Your Path

At the conference room. The chief and a few people are looking at the maps and talking about strategies. The commander and Yakura came to the conference room.

Chief: Welcome. Were are just started.

Yakura: Good. Now before everthing, do you guys have a genereal plan? It would be better to decide on that first. Than we can discuss the small details.

Commander: Our main focus is that you will be dealing with the Absolutes and we are dealing with their armies. This way, they won't be bothering you and we will be able to weaken them and protect other people. But there is ofcourse a problem: How exactly can we make it efficent. We can't come with you, cause if we join a battle which has the Absolutes in it, we will be open targets. Even if you try to protect us, they will manage to defeat us and then focus you. We can't just spread around and fight their armies too. Going just random places won't do any good. It will be just against some small groups. The real ones will still be remaining near them. That's why we gathered as many maps as we could. We all know some of thier hideouts. With you knowing the Absolutes' places, we can make a route that passes through those hideouts to their places. But the thing is, we will not be aiming to go there. We will go and defeat their armies. One by one. That will make them think that we will be coming to them. When the Absolutes send thier armies, you will attack them. That's the most efficient one we can think of.

Yakura: Not bad. However, there are a few things we should think of. First: It's no guarantee that the Absolutes are gonna send thier armies and not come by themselves. Second Among all of them, I think this plan would work against two of them at best. Riigoo and Ikari don't have mental powers. Mahoo is a lot more tricky. Misaoshii's connection with his undead is not something we can get through. And Shimana... You can never trick her like that. And once we sucseed, we can't be able to do the same trick again. It's kinda why, I am searching for allies... Or atleast why Kowata is forcing me to find.

Headarcher: Then, I think we should make a choice: Which one we will be taking out?

Yakura: I suppose Ikari would be our best chance now. Riigoo doesn't have many armies, but they are really tough. It wouldn't be a good idea to start with the strongest. And the other three... we should think of something else for them.

Headsoldier: Why aren't we starting with Riigoo? They all are probably alone. If we strike him while the others are not with him, we can win.

Yakura: This plan works against Riigoo theoretically. He doesn't have many armies, but you don't really wanna face them.

Commander: Okay, anyone who agrees on this plan, raise their hand.

Everyone in the room raised their hands.

Commander: Good. Now let's start with pinning the locations on the maps.

They started with Ikari's place. Yakura looked to the maps and found one that has his location. After that, they commander started marking the locations everyone tell. After all the places has been marked, they decided on possible roads. They didn't decided on a certain route, cause they still don't know how many poeple will come and what they are capable of.

When the time came, they set off to the decided location. Around 100 soldiers, which is a little more than half of the villages all army, agreed to go with Yakura. They didn't had many weapons and only a few of them had powers. And yet, they were willing to fight, even if it risks their lives.

On their way, Yakura contacted Kowata. He also gathered a lot of people. The others found some people as well. People around Yakura was excited, afraid, worried. But Yakura was calm as always. They know his capabilities, but even so, they were still curious about how he remains this calm. The commander decided to ask him that.

Commander: How is it going, Yakura?

Yakura: As usual; travelling around, prepairing for a big fight and more.

Commander: Even though you are there is a big fight, you seem pretty calm about it.

Yakura: I have seen so many battles, you get used to it.

Commander: That can't be the only reason for your stillness.

Yakura: I have been trained for that. Keeping my cool. I don't really like to talk about it, but the Absolutes were good about their training tactics. Keeping your emotions out of your decisions, actions. That way you can avoid mistakes, failures. That is so to say, but... I can't always keep my cool though. A lot of times I let my rage control me, which caused me to fail a lot of times. Ikari says that rage is great, but I don't really like to think that he is true.

Commander: If I survive this battle, will you teach me how to keep my cool?

Yakura: I rather not to.

Commander: Why not?

Yakura: Emotions brings wrong decisions? Most of the times yes. But... to be able to feel these things. The chance to make mistakes, is... a good thing. After all those years, I sometimes question why I continue. The only reason I can find is... Reasons. To stop them, to protect people. But I can never say "Cause I want to" to that question. Sometimes I am like a corpse, pulled by a mind.

