Chapter 28 - Ais's transformation

"Miyuki-san, I heard your magic is very powerful. Can you teach me together with Miss Ais." Walking through the upper floors of labyrinth, Lefiya asked hopefully.

Lefiya heard from Riveria that Miyuki was very accomplished in magic. Before coming here, Riveria even asked her to seek Miyuki's advice if she could.

Since Riveria spoke highly of Miyuki. Lefiya had the desire to learn magic from him.

What's more, Miyuki was able to touch her, which proved that he had a pure heart.

Concluding from all these points, Lefiya decided to ask for Miyuki's advice in magic.

"Well,...I can't teach you magic." Miyuki looked at expectant Lefiya and shook his head in embarrassment. All of his magic comes from fantasy materialization, he can't teach fantasy materialization to Lefiya, can he?

Just when Lefiya thought that he was going to refuse, Miyuki continued speaking, "Although I can't teach magic, I can help you master parallel chanting."

If Miyuki remembered correctly then Lefiya should still be learning parallel chanting.

Although he doesn't know parallel chanting, having watched many animes and read fan-fic type novels, Miyuki is confident to teach Lefiya.

As for why does he teaches Lefiya?

Does it still need to be asked?

A cute and beautiful girl, Lefiya was also one of his favorites in his previous. Naturally, he doesn't mind teaching her if he can.

"Can you really." Lefiya looked at Miyuki excitedly and asked.

When she first asked Miyuki to teach, she was ready to be rejected.

She never expected that not only was she not rejected but even the biggest problem she currently faced might be resolved if Miyuki could really help her.

"Yes but not now. We currently need to go to lower floors, so, we can't water time." Miyuki nodded and spoke.

"After we return from this adventurer, come to me every day in the morning. I will help you learn parallel chanting." Miyuki thought for a moment and spoke after remembering his schedule.

"Thank you," Lefiya expressed her gratitude. Although she didn't know whether Miyuki could really teach her, she still felt grateful because Miyuki would help her learn parallel chanting.

"I also want to master parallel chanting." Hearing the conversation between Miyuki and Lefiya, Ais moved her face in front of Miyuki and spoke in an expectant tone.

"Ais, you can't learn from Lefiya. You aren't a magician." Miyuki looked at Ais who suddenly appeared and struck her forehead and spoke with helplessness.

"Woo..." Ais rubbed her forehead and looked at Miyuki with resentful eyes.

"Ok, don't be angry. I already gave you a way to help you become stronger." Seeing Ais's pitiful look, Miyuki rubbed her head like coaxing a child and said in a gentle tone.

Hearing that she had her own method to become stronger, Ais returned to her previous self.

"Why is it like this?..." Lefiya on the side saw the interaction between Ais and Miyuki and cried out in her heart, "It was me who came was obviously me who should be like that with Miss Ais... Woo... Why did it become like this."

In the eyes of Lefiya, Miyuki, and Ais were flirting like boyfriend and girlfriend.

What's more, she unexpectedly finds their pair of couples to be unexpectedly good.

"Damn it, even if you help me master parallel chant, I will not let you take my Miss Ais away." A flame burned into her eyes and Lefiya muttered in a determined tone.

"What's wrong with her." Seeing Lefiya's dazed look and her rapidly changing expression, Miyuki asked Ais in a worried tone.

"Ignore her. She is like that sometimes." Ais looked at Lefiya and said.

"Miyuki-sama, the monster stones have been collected, we can leave," Lili spoke after coming back from picking up the monster stones.

"Ok." Miyuki nodded.

After that, Ais Lefiya, Miyuki, and Lili advanced toward the lower floors.

With Miyuki and Ais's super strength, it didn't take long for them to reach the seventeenth floor.


Standing at the entrance of the eighteenth floor, Miyuki spoke, "Let's go."

Behind Miyuki, Ais and the other two girls followed.

Stepping into the, what came into view was.

An exceptionally high ceiling that is filled with brilliant shining crystals of two colors, white crystals in the center that resemble the sun, and blue crystals surrounding it that resemble the sky. The amount of light from the crystals depends on the time and cycles through the day.

The floor is also filled with crystals and nature. Large forests and lakes cover the floor. Within the forest are blue crystals of different sizes that reflect the light from above, causing the forest to be filled with a pale blue glow.

Looking at the scene, Miyuki couldn't help admiring it.

Seeing it from the screen and seeing the scene in person are completely two different feelings.

Whether it is the natural forest and lakes or the crystals shining above. Miyuki can say that this is one of the second-best scenes he has seen.

As for why second best.

That's because the first is the scene of endless worlds when he traveled through.

"What are we going to do Miyuki-sama? Are we going to Rivira town or are we directly going to the lower floors?" Lili asked while looking at the scene on the 18th floor calmly. Unlike Miyuki, Lili wasn't too excited to see the scenes because she had come to this floor quite a few times with Miyuki during the last few days.

"Well, you and Lefiya can go and visit Rivira town. I need Ais for a moment." Saying so, Miyuki didn't give Lili and Lefiya a chance to speak and vanished with Ais.

"By the way, we will meet at the entrance of the 19th floor in half an hour." Miyuki's loud voice sounded from the woods and then disappeared.

