Ch. 123 How To Get The Antidote?

On the way back to Richard's private house in Rotterdam, Richard didn't talk to Anxia or Lori but was busy trying to reach someone.

Anxia realized she almost lost control and wanted to torture Quinn to force her to give the antidote. Her anger toward Richard was no less than she was toward Quinn. She still couldn't understand why her husband doubted giving what Quinn wanted.

Anxia knew the argument wouldn't resolve their problem now, which was the only reason she sealed her mouth and embraced her daughter tightly to calm her emotions.

"Sheylie's speaking. Can I help you?" Finally, a voice came from the other side after Richard tried to reach someone repeatedly.

"Sheylie, it's me."

"Richard? What is it?"

"If my memory serves me right, you are with Moni in Paris, aren't you?"