Its... so amazing...

[Of course you don't know because this information is known only to those living and receiving quests from the Quest Hall in the Void Lord's domain.]

[Is the above player telling the truth? Don't lie to us.]

[Haizz, what's the point of lying to you guys. Even if many people come to this place, the Void Lord will not reward me.]

[Oh my God! If that's the case then... even though wild players can't level, they can still increase their stats.]

[That's right. The tasks right now are also relatively simple, like gathering some resources inside the fog, helping the inhabitants of this place to work.]

[No! Don't listen to the player above, he's tricking you.]

[That's right! I'm in the Void Lord's domain, there's no way you'll get attribute points if you complete a quest, everything is a lie.]

[Everyone, don't go to the Void Lord's territory, this place is horrible. Absolutely do not go to this place.]