Ch. 151 The Calvins' Visit (part 2)

Richard glanced at his wife frequently, trying to find the right words to tell her without shocking her in vain. He could only curse himself for being so stupid as not to tell his wife two days ago.

At that time, he deliberately announced Harmonie's arrival so his wife wouldn't be too surprised. Then he broke the news of his parents' arrival, and as he expected, his wife was not too happy about it.

Luckily everything went smoothly when both of them realized that there was a misunderstanding between Anxia and Stanley. He believed that after this, his family relationship would be better.


The most important news that he forgot made Richard want to cry inside. He was too busy and excited to see the better family bond between his father and Anxia. After that, he was busy discussing possibilities with Raymond to comfort and entertain their brokenhearted sister to the point he didn't remember telling Anxia about Raymond's visit to their house.