Chapter 13:- The Diamond Isles Island, [Yadir City] [II]

"Sir, why don't you take a look at these swords?" The young girl with a ponytail took out 11 heavy heavy swords from the storage ring. She had to use the storage ring to carry all these heavy swords as she is not powerful enough to lift even one of these swords.

William glanced at the 11 swords that were lying on the ground. He simply ignored the people who has been staring at him and Rosie.

'None of these swords looks powerful as the black sword that I currently have.' The black sword that Laura gave him was an artifact-type sword. The sword can freely increase its weight from 100 kg to almost 1 ton.

Rosie knew with a single glance that all of these swords are trash. These swords are failed products. The weight of these swords is not evenly distributed. The non of these swords are sharp enough.

William and Rosie both had high standards. While these swords could be considered good swords in others' eyes, to their eyes, these swords are failed products. Both William and Rosie are used to using artifact-type swords.

"I am sorry but non of these swords here suits me."

The young girl did not change her smile hearing William's words. She simply stored all the swords back in the storage ring. "If I can get a clear description of the type of sword Sir is looking for, then maybe I can help you."

After hesitating for a bit, William took out the black sword that he has been using for 4 years. After his sword dance skill upgraded to high levels, William now had the knowledge of using two swords. With all the training he has been doing, he felt he was ready to wield two swords.

"Let me see" The young girl took the 200 kg sword from his hand. William did not stop her.


Just as he and Rosie had expected, the sword fell to the ground. The girl wasn't strong enough to even hold the sword. The weight of the sword caused the floor beneath the sword to crack like a spider web.

"What just happened?" Everyone in the shop turned their attention to William. Seeing his gaze, everyone looked down as well.

"What kind of sword is this? It's too heavy." William smiled and grabbed the sword with his right hand. Seeing this the young girl felt her eyes were going to pop out of their sockets. This young man who does not look older than 15 years old was easily able to pick up the 200 kg sword.

"William, it seems we only wasted our time by coming here. Let's go." Rosie grabbed William's hand with the intention of leaving the weapon shop.

"Wait a damn minute. If you think you can leave after damaging my shop then you're wrong." Hearing the voice, both William and Rosie turned around to find an old dwarf.

"Who are you?"

"What a dumb question. I am the owner of this shop."

"Alright, how much do you want as compensation?" It was not William's fault but he did not wish to ruin his holiday by arguing with some old dwarf.

"Hehe!" The old dwarf noticed that both William and Rosie were wearing some expensive clothes that normally would be worn by rich merchants or nobles. 'This is my chance to earn some extra cash.'

"I want 1000 royal gold coins as compensation."

When the other customers heard this huge amount, some even coughed out blood and fainted directly. "Bulls**t! What I broke was just cheap marble tile. If you're telling me that a simple marble tile costs 1000 royal gold coins, then either you're too stupid or you're assuming that we're stupid."

The old dwarf's face turned ugly hearing his words. He assumed William to be the son of some rich merchant. "In case you didn't know, even a normal Viscount does not earn 1000 royal gold coins in one year. Also, I did not break the tile. It was your assistant you dropped the sword."

"I don't care. Today, if you don't give me the compensation, I am going to report this to the guards and get both of you in jail."

Under everyone's astonished eyes, William stepped forward and grabbed the old man's head.


Rosie widened her eyes seeing what William did.

"Did he just slam the old man's head on the ground?" No one could believe what William just did.

"Do you still need your compensation sh*t?"


You're a disgrace to the whole dwarf race. Dwarves are known for their craftsmanship and here you can't even make a sword properly."

"Let go, Rosie." Under everyone's dumbfounded eyes, William grabbed Rosie's right hand and walked out of the store.

Seeing how dominating William was, Rosie couldn't felt but feel her heart getting warm. After walking out of the weapon shop, William took Rosie in a random direction.

"I have remembered this shop's name. I will ask Laura to get this shop closed and throw that old man in prison."

"If you need a sword you could have just asked me or Laura."

"This is the first time I have been out. I wanted to see what kind of swords they sell here." Rosie then realized that the current William was no different than a baby. He did not know anything about the outside world.

'It seems Laura made a mistake.' Rosie realized that they needed to bring William out occasionally and let him learn more about the outside world.

After exiting the weapon shop, both William and Rosie tried out some street foods which improved William's mood. For the rest of the day, Rosie took the responsibility to show different parts of Yadir city.

"Should we grab some dinner?"

"Then let me take you to a place where I always used to go for dinner."



Scene change_____

"You come with me." After returning to the royal palace, William found Laura waiting for him. Unlike normal times she had a serious expression on her face. She seems to look like she was thinking something.

"Where are you taking William?" William also wanted to know the answer.

