Ch. 122 Quinn's Threat

A few moments ago, right before they arrived at Quinn's hiding place, Richard had asked Anxia something unusual.

"Xia Xia, teach me the secret codes that Lori learned."

"Which code?"

"I wanted to tell her not to give the impression that I am her dad and that she will not call you mom while we are at my cousin's house."

Anxia was astonished by her husband's request, but she did as he asked. Anxia taught her husband hand movements that Lori understood so that later when they met, Lori would not show Quinn that Richard and Anxia were her parents.

No wonder Anxia didn't mind being looked down on as long as her daughter was safe. That was all that mattered to her right now.

After waiting a few minutes, Richard appeared with Lori in his arms.

Like any good child, Lori wrapped her arms around Richard's neck and pressed her cheek against Richard's.

"Lori, let's see who's here?" Quinn deliberately asked little Lori while aiming at Anxia.