Chapter 11:- [Bonus Chapter 1] Former Succubus queen


The maid who was told to take of Rosie took a few steps back and allowed William and Laura to enter.

"Mother, how are you doing today?" Lying on the bed, the old woman looked at her daughter with endless love in her eyes. Rosie had become weak to the point where she cannot even speak in a loud tone. William could barely hear what she was saying.

"My daughter you're here." Rosie smiled a little making even sadder. She cannot bear to see her mother suffer like this.

"I need some alone time with my mother." The maid nodded. After bowing one more time, she excused herself. After the door was shut, Laura turned to William. For some reason, her cold eyes seem to make him feel a little frightened. With the condition of her mother, it was like she had become a different person.

'She only has a few more days to live.'

[Life Drain Curse]

[Curse type: - Racial Curse]

[Time: - 3 days, 21 hours, 49 minutes and 09 seconds]

[Description]: - A special type of curse that is born when the Succubus queen suppresses her lust for too long.

[Curse 1]: - The curse will slowly start eroding the life force of the Succubus queen. The level of the Succubus queen will start decreasing. If the level of the queen decreases to level 0, the queen will die.

[Curse 2]: - The queen cannot level up due to the influence of the Life Drain Curse.

[Curse 3]: - With the fall of levels, the stats of the queen slowly kept on decreasing.

[Method to break the Curse 1]: - The Life Drain curse is produced as a result of suppressing lust for too long. To break the curse, the queen must have sex with Incubus King. When the curse is broken, the queen will slowly recover her original powers.

[Temporary solution: - As long as the queen drinks the sperm of the Incubus King the curse will be temporarily weakened for a duration of 4 years.]

"William do you have it?"

"Yes" William then took out a small transparent bottle of his index finger size. Half of the bottle was filled with white sticky liquid. At this moment William felt really embarrassed.

William was never planning on letting Rosie die. Also in the past 4 years, Laura has requested William uncountable times. She wanted nothing more than to save her mother. In the end, she and William talk about this matter and agreed to wait until William turned 14.

William could have given his sperm to the queen a year or two earlier but she insisted that William should wait until he is 14.

Laura helped her mother get up. William does not know if he should be proud of the fact that only his sperm could save the former Succubus queen's life. 'Then again, to Succubus drinking sperm is the same as Vampires drinking blood. Our nature won't allow us to live without having sex.'

When the bottle was opened, the sweet aroma spread throughout the whole room. William couldn't smell this sweet aroma but Laura and Rosie both the Succubus queen were able to smell this sweet fragrance. Just smelling this fragrance made both of their mouths and some other body parts wet. They felt their body temperature was rapidly rising. It was as if their very nature as the Succubus was being awakened. Both mother and daughter could feel their blood boiling in excitement.

"This is really the sperm of Incubus King." Only the sperm of the Incubus King could feel this good. Rosie had once read that the sperm of the Incubus King was rich in energy. Any Succubus who drinks the sperm of the Incubus King will completely become addicted.

"Is it me or do my sperms seem to have some kind of unique glow in them?" William rubbed his eyes a few times to make sure he wasn't hallucinating. There seems to be some unique shine in his sperm.


Laura gulped the saliva in her mouth. Right now she felt a strong urge to drink this sperm. Just from smelling the sweet aroma, she could tell that this sperm would be the most delicious thing that she has ever eaten.

'No, I can't do that. Mother needs this more than I do. I can just ask William for more later on.' From the corner of her eyes, she glanced at William's crotch without him noticing. At that moment, her eyes shined in lust. Lust seems to have taken over her cold eyes. But a second later she suppressed her lust to not lose her composure in front of William.

While Laura was distracted by her thoughts, her mother, a virgin Succubus queen whose age was [200+] couldn't control herself anymore. At this moment her entire body was itching. She felt her throat had become dry as a desert. She wanted to drink this sperm more than anything.

Just smelling this sweet aroma, her body seems to have regained some of its former strength. She stretched out her right trembling hand. Laura widened her eyes, seeing her mother take the bottle from her hand and pour the white liquid into her mouth.

[Ding! The host has drunk the sperm of the Incubus King.

[Ding! The Life Drain Curse has been weakened by 4 years.]

[Ding! The host life span has been increased by 4 years.]

[Ding! The host has regained a small percentage of her former powers]

[Ding! The host body shall heal now.]

William widened his eyes in shock as he watched the former queen greedily lick the remaining white liquid with her tongue. William could see the excitement in the former queen's eyes. Her entire body trembled slightly in excitement. Without caring about William and Laura, she happily licked the remaining white liquid that was stuck inside the bottle.

The next moment, under William's and Laura's shocked gazes, a white light began shining around Rosie. Her old skin which has been wrinkled was changing.

"Mother is healing"

Laura covered her mouth as tears of joy filled her eyes. At naked speed, both William and Laura could see the former queen recovering. It was as if time was reversing itself. With each passing second, the was queening her lost beauty. The wrinkles on her skin and face began disappearing.

After 5 minutes, the white light started dimming down. Just looking at the beauty in front of him, William felt his heart beat fiercely. Her beauty wasn't anything less than the queen. Her silver-white disheveled hair seems to give her a unique charm.

