I love him so much but its just so hard to maintance everything, when yourself already know what is going on behind your back but sadly you cant say anything about it because if you say something he just going to storm out on you and ambused you make it looks like its your fault, but which its all his fault but he just try to hide everything, because he doesnt want to admit his damn mistake, and he cant bared that he do some mistake that he knows at the beginning it will hurt you a lot.

But he will just keep avoiding it and wouldnt tell you the truth ever. because again he was to afraid to tell you the truth or maybe he just like being selfish. and he was think that is alright to do that things and if he was think i like that. it means he doesnt care about you at all. he just cared about his own desired and affection and also his private urges only.

If you meet this kind of guy its straight away means you only had two option that option one he will be keep doing that all over again if you keep silent and it will hurt you the most, or option two that you stop talk to him and you leave him which means you will break up with him it will ending up also going hurt you the most and badly. so no matter what happens or no matter which option that you choose.

It will ending up hurting you so no other way and if you really loves him you will choose to stay and feeling the hurt all over again or you choose to leave which will be makes you hurt at the first but you will get used to it and you will get over it even will take you a while for that but no matter what you do it will always hurt that your love is not been fulfill fully by him.

And one more thing for you in the future never being to humble to other people because they will used you for their own pleasure. secondly never being to kind and trust people easily because the most people is using mask to get to you, and they will do everything to get close to you and makes you trust them and makes them look like they are worthy to being in your life no matter what they will do everything to get to you. Life is sucks if you share them with some selfish people that dont care about you at all they just care about themself.