Chapter 10:- Training [III]

"Then here I come."

Sword Dance!


To normal people's eyes, it would look like William had vanished in thin air but in Laura and Rosie's eyes, William's current speed was slow as a turtle.


Laura easily blocked the first attack with her silver sword. She did not need to use her mana. Her raw strength was more than enough.

Seeing that his first attack was blocked, William leaned his body slightly toward the left before rotating to attack from the left side. Laura was a little surprised seeing William do this. But she easily managed to block the attack with the tip of her silver sword.


"Oh" Rosie slightly raised her right eyebrow. She looked a little surprised.

'Not enough. With pure skills, I cannot win against her. I will need something else. I have to overpower her in agility.' William realized that with Laura's powers suppressed to level 25, her agility was only a few points higher than his.

The Incubus King wasn't discouraged when his attack was blocked. Without wasting even a second, he raised his right leg aiming to kick her stomach.

"That's not going to work." Laura grabbed William's right leg with her right hand.


After Laura let go of his right leg, he jumped back and retreated a few meters back. 'My physical strength is not strong enough to hurt her. Since this is not a real battle, the third blessing of the succubus Goddess won't work either.'

'At this rate, I am going to end up losing his battle.' William secretly gritted his teeth in frustration. 'What should do I? Think William, think. There has to be something that I can do to land the one needed strike on her.'

"If you're not going to attack, I am going to attack." Laura's voice was like the trigger he needed. Suddenly William lowered his sword as a small smile appeared on his face.

"Oh, the look on his face has changed again. He now looks more calm and relaxed than before." Rosie put the tea cup down and curiously observed the battle. Her instinct told her that something interesting and unexpected was going to happen.


William took a step back as he blocked the first strike.

Clang! Clang!

With all the sparing experience and the skill sword dance, William somehow managed to keep on blocking her strikes. She seems to have no mercy at all. Each of her strikes was aimed to take his life or seriously injure him.


Without realizing William was forced to retreat back as Laura became more and more aggressive with her strikes.

'I have to keep defending till I find the opening.' William was looking for an opening to attack her back. After blocking 15 more moves, William's wish came true when Laura raised the sword above her head with the intention of cutting him in half.

'This is my chance.'

Sword Dance!

The mana started condensing on his sword as lightly stepped to his right.

'Trying to dodge my attack by moving to the right. Too bad for you, I already have seen that coming.' At the last second, Laura changed the direction of her attack. She diagonally swung her sword to the right.

'Got you' William smiled as his entire body rotated on his left leg. He swung the sword as he attacked from the left side, just like before.

'A fake call' Laura gritted her teeth seeing the sword which was only 50 centimeters away from her body.


"What?" William's eyes widened as he found Laura blocking his strike using the hilt of the sword.

'This woman.' William knew that time was running out. He wasn't sure when he will get another opening like this one. He quickly covered his entire body with a layer of mana before activating one of the skills that he never used before.

Incubus Charm!


Laura who was looking at William's eyes felt something off. Just when he used one of his racial skills, Laura's eyes contracted. For a second, the surrounding around her changed. She found herself lying on a bed that had countless rose petals scattered on it. Before she could understand what just happened, the surrounding around her changed back to normal.

Right before activating his racial skill, William let go of the sword. The Incubus Charm managed to distract Laura for a second which was enough for him to land the strike.

Laura glanced at the fist that was aimed at her stomach. Given how high her level is, she can easily dodge this attack but she had told William that she was going to suppress her powers to level 25. And a normal level 25 can never dodge this attack, at least not from this close distance.


"I win"

For a moment the entire garden fell into silence. No one said anything. William and Laura just looked at each other before the queen decided to break the ice.

"You cheated. You were not supposed to use any of your racial skills." Laura coldly looked at William. However, William wasn't the least bit afraid.

"Hahaha! Your Majesty, I think you forgot what you said before."

"You never restricted me from using my racial skills. I won this bet. Give me the reward." William found Laura not looking at him after he said those words.

"What? Are you not going to keep your words?"

"I will keep my promise." Saying that Laura coldly stretched out her right hand. Under her control, a white silver color orb of flame appeared on her right palm.

[Ding! The host has successfully observed and copied the legend-tier innate skill]

[Ding! Does the host wish to learn the innate skill White flame?]

[Yes] [No]


[Ding! Congratulations to the host for learning a legend-tier Star-Blaze skill White Flame] With the voice of the system, William felt some information being added to his brain.

"Is it enough?" Laura asked in an irritated tone. She clearly wasn't happy about the way William won the match.

Instead of replying William just snapped his finger as a small whisp of white flame formed before his chest. Rosie who had seen William's ability to copy things for the first time felt like her entire view of the world has been changed.

'When I first heard about William's skill, I assumed the perfect copy only allowed him to copy passive skills. Never did I imagine that our William can copy other people's Star-Blaze skills as well. Maybe he can copy all of my skills.' Rosie felt a little happy knowing that she can at least pass down her skills to the future generation.


"Now that you have mastered controlling your mana, it's time to move to the second phase of the training. In this phase, you will be training with your sword." For some reason, Laura sounded extra colder than usual.

'Of course, she is not happy about the way I defeated her.'


The ground shook slightly as Laura bought out a black color sword and threw it on the ground.

"Don't tell me I will have to train with this sword?" William nervously stared at the black sword in front of him.

"Yes. Now start with 1000 swings."

"Excuse me, can I ask how much this sword weights?"

"Not more than 100 kg."

"100 kg. I don't think my body is simply strong enough to swing a 100 kg sword for thousand times."

"Will, do not worry. We have a special kind of serum. If you continuously take that serum for a few years, you will even be able to lift a 500 kg sword and swing it without much effort." This time it was Rosie who replied in Laura's place.

"Is that serum safe?"

"It is very safe. My father used that serum to become one of the most powerful Incubus of Sithen Kingdom."

"Alright" Reluctantly William picked up the 100 kg black sword. His current body was strong enough to lift the 100 kg sword and maybe swing a few times. But swinging it a thousand times was impossible for him.


Hearing the cracking sound, William almost jumped out in fright. His body turned stiff as he nervous turned to look at Laura only to find her holding her favorite weapon the lightning whip.

"Fufufu!" The old succubus covered her mouth and giggled. Even though she had become very old, she still had the charm of a Succubus queen. "Will, try to survive alright. I don't want to see you dying this early."

"Grandma, please don't go." William felt like crying. If Rosie had stayed here, at least he could have used her to escape from getting punished.

The maid carried Rosie from the garden. She was already tired and now wanted to sleep. Seeing her mother being carried like a princess, Laura bit her lips in sadness. 'I have to do something about my mother.'

And like this 4 years passed in the blink of an eye. William kept on training. After 2 years, besides training the queen also started teaching him about politics and other things that one must know to become a ruler. She even started allowing the Incubus King to join important meetings.

4 year later_____

"Mom, I am going to the royal palace. I won't be back for the next few days." The 5 feet 2 inches tall young man ran out of his house.

"Your Majesty, I am here." Sitting on the throne of the Sithen Empire, wearing the golden throne on her head, the succubus queen looked at William. Unlike normal times, the Succubus queen's eyes seem to have become the eyes of the dead. Those tired and exhausted eyes only had endless coldness in them.

William knew the reason for this change in Laura. He has been avoiding this matter for 4 years now. He can no longer run away from this issue. "Let's go to meet my mother."


The childhood phase is going to be over in the next few chapters!!!

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