Core of the World...

Narita just smiled and shook his head, no matter how strong the mixed-bloods were, they couldn't become a regular army.

After all, they were not well educated and illiterate, so they won't be able to carry out complicated tasks.

Most importantly, the potential of mixed-bloods is very low, or it could be said to be nonexistent. Compared to the regular army that was only filled with people with magical abilities, it was a huge difference.

Because of that, Narita wasn't worried he would fail. If the mixed-bloods could easily defeat the regular army, they would not have lived in poverty and scorn until now.

Even if the number of mixed-bloods was great, or even led by some outstanding individual, they would all fail.

Since ancient times until now, mixed-blooded people have never been able to change their fate.

No matter how hard they tried, mixed-blood people were still mixed-blood people, and they continued to live as slaves of this world.