The caller's identity

Shaira Greene led the way to the deluxe area where VIP guests could only afford. She tried to keep her mouth shut until they brought them inside a solemn and vibrant room.

The interior design was the best thing that captured the guests' attention. It looked like in an ancient setting and the ambiance fitted Mirena and Drake's interest.

There were two circular tables made up of wood. The carvings, the scent, and the design effortlessly shocked Drake Quinn.

It has been a while since the last time he visited a coffee shop for business meetings. He was caught working all day and night and didn't know what rest truly means.

His eyes roamed around as he looked at the old figurines. The design was inspired by the sacred place and is undeniably attractive.

Drake took a deep breath and pulled one of the chairs for Mirena. He was acting perfectly in front of her that would surely catch her heart.

He said, "Take a seat."

Shaira blinked her eyes. She couldn't believe that sixty percent of gentlemen treated her friend like a princess.

If she stayed a little bit longer, Shaira thought that it would make her heartbroken. She then cleared her throat right after Mirena sat down.

"I guess I should go and take your orders first," she murmured and made a funny face. "Damn, I have to check if I'm still wearing my underwear!"

Shaira excused herself. She didn't want to lose her sanity just because of Drake. His charm was enough to drive her crazy.

However, between her heart and mind, Shaira always chose her heart and that was the reason why she called the "easy to get along lover."

Mirena knew about it. She was the one who gave that nickname to her. She then faked a smile and turned her gaze at her. She didn't want to waste any second being with a hunk businessman.

She secretly told Shaira to get out and gave them some peace of time. Drake Quinn became one of the high-profile business partners in her eyes because his father said so.

Since she became the successor of his father's company, Mirena never spent her time learning things about business. It has never been one of her interests and decided to bestow the responsibilities to her assistant.

And now, Mirena was faking everything. She was pretending that she cared about this business because of someone who truly changed the flow of her life.

A sudden silence took the chance for them to know each other. Drake was earning enough strength to start a conversation before Shaira arrived.

He then lifted his head and glanced at her lively eyes. "This is a perfect place!" he stated and showed his perfect, white set of teeth.

His reaction made her laugh and giggle. Mirena got confused if it was his first time in Sunshine or if he was just truly grown-up in an old-fashioned environment.

Drake's actions were new to her as they lived in the modern world where both men and women could do whatever they want to do.

If a man wanted to cheat, a woman could do it too. If a woman dreamed to wear a daring dress, a man has the right to do so.

In the modern world, good men don't exist and Mirena believed in it. She chose to be a playgirl because of a painful experience, but no one knew about it.

But then she shook her head and tried to concentrate. Drake Quinn must have had a hectic schedule but did everything to meet her.

Mirena crossed her legs and leaned back on the chair. "Going back to the business, my father seemed to know you very well. When did you guys meet?"

Drake chuckled that simply fluttered her heart. It always happened every time he uttered a single word or chuckle sexily. She couldn't control her emotions either.

"We met one year ago when I attended an international awarding for best successful businessman since we both won the prestigious award last year."

Despite his sweet revenge, Drake never wasted the opportunities that came his way. He became from a wealthy family but because of his father's gambling addiction, everything vanished.

The only thing that was left was a precious necklace that was given to him by his beloved grandfather before his death. Drake promised that he would work hard until he got back all the money.

He could still vividly remember the day when he sold the necklace and regretted it for the rest of his life.

Drake rubbed his chin and looked intently into her eyes. If he truly wanted to take everything from her in a snap, he could do it. But there would be no fun at all. Now that he slowly started, he won't stop until he succeeded.

At the end of the day, Mirena would suffer from her carelessness.

"Just like that?" Mirena sighed.

"I was new to the business world, and I never expected to be famous at a very young age," Drake replied and turned his gaze when someone knocked on the door.

Both of them remained quiet as Shaira went inside with their orders. Her face was still red which caught Mirena's attention.

She narrowed her eyes as she moved her face closer to Shaira. "What's wrong with your face? Are you blushing?"

"Thank you!" said Drake.

Shaira quickly turned around as soon as she put their orders on top of the table. She couldn't find any strength to utter a single word in front of Drake.

Mirena continued teasing her which forced her poor friend to walk out. Her heart would nearly explode if she would stay longer with him.

She embarrassingly slammed the door stunned Drake.

His eyes widened as he didn't know what just happened.

"What happened to her? Did I say something wrong?"

Drake has no idea that Shaira fell in love with him at first sight. The moment he looked at her and said thank you melted her heart away and Mirena even teased her.

For Shaira, it was the most embarrassing moment of her life. She would never forget the day she met Drake Quinn.

In the middle of their conversation, Mirena's phone suddenly rang. She annoyingly took her phone and tapped the answer button.

She said, "What do you want—"

"Yes, I'm here with someone," Mirena murmured that confused Drake.

"Who's the caller? It seems like they know each other for so long." He thought and wondered about the caller's identity.