Neo is a 21 year old student. He has an average face that has its one charms if you would look closely. He has short black hair and black eyes and is around 182 cm (6 feet) tall and is rather well build. Currently, he is in an alien apartment.
He is not aware of how much time has past since he was abandoned to die. He has two wounds on his body and overall his situation doesn't look very optimistic.
He has a knife wound on his back from which blood continuously flouts out and a bite wound one his neck. He knows there is no chance of living anymore, he will die alone and with regrets. However he still can't believe what incredible things had happened in the past couple of days which turned his entire wold upside down.
On May 23, 2952 of the interstellar calendar earth faced a apocalyptic event, what countless religions, prophecies and sects predicted on earth in the past and even nowadays came finally true. A couple of days ago the news spoke for the first time about this event.
Apparently their were some unforeseen asteroids heading towards earth. The news attempted to calm down the mass by reporting that there was no need to worry, they would only graze earth and pose no further threat and even if they would, the mighty *Earth Defense Force* , the military power of earth which consists of different gigantic battleships and ground troops, could defend against it.
Even though the news attempted to calm down the situation, it caused the exact opposite. A minority of people, mostly wealthy and influential people, who were panicked and feared total annihilation, started to leave earth and emigrate to other major worlds which humanity has build colonies upon in the past, some of them even with higher population and better living standards. Humanity has conquered the vastness of their galaxy and plans to expand even on that so of course people with enough money can live life were they want.
However not all Citizens of earth which population accumulate over 40 billion nowadays, had the money to flee. Therefore, the majority of the population panicked and sentence like "The end is near, let sinners beg for forgiveness and let the saints say goodbye to their loved ones." where everywhere to hear and see.
However, the majority of people while panicked still trusted in the *Earth Defense Force* with the technology that has advanced over the years which enabled humanity to built colonies all over the galaxy, vaporizing a few rocks in space should no longer be a problem. Even if there were some worlds that where destroyed by asteroids in the past. Nowadays, numerous of such events could be prevented easily, although earth's technology is still regressiv compared to the rest of the galaxy.
They should still be able to prevent such an catastrophic event and maybe could even profite from the resources of the asteroids, which eath would really need as resources are very scarce on earth and the entire solar systeme.
Although the Earth Defense Force may not have the strongest and newest generation of battleships they still are non the less a force that needs to be reckon with.
The asteroids changed there course over the couple of days and the Earth Defense Force categorized it as a threat to earth and decided to intervene.
However as the battleships over earth made themselves ready to fire their laser weapons upon the asteroids something strange happened.
Suddenly, all their major laser weapons which need time to accumulate Energy, cooled down and the energies inside of the lasers dispersed.
They didn't know what happened and despair as it was to late to call for reinforcement. In panic they shoot with every other weapon they had and destroyed a few asteroids.
However the majority still flew towards earth and before they could load the laser weapons again the asteroids entered earths orbit.
It was too late, earth will be destroyed the major generals thought.
However it came differently and soon they got reports saying that only the impact killed a lot of people and some lesser earthquakes and tsunamis are happening.
They were overjoyed and couldn't believe the reports.
Of course some million dead people are bad, however with 40 billion people, what are a couple of 10 or so million dead?
However soon the happy mood turned extremely sourer as further reports about a certain event came in. The people that died because of the asteroids started to rise again and began to bite and attack other humans...
***View on earth
It all started with a very loud noise...
... this sound would mean the arrival of a new world of survival for earth.
In the past there has never been any event like this, all living beings on earth, as if they could predict what the future holds for them, succumbed to panic and hysteria. Animals started to leave their territories desperately. Former hunter and prey were now running all together in unity.
On the other hand, humans who had the influence or money and could afford private spaceships were the first who fled. Politicians, high military personnel and the wealthy, all fled first. The poor and middle class were left behind to survive the disaster on their own.
Airports and spaceports were stormed by panicked people and that's where the first casualties all over the world happened. Thousands of people died by getting trampled to death, before the asteroids even made contact with Earth. And when the first asteroids collapsed with earth, what was to be expected happened.
The unfortunate ones who were within a closer radius of the impact site were killed instantly or slowly died from the debris and earthquakes that followed. The lucky ones who survived the first impact found themselves in their cities completely destroyed, desperately searching for help.
Everywhere death, suffering and misery. It is hard to imagine where children were playing a few hours ago now are the remains of houses. Where families used to have their homes, are now destroyed buildings burning without mercy.
Although it is unclear how many survived on Earth, there was still hope, not all people fled, most soldiers, police officers, security forces and aid workers were able to move out and help the injured. The Government could still operate and they reacted quickly trying to send help in all impact areas. Furthermore, mankind is not dependent on earth only.
So what if earth becomes uninhabitable? Mankind conquered space and built countless new homes on every kind of world. In our solar system *Sol*, larger colonies were build on Moon and Mars, moreover their exists a space station of gigantic measures that holds around 100 million people near Uranus. The people still have hope of surviving the catastrophe and getting help from the military gave people the courage to help and will to go on living.
However, things turned out differently than most expected again. Because with the asteroids something else came into the world.
An unknown virus that will bring unprecedented consequences to Earth and the galaxy. This virus infected the dead who were killed in the first impact. As the first humans on earth saw that the dead started to rise again and make unrecognizable noises, they couldn't believe their eyes.
Although humanity had reached unbelievable heights in technology advancements, they never have been able to revive the dead.
Many believers in the ancient religions of mankind proclaimed that reviving the dead was a work of God. They declared it a miracle and decided to see it as a sign from their Creator to guide people to the right path
The helpers and police officers, altough critical started to slowly believe that a miracle was happening in front of them.
The dead were returning to them. Who wouldn't see it as a miracle?
However, things turned out differently again. When helpers reached the infected, they got attacked in return by them.
Others who could not help but put their loved ones in their arms as they were reunited, were the first ones who got bitten and attacked. People that saw these happenings attempted to stop this infected from attacking, only to be scratched and bitten by them in return.
After a couple of minutes these bitten an scratched people started to die, just like that. But death was not the end for them as they also started to rise again.
And if the infected got not separated from who they have attacked, they started to kill and... eat them.
All the people on site got into an unbelievable panic and started to ran in different directions. Those who landed on the ground were either trampled to death by those running hysterically, or were bitten and eaten by the infected only to get infected themselves.
There were little the soldiers and police could do either, there were simply too few of them and there were too many civilians all in a panic, they didn't want to shoot innocent people. But the high command reacted quickly and gave the order to shoot anyone who stood in the way, the infected are to be shot on side, one cannot afford such a virus and its outbreak.
After some hesitation, most soldiers gave up after some of them were attacked by the infected themselves.
They shot anyone who even looked infected since there was no way of knowing if they were infected. These shots only killed more people, while those who were infected only fell down, to get up again after some seconds and continue their pursued and rampage.
The first Defense fell pretty quickly and the number of infected only increased over time. The population of major cities started to reduce and the government lost control over the situation.
Suddenly the infected were everywhere, on the streets, in hospitals, at gas stations, in stores... basically everywhere where there were a lot of people and a lot of meat.
It took a whole day for the news to spread that the infected only really die by destroying their brains.
At the time the death toll was estimated at around 11 billion and only time can tell how it will look in the future. Most of those who survived equipped themselves with melee weapons and scavenged as many supplies as possible. In small groups of mostly strangers, they tried to survive this hell on earth.
And so, this day will become the day of the bloody awakening. On this day it rained blood from the sky.
And with that a new era was dawned
... that of madness.