Commander: I didn't know you were in such pain. I'm sorry bring those up, didn't wanted to remind you your pain.

Yakura: I need to forget, in order to remember my pain. You didn't do anything wrong.

Commander: But perhaps, why you are keep doing this is because you want to find a way out of your pain. Maybe this path you are on will help you reach that.

Yakura: It's not grudge that causes this pain. There are many things. Losing, guilt, loneliness... I don't I am I have the luck to be free from my pain.

Commander: I am not as wise as you, so I can't say something to make you feel better. But I just hope... You will be happy someday.

Yakura: I used to hope a lot of things before. But it never ended well. Don't rely on hope too much. It might give you something to live for, but when you face the crual reality, it will be the poison that kills you from within.

Commander: I can't agreee on that. Reality isn't always crual. Hope keeps you stand still when you lose your way.

Yakura: You might be right, but I fell down a lot of times. So I can't afford to trust someething like that.

Commander: Nevertheless don't give up on hope. You are on a really hard path. You will need it.

Yakura: I'll keep that in mind.

Many hours have passed on the way, but they finally reached the meeting place. Kowata and Shion were there, with many people. The people that came with Yakura had acquaintances from other villages. Some started shouting their names, some speed up their steps. Meanwhile, Yakura was meditating. He didn't noticed anybody there yet. The commander decided to tell him that they have arrived.

Commander: Yakura, we have arrived.

Yakura opened his eyes.

Yakura: Oh, finally. What the f**k.

Commander: Quite the people we got here, eh? You must be really happy right now.

Yakura: Too many people, too much noise, missed the days I was alone.

Commander: HAHAHA! I guess you still don't get used to crowds. Don't worry, you will someday.

Yakura: I rather not.

Commander: So where is this Kowata you have told us.

Yakura: That one over there. The one with smoke like hair and wearing a blanket or something.

Commander: Then let us go to them. We have so much to talk.

Kowata: My, my. It appears that our Yakura has found hims-

Yakura: Please. Just... Stop.

Kowata: Very well. I will leave this oppurtunity to another time. Ah, forgive my rudeness. I am Kowata. A friend of Yakura. And this lady is Shion. She is also a friend of Yakura. He is kinda popular nowadays.

Yakura: ...

Commander: Haha. I can see that. I am Rio. Commander of Leaf Village.

Kowata: A pleasure to meet you. Now we must wait for Shoo and Akira to arrive here.

Yakura: I can see things went well for both of you. What about them?

Kowata: Well... The result is how we wanted it to be.

Yakura: What did Akira do?

Shion: You don't wanna know.

Yakura: Oh brother.

Kowata: They will be here within seven hours and it is getting late. We should tell everybody to rest, while they can.

Yakura: Sure. If you look for me, I'll be meditating.

Rio: He sure loves to meditate.

Kowata: It is a good way to relax. Also he is always carefull to maintain his energy.

Rio: I guess we should do the same... I mean maintaining energy, not the meditating.

Kowata: Ofcourse. I'll tell everyone.

Kowata told everyone to rest, while the others are coming. They eat, drink and talked together. Kowata joined them for a short time and he also went to meditate. A few hours later almost everbody was asleep. Only Shion and a few others were awake. Shion was sitting beside the fire and thinking. After completing his meditation, Yakura noticed her and sat near her.

Yakura: You know, even I need sleep. So you should get a good sleep.

Shion: I just woke. Tried to sleep again, but couldn't.

Yakura: I guess something is bothering you.

Shion: How it can't. We helped you before, but now... We will be battling so close to one of the Absolutes. Everything that is going on right now. How can I possibly sleep?

Yakura: I can put you sleep if you want.

Shion: How can you be so calm about it?

Yakura: I mean, it's not such a big deal. With a simple mind trick...

Shion: I'm not talking about that.

Yakura: Then what?

Shion: About everthing. You are always so calm. There will be a huge battle tomorrow and it's like a simple Tuesday to you.

Yakura: Because it kinda is.

Shion: What?

