

" at last, someone who smells good" Teitei sighed internally while taking a deep breath.

He could not identify most of the things that composed that scent but at least he recognized it.

Suddenly, Teitei had a feeling.

It seemed like a certitude that wherever the Owner of this scent went, he could follow her trail.

It could be a great ability in the wildness, he will be able to follow the trail left behind by the ancient beast.

He could follow the weaker ones while avoiding the stronger ones. It will be like obtaining twice the result with half the effort.

At this thought, Teitei grinned, he did not know how strange he looked at this moment with his dirty face.

The Receptionist was even growing. Teitei's thoughts were interrupted when a hand pressed down on his shoulder.

" Be a little faster, don't make me waste my time" The explorer behind him said.

" I am sorry"

After Teitei excused himself, he left with his good mood not diminished in the slightest.