Chapter 14:- [Bonus Chapter 2] Labyrinth [I]

"William, when you enter the Labyrinth please do not trust any stranger. Some people might disguise themselves as your friends and backstab you. Do not let your guard down even for a second. Stay alert to your surroundings all the time." William helplessly nodded his head. He can understand Rosie's worries but he felt she was overreacting.

"Alright, come with me." William, Rosie, and Laura walked to the garden under the moonlight.

"You can come out" William's eyes fell on the white-bluish crystal looking like deer that casually walked from the sky. Each step the deer took, deer seems to leave behind some sort of white glow.

"What is that?" The deer was 3 meters in size. Even the antlers of the deer looked white-bluish crystal color. William couldn't understand how this deer was able to walk in the air.

"It's an Elf Deer."

"Elf Deer?"

"It's one of the mythical rare magical beasts. Elf Deer are said to have gone extinct. Due to their peaceful nature, they do not attack people. But they are said to be extremely fast and only comes out their night time. This Elf Deer is a level 250 magical beast."

"Yeska, come here." The Elf deer obediently walked up to Laura and allowed her to touch her body.

"Yeska is a female Elf Deer. When I found her, she was badly injured while fighting a group of hunters who wanted to capture her. After saving her, she decided to follow me and became my mount or pet maybe."

"Awesome." William also wanted to pet like this one. This Elf Deer simply looked too beautiful and Majestic.

"Even though Yeska's level is at 250, it can run faster than level 500 beings."

While rubbing the Elf deer's body, Laura looked at her with a nostalgic smile. "Because of her agility, I managed to escape many death a few times. To me, she is more a like partner."

"Alright, enough talking, get on Yeska's back." After Laura sat down, William sat behind her while putting his hands on her slim and soft waist.

"Take care, Will." Yeska then started running after taking a few steps. She jumped and started running in the sky. Rosie smiled looking at the white-bluish deer carrying two people on her back, running in the sky. Under the moonlight, the Elf Deer seems to shine even more brightly.

William looked at the Yadir city which now rapidly becoming smaller in size. A few seconds later, Yeska eventually flew above the clouds.

"Wow" The view above the clouds was beyond beautiful. For a moment he felt like they had entered the world of fairyland. The cold wind gently hit his face, making his white silver hair flutter. William enjoyed this feeling very much.

"By now, many small factions that live near our border also must have sent their people to enter the Labyrinth. So if you met anyone inside the Labyrinth be very cautious of them. Of could even pretend to be injured and try to kill you." William has never killed a human. This worried Laura as she knew that entering the Labyrinth meant he would have to stain his hands with blood. At the last moment, she did not wish William to hesitant and give chance to the enemy.

"Don't worry, I will be careful."

"By the way, before I head inside the Labyrinth, why don't you teach me a few skills?" In these 4 years aside from training his existing skills, William did not gain any other skills. The number of passive skills that he currently had was less than 5.

"That won't be necessary. But I guess you can try learning a few dark nature spells." About a year or so, Laura found that William had an affinity with all primary elements.

In this world, there were 7 primary elements which were lightning, water, earth, fire, wind, dark, and light. Aside from that, there were secondary elements which were a combination of either two or three elements.

'Who would have thought that choosing perfect copy skill would give me an affinity with all elements.' William came to this conclusion after reading the restrictions of his perfect copy skill. His sage tier skill did not forbid him from copying and learning all kinds of elemental spells.

Succubus and Incubus are considered a part of the demon race. Almost every Succubus and Incubus are born with a dark nature affinity. It is possible for a Succubus or Incubus to have multiple nature affinities but that is very rare.

"Will, please remember that the purpose of you entering the Labyrinth is only to collect information. If the monster is too strong, then do not continue fighting."

"I understand."

The journey went on for another 30 minutes. Before the Elf deer, Yeska started going down. As Yeska descended down William was surprised to see this part of the sea glowing in light blue color.

"Why is the sea is glowing?"

"It's because of some rare mutant plants. These mutant plants start radiating light in the dark to attract fish toward them. When the fish come near their bodies, the mutant plants use their tentacles to capture the fishes and eat them."

"So they are the type of plants that lives my eating fish."

"Yes. Fortunately, these mutant plants only grow in this part of the sea. But to people, they are not harmful. These mutant plants can only hunt small fish."

A few kilometers ahead, William found 8 small and big ships waiting. "Who are they?"

"They are the small tribe who lives on the scattered islands on our borders. After learning about the Labyrinth, they also want to try their luck."

