Ch. 221 The Mysterious Girl Again

Satisfied with holding Richard's hand, Yang Guang let go of the man's hand and ran when he saw someone walking towards him. "Nanny!"

"Xiao Guang, how many times have I told you not to leave the house without an adult? What if you get lost?"

"I'm sorry." Yang Guang lowered his head like a child who regretted what he had done was bad.

"Hello," Anxia greeted the young woman in her mother tongue while holding Lori and Louis by the hand so they wouldn't run around. "Please, don't be mad. He was a sweet child."

"Are you the one accompanying him?" the woman asked while stroking the top of Yang Guang's head.

"Yes. My daughter likes to be friends with him."

The nanny looked at Lori with a complicated look before finally deciding to say goodbye and take Elliot home. "Thank you for the hospitality, but we have to go now."

Yang Guang waved his hand at Anxia and Richard; for some reason, the boy's eyes looked unwilling to part with them.