Chapter 6:- Meeting the Previous Succubus Queen

"Ye....Yes. I slept well. Thank you for asking." William tried to eat calmly. Jessica was eating with one hand and was rubbing his crotch with his other hand. William who just entered Adolescence even the slightest stimulation was making him hard.

"Joseph, I am taking William with me. From today onwards, I will start teaching him. Even if William can copy any skill, it will take some time for him to master the skill. From now on, he will train under me." Everyone nodded their heads. Being trained by the Succubus queen herself would be the best for William.

"Does that mean my baby will start staying at the royal palace?" Olivia, William's mother asked in a distressed tone. She was not ready to party with her son this early.

"William can continue staying here. Every day after having breakfast, you can use the teleportation array to come to the Royal Palace." The teleportation array made it very easier and safe for the royalty to travel from one island to another island.

"Your Majesty, using teleportation array every day will be very expensive. It will only take 2 hours for William to reach the royal palace if he uses a flying dharma treasure." Each time the teleportation array was used, a huge amount of mana was required to activate the teleportation array.

Each time the teleportation array was used, it would cost up to 5,000 gold coins which is a lot. In this world, one silver was about 100 copper coins. 100 Silver coins equaled to 1 gold coin and 100 gold coins equaled 1 royal cold coin. One gold was enough to let a middle-class family live comfortably for an entire month.

Other than the royalty, the teleportation array was closed to the public or nobles from other Kingdoms.

"This is about William's safety. His safety comes first. And as for the teleportation array expenses, the queen shall take care of it, the Portsley household won't have to worry. William is our national asset. I will do anything to protect him." In front of the queen's authoritative voice, no one dared to say anything against her.

The queen who was sitting opposite William suddenly glared at him. William innocently looked at the queen as if asking her what he has done to earn that cold glare. But the queen refused to give any explanation. She just snorted and lowered her head to continue eating.

But Jessica, the 3rd stepmother seems to have understood why the queen glared at William. She licked her lips as her left hand slipped right into William's shorts.


"Ye..yes" William straightened his back when his father called him. He was a little nervous and excited. He wanted his stepmother to stop what she was doing down there.

"Don't cause our Her Majesty any trouble?" Fortunately, after hearing his father's words, Jessica withdrew her hand and continue eating calmly as if she never touched his crotch.

"You can rest assured. I will obey the queen's words." After eating, William changed his clothes and left the Mansion with the queen.

The teleportation array was 2 km away from his Mansion. William's whole Mansion was separated from the outside whole. The Mansion was located at the center of Secret Haven island. The Mansion was located deep in the forest. The public was not allowed to enter the forest. Whoever entered the private area of the Portsley family would be executed.

As William and Laura walked on the empty road, he sensed that Laura looked extra cold. Her eyes seem to be filled with murderous intent. "Aunt, is something wrong with you?"

"Nothing. Let's go." While others might not have noticed it, the queen noticed what Jessica did with William. The whole scene made her very infuriated.

After walking a moment both arrived in front of a huge round stage made up of white marble that had 9 two-meters long pillars surrounding it. There was some kind of strange words drawn on the pillars. Those words were runes that were used to make the teleportation array.

"Your Majesty" The guards bowed seeing the queen.

"Power up the teleportation array. I shall be returning to the royal palace." The guards nodded and started casting a mysterious spell to activate the teleportation array.

Teleportation Array!


The 7 meters big round stage started glowing in bright white color after the guards finished chanting the spell needed to activate the teleportation array.

[Ding! The host has successfully observed and copied a Gold tier skill?]

[Ding! Does the host wishes to learn the Teleportation array activation spell?]

[Yes] [No]

William blinked his eyes in surprise. He just casually observed the guards. 'Do I really need this kind of skill?' After thinking for a moment, William decided to not learn this kind of useless skill.

"Come." The queen called William after seeing him looking spaced out. William walked onto the round stage which was glowing brightly. He stood next to the queen.

"The teleportation will take place in the next 5 seconds. 5, 4, 3, 2,...]

"Tell me, William did you copy the skill that the guards just used?"

"No, I haven't. These types of skills are useless to me."

"Let me tell you something. Every skill has some uses. They are not useless." William felt the space around him twist. When he reopened his eyes he found himself standing in another location.

Instead of being surrounded by forest, William was in a large room that had the teleportation array built in it.

"Come with me." Laura held his right hand and walked out of the room. William looked around the royal palace as they walked through the long corridors.

