Chapter 7:- Life Drain Curse

"Mom, why do you have to hide it from me?" By now both Laura and Rosie seem calmed down. Taking this chance William quietly stood up to leave and give space for the mother and daughter duo to talk in private.

"William, you're a part of the family so you can stay and listen to the whole story." William wanted to ask when he became a part of their family. Not that he was unhappy about it.

"It all started when I was around [169+] years old. This is the first time a Succubus queen had gone unmarried for that long."

'It seems like Daughter, the queen's mother also had issues finding the right partner. Come to think of it, I never heard or even saw the queen's father. It was as if no one seems to be willing to talk about it.'

"The Succubus is a race that is defined by sex. In some places, we're considered Sex demons. However, this is not true. Unlike normal Succubus or Incubus, the royal Succubus and Royal Incubus are perfectly capable of controlling their lust. The same thing happened to me."

"Back then I was the most beautiful and gorgeous woman in the whole Empire. Countless Emperors have tried to marry me but I rejected them. I wanted to find true love so I waited. But who would think that in search of the special one, one and half centuries would pass in the blink of an eye?" Rosie laughed mockingly. But Laura's expression seems very serious. This was the first time her mother was telling her about her past.

"Seeing the queen hasn't given birth to an heir, the Duke and seniors started pressuring me to get married. I was so frustrated that I left the Sithen Kingdom in secret for 1 year. One year later, I returned with Laura in my hands."

'Wait a minute, why she is leaving about the most important part?'

"Mom, who is my father?" Laura was the Succubus queen, meaning that she was pure blood. Her father must have been a royal Incubus.

"You don't have any father."

"What!!!!" William and Laura

"I am sorry but I am not ready to talk about that part. Let's just say I had a fortune counter and I managed to give birth to Laura without actually losing my virginity to anyone."

'What is going on here? The Succubus queen, the person whom I assumed to have slept with hundreds of thousands of men is telling me that she never has slept with any men. This is like buying a condom to fill it with air. Two of the most beautiful woman of their generation did not sleep with anyone and are still virgins. I don't know how the whole world will react hearing this.'

"I really don't have any father." Laura looked the most affected. This was the first time the Incubus King has seen the queen looking so shocked.

"No. When I returned carrying a child in my hand, everyone asked me who the father was, I had to tell them a lie. I told them that your father died while trying to save me and you. Years passed you grew up to become just like me. If I had not been affected by the Life Drain Curse, you and I would have looked the same, almost like twins." Rosie chuckled while saying the last part.

While William imagined what it would feel like to see both mother and daughter stand together wearing the same dress and hairstyle.

"When your age hit 20, the plan of letting you become the next Succubus was already on my mind. I was thinking of letting you enjoy your youth for the next 10 to 20 years and then hand over the responsibility of this Empire. Unfortunately, fate had different plans."

"Succubus is known as sex demons. We're just like fish who couldn't survive without water. I failed to realize that fact. Before you were born, my body was acting abnormally. My lust began going out of control. But I did not wish to lose my virginity to someone whom I never even met, so I kept on forcefully suppressing my lust which ended up backfiring."

"After my age hit [180+], something that I never even dared to think of happened to me. On the day of my birthday, a received the Life Drain Curse. Before I say anything take a look at this." Rosie showed the description of the Life Drain Curse to William and Laura.

[Life Drain Curse]

[Curse type: - Racial Curse]

[Time: - 4 years, 3 days, 9 hours, 7 minutes, and 7 seconds]

[Description]: - A special type of curse that is born when the Succubus queen suppresses her lust for too long.

[Curse 1]: - The curse will slowly start eroding the life force of the Succubus queen. The level of the Succubus queen will start decreasing. If the level of the queen decreases to level 0, the queen will die.

[Curse 2]: - The queen cannot level up due to the influence of the Life Drain Curse.

[Curse 3]: - With the fall of levels, the stats of the queen slowly kept on decreasing.

[Method to break the Curse 1]: - The Life Drain curse is produced as a result of suppressing lust for too long. To break the curse, the queen must have sex with Incubus King. When the curse is broken, the queen will slowly recover her original powers.

[Temporary solution: - As long as the queen drinks the cum of the Incubus King the curse will be temporarily weakened for a duration of 4 years.]

".....Grandma, I remembered something that I have to do. I will return later." Before William can take a single step the queen grabbed his shoulders.

"Where do you think you're going?" William's entire body shivered seeing the cold, frightening sharp eyes of the queen. 'Even if she is the previous Succubus queen, I don't want to do it with her.'

"Hahaha! I can understand William's sentiments." Rosie looked at William with a smile. It was because of him, that she was able to tell her daughter the things that were in her heart. She now felt light as if a weight has been lifted from her heart. "Boy, you have no reason to worry. I have lived [200+] and I am already satisfied with my long life. My regret is that I never get to hold my grandchild."

