This is too bad!

As soon as he saw the bulletin board, Hikaru carefully assessed the girl in front of him.

She was extremely normal, and her beauty score would be about 70 points, her face was a little freckled. Her brown hair was braided in the back, and she wore a jumpsuit that looked completely normal like Shala.

The girl in front of him was completely normal. She was so ordinary that Hikaru could say that the most special thing about this girl was that she was too ordinary.

If he threw her into a crowd of people, he wouldn't be able to find her.

But the strange thing was that the [Taming] effect was activated. Although it was not successful, Hikaru also gained more information.

Firstly, the [Taming] effect only activated when the girl's beauty was scored by the system to be 90 points or more.

That means this girl was not normal. Perhaps she used some kind of skill to hide her appearance.