The whole royal palace seems to shine in gold. After walking for 5 minutes, Laura stopped in front of a bedroom.

Knock! Knock!

"Mom, are you awake?"


"Come in." Laura pushed the doors and walked in with William.

"Hello, William. It's been a while. It looks like you have become more handsome." The person who just spoke was the previous Succubus queen. Laura's mother.

Rosie Freegard, the former queen and ruler of the Sithen Empire. The queen is more than [200+] years old. She ruled the Sithen Empire for more than [160+] years. The reason the former queen had to step down was because of her health.

"Mother, how are you feeling today? Have you taken the pills?" Laura no longer had that cold and authoritative aura around her. In front of her mother, she was like a child who was worried about her mother.

She sat on the edge of the bed and gently stroked her mother's face.

Rosie, the former queen suddenly got sick. At first, everyone thought a curse was affecting the queen's health. But later it was found that the queen had developed some unknown disease that was slowly deteriorating her health.

Laura and the royal family did everything in their power to get their queen recovered but nothing seems to have worked. William still remembers when he was 5 years old, the former queen was able to play with him. But now she can't even walk without someone's help.

With her health deteriorating, the queen now looked like some old woman in her 60s. Her skin was wrinkled. She looked even older than Max's grandfather, Harrison who was more than [400+] years old.

"Laura, how many times do I have to tell you that taking those medical pills won't help?" Rosie ignored her daughter and turned her attention the William.

"William, come here." William sat near the edge of the bed, next to Laura while facing Rosie.

"Can you promise me something?"

"As long as it's not too much and in my powers, I will try my best."

"Can you please look after Laura for me?"


"I am talking, don't disturb me." Rosie glared at her daughter and then looked at William's eyes.

"My end is nearing. I don't have much time. My health has deteriorated to the point where I can't even get up. I can feel it, soon I won't even have the strength to lift my head." Laura's eyes turned red hearing her mother's words.

"In my absence, I want you to take care of her. Laura might be cold on the surface, but inside she has a warm heart that desires to be loved. It's unfortunate that I can't live long enough to hold my grandchild. Please take care of Laura."

"Grandma, you don't have to lower your head. I promise I will stand beside Aunt till death separates us. I will take care of her and protect her with my life. You have my word." Little did William know that Rosie's words had a different meaning which he failed to comprehend.

Laura's face turned red hearing William's words even though she knew that he had misunderstood. She looked away to hide her blushing face from William.

"Hahaha! Cough!

William touched Rosie's right hand to check on her condition. 'Compare to the last time, Grandma now has more wrinkles on her body.'

"What is this?" William noticed the small green light above Rosie's head which had her full name written in green words.

[_Name:- Rosie Freegard

_Race: - Succubus Queen

_Age: - 200+

_Level: - 49/509

_Cursed: - Life Drain Curse

_Class: - Succubus Enchantress

_Racial Skill: - Succubus Charm, Birth control

_Innate Skill: - Wood Manipulation [Epic rank]

_Passive Skill: - Illusion of Heaven (level 10), Molten Whip (level 11), Poison Bomb (level 9), Hypnotize (level 5), Corrupt Mind (level 8), Paralyzing Barrier (level 10), Charm of Meditation (level 11)

_Artifact: - Orb of Destruction (Gold Rank)

_Strength: - 02

_Agility: - 05

_Health: - 20

_Stamina: - 20

_Mana: - 100]

William! William!

"Yes" William looked at Rosie with a complicated look. This entire time Rosie was dying because of a curse.

"What happened?" Laura asked seeing William spacing out again.

Instead of answering, he looked at Rosie. "You're dying because of a curse."

"What?" Laura strongly grabbed William's shoulders while looking into his eyes.

"What are you saying?" Laura was grabbing William's shoulder so strongly that he felt like she was trying to break his bones.

"Boy don't answer." Rosie tried to stop William in panic. She didn't wish for her daughter to know about her curse.

"Grandma has been cursed. The curse is called Life Drain Curse. I believe the curse is slowly taking away grandmother's stats causing her level to drop. Now her current level is 49. Before her level was level 509." Laura's eyes turned red as her hands started trembling.

"Your Majesty, you're hurting me." Realizing that she had forgotten to hold back her strength, Laura quickly let go of William and looked at her mother.

"Mom?" Rosie glared at William. She wanted to take this secret with her to the grave but it seems it was no longer possible.

"I am sorry Laura but I had to lie. I don't want anyone to know about this."


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