Laura bit her lips with so much force that blood started coming out. "Mom you....."

"Now, you came here to take William to the secret temple. Then you should hurry up." Reluctantly Laura got up. William also followed Laura. In such a short time so many unexpected things have happened. Laura needs time to clear her mind and think of a way of convincing William.

"By the way, what grade skill did you awaken William?" The queen asked in a hopeful tone. She already considered herself as someone who has passed away. She had long stopped working and had retired, disconnecting herself from everyone except for her daughter who came to see her every single. William was the future of their Empire. So she was worried about his future.

"Do not worry mom, William managed to awaken a Sage tier skill. Alright, I will take William with me." Laura pulled William with her and walked out of the room leaving Rosie who left shocked.

'The heaven is really blessing this Empire. With William and Laura, the Sithen Empire is in safe hands." Rosie laid down and looked at the description of her curse. When Rosie learned that she needed to find an Incubi King to break the curse, she was devasted. But the birth of William, the first Incubus King in [500+] gave her some ray of hope.

Right now Rosie was conflicted. A part of her wanted to live and see the bright future that her daughter had. While a part of her has come to accept the reality and had inner peace. That part of her was ready to end her life.

As William and Laura walked through the long corridor, he found that the queen was lost deep in her thoughts. He did not interrupt her. He continued to walk matching her footsteps. 'Let's give her some time to clear her mind.'

After a long walk, William was standing in front of an underground road built beneath the royal palace. "What is this place?"

"This place was built by the forefather. If in case the enemy had attacked, this road was built to let everyone escape. This whole place was built with a special substance that can block the enemy's detection skill." The underground road was only 1.5 meters wide and dark.

Both of them held hands and continued to walk in the dark for 5 minutes. Laura had a skill that allowed her to see through the darkness. So currently William was entirely reliant on Laura.

"The underground passage should take us to a hidden island."

"Hidden what again?"

"Hidden Island. The island is 10 km big. Without this underground passage, finding the island is impossible. This island is also going to be the place where we're going to train for till you reach the age of 16."

"What? It kinda feels boring to train on an abandoned island for the next 5 or 6 years."

"Haha! Don't worry, we will come here to train for only a few hours every day."

While talking William finally started to see the end of the tunnel. He could see the bright light at the other end of the tunnel. After both of them walked out of the tunnel, Laura lead William into the deeper part of the island.

"So Where is the temple?" He asked as he looked at the small waterfall in front of them.

"Behind that Waterfall, there is a huge cave."


The next moment, William found himself behind the Waterfall. He could loudly hear the gushing sound of water

After another small walk, both of them reached their destination. In front of William, there were 7 statues neatly placed in the big room. In the middle, there was the statue of a woman that looked very similar to Laura.

When William looked right into that female Statue's eyes, he felt as if the statue was alive and looking at him. Even the smallest details were so well made that he felt like all the statues were the real version of Gods and Goddesses.

"This is the hall of Gods and Goddesses. A long time ago, there was a huge war between gods. Unfortunately, the evil Gods somehow managed to secure a victory but they had to pay a huge price for their victory. In order to protect Star-Expanse, the remaining Gods joined hands with the elven Goddess. Thus the world tree was born. It is the world tree that is currently keeping the evil gods from entering the world of Star-Expanse."

"Now the world tree is keeping away all the God whether evil god or not away from the Star-Expanse. The peace that our Sithen Empire has today is mainly due to the 7 Gods and goddesses in this room."

Standing 2 meters away from one of the statues, William carefully examined the statue of the goddess.

"What are you doing?"

"I am just comparing. From the looks of it, the elven goddess has a bigger chest while the Succubus Goddess has a bigger butt."

"You idiot, you shouldn't say stuff like this in front of the Goddesses and Gods. If you anger any of the Gods or Goddesses, then you might get cursed. And trust me getting cursed by a God is the same as inviting death."

"It's not like the Goddesses are listening to our conversation. By the way, I heard the rumor that says the Succubus Goddess was also known as the Goddess of virginity and she was an actual virgin."

"Stop talking nonsense. Now go ahead and put a drop of your blood on that red diamond-shaped object in front of the Succubus Goddess statue. Every future leader of the Empire has to do this ritual."




"Hahaha! This boy is really interesting. My boobs always have been bigger than that bitch." Sitting on top of a tree, the Elven Goddess was listening to William and Laura's conversation with a smile on her face.

"I like this boy. Your name was William right, I will remember your name." The elven goddess snapped her right finger. With the snap of her finger, her entire body started glowing in golden color. After a few seconds, the golden radiation disappeared.

[Ding! You have received the blessing of Elven Goddess.]


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