16- Kind receptionist Tanya

The next day Teitei was frowning in his room.

" I need to clean my room or I will be unable to sleep here " Teitei muttered while frowning.

It was still fine before, but now with his highly sensitive nose, his 'living unit' seemed like a hell made of moisture and sweat.

" How, did I manage to live so long in a place like this?" Teitei thought jokingly. He still needed to get used to his Snake's traits and smell detection.

" Until I get used to it, I need to find another solution or I will not be able to sleep anymore"

Even though Teitei felt uncomfortable, he knew that he had to train like every other day. It was, even more, the case since he had to get accustomed to his new level of fitness.

After it Was done, Teitei cleaned up and left his house.

In the center of the white stone area, there was a building that was soon tall and imposing from the height of its seven floors.

The wall seemed to be made of black marble-like materials, and many people could be seen going in and out.

They all seemed to be experienced and from the quality of their equipment, it was evident that they were doing well enough.

On the entrance, a huge H was engraved on the stone wall. This building belonged to one of the existent fears in the world, The Hunter alliance.

Teitei looked at the building in front of him and remembered the information that he had found in the encyclopedia. At this moment he was wearing a face mask after coming to understand that having a highly sensitive nose while useful in the wild was worst than catching the flu in this settlement.

" At least, they could wash up once a week" Teitei sighed while looking at a group of people who were completely unaware of his thoughts.

The smell of their bodies was not completely covered by the deodorant under his 'smell detection. It was not the first group that Teitei had met like that since he left his ' living unit'.

Teitei shook his eyes finally remembering why he was there in the first place.

Teitei passed by the entrance and saw two small lines of people in front of the receptionist hall.

There were two receptionists a man who seemed to be refined and a woman with a charming smile.

The two lines seemed about the same length, and Teitei did not think much before joining the line that faced the charming receptionist.

The two lines advanced at about the same speed and soon it was Teitei turn to be asked what he wanted.

" Hello, welcome to the white stone city's Branch of the Hunter alliance.

My name is Tanya, what can I do for you?" the receptionist named Tanya said passionately.

Teitei quickly pulled his facemask out of the way before voicing his thoughts.

" I want to join the Hunter alliance!"

A hint of doubt appeared in Tanya's eyes. She examined Teitei one more time.

" Have you been in the Ancient world for a year?" Tanya suddenly asked.

" No" Teitei answered truthfully. He could not lie even if he wanted without suffering the consequences.

But Teitei was not foolish enough, to provoke the Hunter alliance after all it was a powerful existence that ruled both the ancient world and the main world along with the Global alliance.

Even the director of the branch of the Hunter alliance in this city could mobilize the mayor and the overseer from the Global alliance.

Teitei did not mind the fact that Tanya was doubting him, she had guessed rightly that he was a newcomer.

One needed to spend at least a year's worth of time in the ancient world to join the Hunter alliance, it was one of their main rules. But there was one exception to that rule and this was if the person's fitness has reached 14. An averagely talented person will only reach that level after spending a year in the ancient world.

Thank the mysterious biochip, Teitei was ahead of other in time, but his progress cost him money. He could grow far faster with money and after consideration, Teitei had concluded that the Hunter alliance was one of the best avenues for him to make money.

At this moment, some people behind Teitei were already looking at him waiting so that he could make fun of himself.

Another day, Teitei would have been flustered but at this moment he maintained his determined expression.

Seeing him like that, Tanya Suddenly guessed something.

" Perhaps, you want to go through the assessment of your physical fitness?" Tanya suddenly asked.

Teitei nodded.

" In this case, you need to pay 200 F for the assessment Fee," Tanya said.

Teitei frowned as he had not read anything about the 200 F participation fee in the book. But looking clearly around him it seemed like no one found it strange.

" If you pass the assessment your 200 F assessment fee will be reimbursed" Tanya continued to explain.

Teitei finally understood, the goal of the 200 F assessment fee was to dissuade people from taking the test if they were not confident in their capacities.

Teitei sighed, he did not have that amount of money. After eating so much during the last few days his pocket had run dry.

' This is the difference between reading a book and experiencing reality.

There were no mentions of these fees in any of the books that I Read ' Teitei realized that most of the things he knew about the ancient world came from the book he read in the past. He could not trust this knowledge blindly. It was just like that time when the ancient mamba appeared in an area where he shouldn't be seen.

" I guess that I will have To come another time," Teitei said.

' wait...'

Teitei was just turning away in other to leave when Tanya stopped him.

Teitei turned to look at her while hoping that she would not make things difficult for him.

" If you are confident in your chance of passing the test, I can lend you 200 F and you will reimburse me after passing the test," Tanya said the same smile still etched on her face.

At this moment, Teitei wondered why she would help him. But it did not mean that he was not happy.

" Is she that confident in me? Is my pretty face finally taking effect?" Teitei thought jokingly before accepting the girl's favor.

He felt that asking her the reason would seem impolite, he just needed to take the hand that was given to him. Either way he was confident, and even though he had not measured his fitness with regular methods, his biochip seemed quite accurate.

Teitei thanked the receptionist and she gave him a form that he needed to complete.

"In around an hour, a test will be held in area B, you just have complete this form bing it there, and perform to your best," Tanya said.

At this moment with His face mask lowered down, Teitei could smell again and he felt that Tanya was looking quite pleasant to the eyes, and so was her scent to his nose.