"This..." Lili and Lefiya stood stunned in place and looked at each other, immediately the atmosphere became awkward.

"Miss Ais was taken away..." Lefiya muttered, her eyes lost focus and once again entered her delusion.

In her delusion, Miyuki took Ais to a certain corner of the 18th floor then he did various shameless things which she always dreamed of doing with Miss Ais.

"If only I could do that with Miss Ais..." Thinking of various obscene things Lefiya drooled and smiled wretchedly.

"Are we going to Rivira town?" Lili said while looking at Lefiya who suddenly wretched and muttered some incomprehensible words.

"Huh?" It was only after hearing Lili, did Lefiya woke up.

"So it was all dream." Looking at her surrounding, Lefiya breathed a sigh of relief.

While Lili and Lefiya solved their small episode, Miyuki and Ais came to the embankment of a lake.

"Why did we come here?" Ais looked around and said in a curious tone. She didn't mind Miyuki holding her hand and bringing her to a place, she was just curious why he brought her here.

"Well, it's about the matter of you becoming stronger." Miyuki thought of suitable words and said.

"Are you finally going to teach me?" Ais heard Miyuki and immediately asked him curiously. To her becoming stronger means Miyuki is willing to teach her.

"No..." Miyuki shook his head.

Hearing Miyuki's denial, Ais's head immediately dropped down and her mood became low.

Seeing Ais's depressed look, Miyuki didn't know how to explain. He immediately took out a small bottle with red liquid inside, gave it to Ais, and said, "First, drink this."

"Huh." Ais took the blood-red bottle and looked at Miyuki with puzzled eyes. She didn't understand what he meant by giving her red liquid.

"I told you to drink the potion inside," Miyuki answered when saw Ais looking puzzled.

"Ok" Ais nodded and immediately drank the potion.

Seeing Ais drinking with hesitation, Miyuki's mouth twitched. He couldn't help thinking that it was very easy to trick Ais into bed.

"System are you sure that this will work." While Ais was drinking the red liquid, Miyuki once again asked his system.

[ Host what you gave Ais is a bottle filled with your own blood. ]

[ Blood is the source of a true ancestor's strength, so, even a few drops of your blood are more than enough to make an ordinary man become a superman. ]

[ Much less you gave a whole bottle to Ais. ]

[ Although, because of her strong strength, Ais's strength will not immediately change by much but her potential will definitely increase. ]

Although he has asked the same question several times before, once again hearing the explanation of the system, Miyuki was relieved.

In the midst of Miyuki and System's exchange, Ais finished drinking the red potion.

After drinking the potion, Ais felt her abdomen become hot and then her magic power began to circulate automatically and she felt her body became abnormally hot.

The hot sensation lasted for half a minute and then vanished.

Opening her eyes, Ais felt her magic increase by a large margin while her strength increased by a small margin.

Such sudden gain of strength made Ais very happy.

Turning her head, she looked at Miyuki and the emotion in her eyes changed a little. Ais somehow felt a close feeling from Miyuki.

Although she didn't know why she felt close to Miyuki, Ais didn't care.

"How is Ais? How do you feel." Miyuki saw Ais opening her eyes and asked in a tone of concern.

Even after system's explanation, he still wanted to confirm from Ais.

"Well, my magic and strength both increased and I feel that I can longer feel the limit, it seems, I can once again become stronger." Ais carefully felt the changes in her body and answered Miyuki.

"It's good." Miyuki breathed a sigh of relief after hearing that Ais really gained the potential to become stronger.

"By the way, what did you give me? It tasted quite good." Ais said while licking her lips with her small tongue as if remembering the taste.

Seeing Ais licking her lips, Miyuki was stunned for a moment. It took a while for Miyuki to return to his senses.

"Well, that was a potion I prepared for you." Miyuki didn't dare to say it was blood, so, he explained it as a potion.

"The potion is very precious?" Ais got closer to Miyuki and said.

"Yes!!?" Miyuki nodded not understanding what Ais meant.

"What do I need to pay?" Ais pushed her face in front of Miyuki and asked.

Although she doesn't understand much about potion but she knows that a potion that can strengthen herself must be very precious and Miyuki must have worked hard to obtain it.

Ais isn't someone who receives kindness one-sided otherwise she wouldn't say that she can do anything if Miyuki helped her become stronger.

So, after knowing that the potion was very precious, Ais's first thought was how to repay Miyuki.

"Well, that potion isn't very important so don't care too much." Miyuki saw Ais's face up close, he stepped back and spoke while scratching his cheek awkwardly.

"How can I repay?" Ais once again asked her with a serious in her eyes. She looked like she wouldn't give up if Miyuki didn't answer her.

"Well, let me think about it for a while. I will tell you what I need later." Seeing that Ais had the look that she wouldn't give up if he didn't answer, Miyuki spoke after thinking for a moment.

Currently, he didn't have anything to ask from Ais. So, he decided to use this favor later.

"Ok." Ais nodded and accepted Miyuki's answer.

"Then let's go back, those two should have been waiting at the entrance of the nineteenth floor," Miyuki said and walked towards the nineteenth floor.

Seeing Miyuki walking away, Ais followed behind him.