Yakura: I have seen way more battles than you can imagine. I have seen so many things, I have suffered a lot, I lost everything I had. All the years I have been through a lot. When there is no solution to what you are struggling, you either get used to it or give up.

Shion: But I am not like you, I am really close to giving up.

Yakura: What makes you think I didn't give up?

Shion: I mean... you are here. Isn't this a proof to that.

Yakura: Not really. Shortly after escaping their prison, everything was... Different. Even though I lost my family and friends before I was prisoned. It felt so alone after escaping. Not knowing anything, anyone or any place. I went to some places, but I had no idea what I was doing. One day, I took my sword and stabbed myself in the heart and waited. Nothing changed. I waited more, no difference. I waited more and still, no difference. Then I jumped from a cliff, tried to crush my self with boulders, tried to drown. Cut off my own head. But none of them worked. Then I thought, if I lose all my energy, I might die. After all, I am not immortal. I just waited, didn't even do anything. Just waiting for my body to ran out of energy and die. But then I thought, why was I who has to suffer. Why was I doing this to myself. I wasn't innocent, but I wan't the only one either. So I said to myself: I will get rid of the Absolute's, no matter what. I was lost at those times, but that thought gave me a reason. Everthing I have been through has made me like this. I have a reason, yes. But I am no different than a corpse right now. That's why I can keep calm. I mean it is usefull, but sometimes I just want to feel something. Other than rage and pain. I gave up at those times, but figured it didn't suit me. It's okay to feel afraid or give up. You gotta hit your head to the ground to focus what's front, right?

Shion: Wow! Thanks.

Yakura: Any time.

Shion: You know? I would have been attracted to you, if you weren't a psychopath.

Yakura: What makes you think that I am a psychopath?

Shion: Well, considering haw many people you have killed. I mean, I also killed a lot but, it is in self defence and they were mostly monsters. Also when you got angry, you really lose control. Not to mention how you threaten the villagers.

Yakura: I'm not really serious about my threats to those villagers, you know? About the angry part you might be right, I admit. But I don't kill any creature for fun. I kill them cause they got in my way.

Shion: Well, your "path" seems a bit wrong, don't you think? And what about before. Not all the people you have killed got in your way right?

Yakura: I told you before, I thought it was right thing to do. Those murders don't make me a psychopath. They make me an idiot. Also, I haven't heard any other way from you. What do you think I should do with my enemies? Put them in cages? Please!

Shion: It still doesn't seem right to kill all of those people in my opinion. The only reason I don't stop or stop any of you is I can't really do much about it.

Yakura: Don't be harsh on yourself for this. It might not be okay to kill them, but they have to know the consequences.

Shion: What if they are like you? They think they are doing the right think, but in reality they are not?

Yakura: Only Hibake is like that. The others are... empty. They don't care about others, only themselves.

Shion: Not trying to trigger you, but maybe we should prison them like you have been.

Yakura: What?

Shion: You know. Frozen. Maybe being frozen for a years will change their minds.

Yakura: ...

Shion: You... are not... angry, right?

Yakura: That sounds... good. I might consider it.

Shion: Hahahaha.

Yakura: Why are you laughing?

Shion: Sorry. I'm just... not used to people listening to me. They are not serial killers like you, no offence, but they kinda have the same mind. You are different from them.

Yakura: See? I am not a psychopath after all.

Shion: Maybe.

Yakura: ...Okay enough chit-chatting. I get some sleep. You don't want to see this "psychopath" when he doesn't get enough sleep.

Shion: Hehe.

Yakura stands up and starts walking.

Shion: Oh, Yakura.

Yakura: Yes?

Shion: Thank you!

Yakura: Any time.

Yakura found himself a quiet place and started sleeping. Shion kept watching the fire and thought about her talk with Yakura. He was really different. She didn't really had people who'd listen to her. But some time ago, the man who she thought was a monster, was the person that cared for her ideas.

A few hours later. Yakura woke up and saw people coming. Around 150 people were coming and in front of them, there were Akira and Shoo. They seemed like they were arguing about something.

Yakura: I hope it is not as bad as I think.