The former queen looked like a mature version of the Succubus queen. Rosie had that Aura of maturity that Laura lacked when she stood near her mother. Other than that, both former and current queens looked exactly the same. Even their breast size was the same. If Rosie did not have that Aura of a mature person, William wouldn't be able to tell the difference. He wouldn't be able to tell who was the mother and who has the daughter.

William continued to stare at the former queen who now was sitting on the bed with her back straight in a daze. Just like Laura, her eyes seem to be cold as snow.

"Mother you're completely healed." Laura wrapped her arms around her mother's back while burying her face in her mother's breast, she began shedding tears of joy.

While William looked at the queen's status panel.

[_Name:- Rosie Freegard

_Race: - Succubus Queen

_Age: - 200+

_Level: - 49/509 → 50/509

_Cursed: - Life Drain Curse [Temporarily weakened]

_Class: - Succubus Enchantress

_Racial Skill: - Succubus Charm, Birth control

_Innate Skill: - Wood Manipulation [Epic rank]

_Passive Skill: - Illusion of Heaven (level 10), Molten Whip (level 11), Poison Bomb (level 9), Hypnotize (level 5), Corrupt Mind (level 8), Paralyzing Barrier (level 10), Charm of Meditation (level 11)

_Artifact: - Orb of Destruction (Gold Rank)

_Strength: - 02 → 62

_Agility: - 05 → 90

_Health: - 20 → 100

_Stamina: - 20 → 200

_Mana: - 100 → 500]

After 5 minutes Laura finally calmed down. "Mom, can you show me your Life Drain Curse current description? I am sure the description must have changed."

[Life Drain Curse [Temporarily weakened]

[Curse type: - Racial Curse]

[Time: - 4 years ,3 days, 21 hours, 49 minutes, and 09 seconds]

[Description]: - A special type of curse that is born when the Succubus queen suppresses her lust for too long.

[Curse 1]: - The curse will slowly start eroding the life force of the Succubus queen. The level of the Succubus queen will start decreasing. If the level of the queen decreases to level 0, the queen will die.

[Curse 2]: - The queen cannot level up due to the influence of the Life Drain Curse.

[Curse 3]: - With the fall of levels, the stats of the queen slowly kept on decreasing.

[Curse 4]: - While in the weakened state, the [Curse 1] and the [Curse 3] will no longer be effective. For a period of 4 years, the host health won't erode. The host won't also lose her current level or any stats points.

[Permanent Solution]: - The Life Drain curse is produced as a result of suppressing lust for too long. To break the curse, the queen must have sex with Incubus King. When the curse is broken, the queen will slowly recover her original powers.

[Temporary solution: - As long as the queen continues to drink the sperm of the Incubus King the curse will keep on being on the weakened state. However, to regain the host's former level and stats, the host will have to permanently break the curse. ]

After reading the last part Rosie quickly explained herself mainly to William. "That's okay. I don't need my former powers and levels anymore. 10 minutes ago I was about to die. Now look at me, I am healthy. I have regained my former beauty and on top of that, I also have recovered a small percentage of my powers. I am happy with what I have regained. I don't need to permanently break the curse."

Even though she said these words, after drinking the Incubus King's sperm there was no way that she could just forget about this feeling. Her whole body was currently itching. Something that she never experienced in her [200+] years old life. If William and her daughter weren't here, she would have long started masturbating.

Laura also did not insist. She felt it was William's free will. She cannot force William to have sex with her mother. What William has done for her mother was something that she can never repay. Laura wasn't selfish enough to force him to break the whole curse. For now, she was very satisfied and super happy about her mother's condition.

"So do I have to keep doing this job?" Now that Rosie looked so younger and looked the same as Laura, William did not call her grandma anymore.

Before Rosie could reply, Laura answered first. "Yes. But you don't have to do it daily. Maybe twice or thrice a month would be more than enough."

As William grew up, even though he did not show it to others, he had to regularly release some white liquid. He did not mind donating some of his white liquid. "Alright."

"Mother, I apologize but I can't spend much time with you. After 4 years, the Barbarian tribe is making trouble once again. The last time they calmed down after my warning. It seems I have to personally go and teach them a lesson."

"If you're going to leave then who is going to train me."

"Fufufu! William, I can always train you. I have trained Laura to become one of the best swordsmen in our Empire."

"Yes, mother's swordsmanship is even better than mine. Now that mother has recovered her strength, whenever I am busy she can train you in my place instead."

"By the way, I have a request."

"What is it?"

"I want to go out." It has been 14 years since William came to this world and the number of times that he had gone out of his Mansion and the royal palace is less than 5. He wanted to do some exploration. After spending so much time here, he was starting to feel like he was being locked down. He was starting to feel suffocated.

"No" Laura rejected his request without even waiting a second.

"Laura let William go outside. I understand your worries regarding his Safety. But rest assured I will accompany him and look after him." Now that her mother has spoken, Laura couldn't disagree.

"But mother your power..."

"No need to worry so much. William and I will only explore the capital in disguise. You know how good I am at illusion magic."


"Fine. But please be sure to return before dinner." After saying that Laura left the room leaving William and Rosie alone.


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