Nnumber 3 (2)

Bryen frowned at that: "Why are you so sure? What information do you have?"

As Bryen asked this, she had begun to steel her heart to kill Duraxi, that's right, she wouldn't allow any factor to threaten Hikaru's existence.

Although Duraxi was currently just a useless and weak person, no one knew what would happen in the future. Therefore, Bryen thought that it was good to get rid of the problem before it would become a threat in the future.

However, Selvih had warned her not to harm Duraxi because he was an important piece in the future.

Duraxi said angrily, "There is no information, but my intuition tells me that the Void Lord and Hikaru are the same person."

In fact, when Hikaru appeared, he was wearing the Void Cloak, so no one could see his face clearly, and neither could Duraxi. However, Duraxi had a feeling that the Void Lord and Hikaru were the same person.