"Mom, remember I told you about the oil mine that was discovered on the border of our Empire." Rosie nodded her head. The oil mine was discovered 4 years ago. At that time the Barbarian tribe claimed that the oil mine was theirs and caused some troubles which were later settled down with Laura's threat.

After 4 years, the Barbarian tribe again tried to cause some trouble so Laura personally went to take care of the matter. "Did the barbarian tribe do something? I thought you went out to finish them."

"No, it's not the barbarian tribe. I already have taken care of them." Laura had killed the elders of the barbarian tribe who wanted to protest against the Empire. Not only did she kill the elders, she also left them with one last warning.

If they dared to start another protest or cause trouble the next time their whole tribe would be slaughtered without any mercy. Though the whole warning sounds cruel, to deal with a race that was by nature aggressive and barbaric, Laura needed to use cruelty.

"Recently some miners were going missing. Since I had visited the barbarian tribe, I had personally gone under the sea to investigate the root of this problem. You wouldn't believe what I actually found near the oil mine."

"I found a Labyrinth 5 km away from the oil mine."

"Are you sure it's really a Labyrinth?" As a former adventurer, how can Rosie not know what a Labyrinth was? But she wasn't expecting a Labyrinth to appear near their border and that is under the seawater.

'A Labyrinth, a complicated irregular network of passages or paths, that is home to monsters. Usually, a Labyrinth has multiple floors in them. A Labyrinth can only be closed when all the floors have been conquered. If the highest floor boss monster is left alive, after a specific period of time all the lower floors in the Labyrinth will reset.'

'This is why Labyrinths are considered a treasure house. Each floor of the Labyrinth has unique monsters and unique metals. These unique monster fangs, teeth, skins, bones, and soul cores could be used to make artifacts or powerful grade weapons. As for the unique metals, those metals can be used to make silver rank or even gold rank weapons.'

'In short, the appearance of even a low-rank Labyrinth is a big thing for a Kingdom or an Empire. With the unlimited resources obtained from the Labyrinth, a small Kingdom can grow up to become a top tier powerhouse.'

'This is supposed to have good news for our Empire but why does Laura's face look so serious?' William wondered while observing her face.

"I tried to enter the Labyrinth, but I was pushed out."

"Pushed out?"

"Yes, it seems this Labyrinth is not just some random Labyrinth. The Labyrinth is very unique and is not open to everyone." After a small pause, Laura glanced at William. "Apparently this Labyrinth has two requirements for entering. One the person entering the Labyrinth must have a dark nature affinity and second, the person's level must not be higher than 25."

"Does that mean I am qualified to enter the Labyrinth?" William sounded excited. Getting to explore a Labyrinth sounded very fun and exciting.

"Yes, but I am sure if you can survive inside the Labyrinth." Laura was unsure. She did not wish to lose William because of a careless mistake.

"Laura, I think you're being overprotective of Will." Laura looked at her mother in surprise. Before today her mother never questioned anything regarding William's safety.

"Look, I understand that you're worried about Will but you cannot just keep him caged in the royal palace and in his Mansion all the time. Little Will now has grown up. He is already 14 now. Keeping him caged in one place would do more harm than benefit." After going out today, she realized that Will needed to learn about the outside world. In the outside world, he was totally inexperienced.

"After a few more years, you cannot keep William under your protection. As the next ruler, he has to go out and learn to spread his wings on his own." Laura also realized some of her mistakes but considering his safety, Laura was now feeling a little hesitant.

"When I was William's age, at that age I already have killed thousands of people. I have traveled to many places. At the age of 14, I wasn't strong as William currently is but I had more experience than current William does. But William at the age of 14, other than intense training what other thing he has done?"

"The boy needs to breathe some fresh air, Laura. The more you try to force him to stay near you the more he will try to run away. I think it's about time we let William slowly learn to spread his wings."

['The more you try to force him to stay near you the more he will try to run away] These words seem to have especially hit Laura's weak point. Laura did not want anything like this to happen.

'Mom is right, I shouldn't be this strict with William.' Laura would never admit it, another big reason why she forbade the Incubus King from going out is that she knew as the Incubus King, William's Aura alone would make the Succubus who couldn't suppress their lust go crazy. Who knows if some of those low-ranking Succubus would try to take away William from them?


"William, would you like to enter the Labyrinth?

"Yes." Under the queen's guidance, William has killed some low-level magical beasts before.

"Hmm. At your current strength, I believe you can defeat anyone in level 25." Since the Labyrinth restricted the person entering it shouldn't be above level 25, Laura was assured that the levels of the monsters in the Labyrinth shouldn't exceed level 25.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go now." Laura did not need to give William any armor or a powerful sword. She already had given those items to him a long time ago. Just the black sword that William trained with was a gold rank sword.


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