'I have heard that whoever gets the first kill of the boss monsters of each floor, gets a special reward.' Those special rewards can be powerful skills or powerful weapons or even artifacts.

Everyone was instantly attracted to the Elf deer that was carrying two people on its back. They recognized this elf deer and move back as they did not wish to offend the Empress. William might not know it but Laura was feared by the other races who lived in the Empire. Her methods were cruel. Whoever has offended the Empress has never managed to live another day.

"It's the Empress."

"Look she is with a young boy."

"He is so handsome. Is he the rumored Incubus King?"

"I think he is the Incubus King. From his white silver hair and Crimson eyes, the description matches his appearance."

The people on the ships were greatly surprised as this was the first time, the Incubus King had made his appearance in the public. When rumor of an Incubus King being born spread throughout the Empire, many wished to see him. But sadly the Incubus King was never bought out in public. This made some think that those rumors were fake and no Incubus King was born.

But now seeing William with their very eyes, this no longer was a rumor. The next Incubus King already had grown so much. He looks so handsome and elegant. The cold soft wind that was making his hair flutter was only enhancing his handsomeness.

Laura like always coldly ignored everyone and stopped in front of the 20 meters big glowing circle. "Do I have to jump now? But I can't hold my breath longer than 20 seconds."

"When you jump in that circle of water, a mysterious force began pulling you down and bringing you right in front of the Labyrinth. Do not worry, I will be coming with you. Yeska, you can wait here." Saying that Laura grabbed William's hand and then jumped.


Everyone was a little dumbfounded. "Let's go as well." Following the Empress, the people from the small tribes also jumped in the circle of water.

After jumping, Laura made an energy orb around them that let William breathe. "How did you do that?"

"You can also do this. But it takes a lot of practice to maintain the mana bubble." Laura cannot lose her focus even for a second. She has to maintain the shape, size, and constant flow of mana to keep the mana bubble from collapsing.

William and Laura began descending down. Something seems to be pulling downwards.

After descending almost 700 meters, both of them reached the bottom of the sea. Laura and Will found themselves standing in front of a giant old Mansion. The Mansion was broken and there were huge cracks in some places. There was a white transparent energy dome that was keeping the water out of the Mansion.

"Since this Labyrinth was found underwater, there is a huge chance that you will have to face aqua monsters. Though the white flame can help you in fighting the aqua monsters, you will need some other moves." Others stood far from the Empress and looked at what the Empress was doing.

"Why should I wait for others? My little brother, I have personally trained you for 7 years. Now go and show them what you're capable of." Everyone except William and Laura turned around to find two young men standing in front of the entrance. The two men looked the same. They were brothers. Both men had a dark 10-centimeter-long horn growing on the left side of their foreheads.

"They are the Majin tribe."

After the Barbarian tribe, the Majin tribe was the second strongest tribe on the Empire's border. Just like the barbarian tribe, the Majins were also a proud tribe.

Majins were also called the demon race. Just like Succubus and Incubus, they were born with the power to go through shadows. This ability made the Majin tribe very dangerous. Even more dangerous than the Barbarian tribe.

"Now, little brother, it's time to show everyone just how strong our tribe really is." In fact, the old Majin was pissed that the Empress did not even bother to glance at them. She treated them as if they didn't even exist.

While William and Laura were busy talking. "I am ashamed to say it but I am not good at Dark Manipulation. My affinity for darkness is only F rank while my affinity for Ice element is S rank." Every person possessed one or two natures in rare cases. Laura is not sure what is the rank of William's dark nature affinity but she was sure that his affinity would be below A rank.

The rank of a certain element determined how talented a person would become while using that element's powers. For example, Laura's dark element is F rank which is the lowest rank. This is why she can barely use any dark element's powers. Other than the basics, she cannot do anything else.

"William my moves carefully" William seriously nodded his head.

Laura stretched out her right hand as a dark orb of energy began condensing on her palm. The dark energy slowly took the take of a spiraling sphere.

"This is one of the basic moves of Dark element. This attack is called Shadow Ball."

[Ding! The host has successfully managed to observe and copy a passive skill]

[Ding! Does the host wishes to learn the passive skill Shadow Ball]

[Yes] [No]

William's eyes shined in excitement. This is what he was waiting for.

[Yes] After choosing yes, all the information on how he can make the shadow ball came to his mind.

Seeing how excited William looked, Laura helplessly smiled and said. "There are more."


Bonus Chapter!!! Keep supporting this novel with power stones!! I need every power stone you have!!!