Amia thinking

Although Amia was unconscious, she could still feel what was happening around her. However, right now she couldn't move, and she didn't even have the strength to open her eyes.

Suddenly, Amia sensed someone hugging her. Amia was startled because she realized that the person was neither Anno, nor Selvih, but a man.

Amia instinctively wanted to protest but she couldn't, anyway, she didn't have the strength to open her eyes, so how could she have the strength to resist.

Amia felt despair and fear. She didn't understand why she was in this situation. seconds ago, she was enjoying a cake, and a cup of tea in the warm afternoon sun.

But then…

Suddenly, Amia felt warmth. Yes, a warm and safe feeling enveloped Amia that made her feel like she was in a cocoon.

The feeling was so comforting, that even though Amia didn't know who the man was, she volunteered to let the man hold her forever.