Chapter 29 - Naked girl

Orario, Dungeon,

Deep inside floor 37,

Boom, Boom, Boom,

Continuous explosions sounded on the 37 floor of the dungeon.

One boy and one girl were rapidly destroying monsters around them.

The boy fought monsters head-on and he even used flame, lightning, thunder, etc. to attack.

The girl danced like a beautiful fairy and she cut the monsters down with a gorgeous sword technique.

Under the ravage of boy and girl, hundreds of meters radius of ground have already become a pit.

Sword aura, flame, thunder, lightning, etc. Is continuously flashing in the pit.

Not far away from the pit Lefiya was holding a magic staff and chanting, "Dance around spirit of the atmosphere, lord of light. Contract with the guardian of the forest, and envelop us with the song of the land. Surround us become a great barrier of forest light and protect us - my name is Alf."

"Via Shilheim"

The moment the chant was finished a green light flashed around the four people present and formed a shield to protect them.

"Hey, your magic can hold on right." Lili looked at the elf-girl and asked while looking at devastating battlefield and feeling the aftermath hitting the shield.

"It can definitely hold. After all, the two magic I cast is Riveria's and Filvis's best defense magic." Lefiya patted her chest and spoke with confidence. She is really confident that the aftermath can be easily blocked by her magic.

"If I didn't know that he was a Lv1 adventurer, I would have thought that he had reached the same level as Riveria." Lefiya looked at the Miyuki who was slaughtering monsters and said.

"I also don't know why? But Miyuki-sama is really strong." Lili nodded. She really understood Lefiya's feelings.

"Miss Ais's strength has improved a lot." Lefiya looked at Ais who easily cut a Lv4 monster and said with admiration.

"It's true." Lili looked at Ais fighting against monsters and nodded. Even a Lv1 like her can tell that Ais has made rapid progress in the last few days.

"I don't know how that guy did it." Lefiya thought of Miyuki and sighed in low voice.

While Lefiya and Lili were talking, Miyuki and Ais finally destroyed all the monsters.

Seeing a large number of monster crystals, Miyuki used them to help the system recover.

Ais on other hand didn't stop Miyuki from sweeping monster crystal.

Such things had happened often and she was already used to it. What's more, they couldn't carry that large number of monster crystals.

After recovering the monster crystals, Miyuki looked at his system panel which showed the percentage of the recovery.

[ System Recovery: 56.78% ]

System recovered by more than half, one can imagine how many monsters Miyuki killed and how many days he stayed in the dungeon.

What's more, after recovering half of the energy, the system restored the strengthening function.

This is a very good thing for Miyuki who is eager to become stronger.

"Ais, let's go," Miyuki spoke after recovering all the monster stones.

"Ok." Ais nodded and followed behind Miyuki.

Both Miyuki and Ais are very strong, so, it didn't take long for them to cross the distance of hundreds of meters.


"Lefiya, let's go," Miyuki spoke after returning.

"Where are we going," Lefiya asked with a light smile.

During the last few days, her relationship with Miyuki has advanced a lot. So, she now often greets him with a smile.

"Back to floor 18." Miyuki thought for a moment and decided to return.

After all, it's been more than ten days since they entered the dungeon.

His purpose of exercising has been completed and Ais has also become stronger.

What's more, he has also been able to increase the favourability of both Ais and Lefiya. Currently, his relationship with Ais is already above friends but below lovers while his relationship with Lefiya is still at the level of close friends.

As for, Lili, she seems to have been conquered long ago.

The only remaining thing is to perform the ceremony and turn Ais into his follower and make her an existence between True Ancestors and Dead Apostles.

"Are we going back?" Ais muttered and she looked at Miyuki with a bit of reluctance.

After more than ten days she has gotten used to Miyuki's existence. Even she has unconsciously given birth to subtle feelings for him.

After returning they will be separated, naturally, she was reluctant.

"Yes, it's been a long time since we came inside. It's time to return otherwise both your and mine main god will worry." Miyuki nodded and spoke with a hint of helplessness.

In fact, spending so much time with Ais and Lefiya, he was also a bit reluctant. But what can he do? If he doesn't go back then it's certain that both Loki and Hestia will make a fuss.

"Miyuki-sama, the drops have been collected." Lili returned after collecting monster drops and said.

"Since Lili is back. It's time to go back." Miyuki spoke after seeing Lili return.

"Huh!" Lili was a bit confused as to what Miyuki meant by saying returning.

"We are going back to the surface." Seeing Lili's puzzled look, Lefiya spoke to clear her doubts.

"Ok." Lili nodded after hearing that they were returning to the surface.

After resting for a while and recovering their energy, Miyuki, Ais, Lefiya and Lili began the journey of their return.

Maybe because they will be separated soon, so, the speed of their return was slower than when they came.

Even so, they still returned to the 18th floor in less than half a day.


It was already night when they returned to the 18th floor.

Returning to the 18th floor, Miyuki and his group went to the clear lake far away from Rivira town. Looking at the lake in front of him, Miyuki looked at the girls and said, "Are you guys going to take a bath in the lake."

"Yes" X3 Lefiya, Lili, and Ais, all of them nodded.

Although they don't mind staying like this, as girls, they still have cleanliness habits. So, they naturally want to wash after finding a good opportunity.

"Then I will guard the way for you," Miyuki spoke and stepped back in the distance, ready to guard the way.

After Miyuki left, Ais, Lili, and Lefiya all undressed and stepped into the lake ready to wash their white smooth bodies.

While Lefiya, Ais, and Lili were bathing, Miyuki on the side stood on a tree and looked around, ready to stop anyone from coming.

Looking at the surrounding nature, Miyuki thought about what he did during the past few days.

Although the training was difficult, it was also very rewarding. After returning, he should be able to upgrade his level.

During the past ten days, while fighting the monster, he interacted with Lefiya and Ais a lot.

Although, Lefiya didn't like him much because he was close to Ais but she slowly seems to have gotten used to his existence.

Lili, on other hand, seems to have been conquered by him. Although he doesn't have much evidence, he isn't a low-EQ male protagonist, so, he can tell that Lili has feelings for him. It's just he didn't have time to respond while fighting monsters.

Ais, her transformation is almost complete. The only remaining work is to turn her into his blood follower.

It might be due to the influence of blood but during these ten days, Ais's feelings for him were the fastest to grow.

Although there is no such thing as love yet, it can be seen that she has begun to give birth to unusual feelings for him.

The reason why he can say this confidently is because when he was close to Lefiya, Ais showed a look of heartache.

"Forget it." Shaking his head Miyuki stopped thinking about these matters and rested after climbing down the tree.


"Miyuki-sama, Miyuki-sama,..." Miyuki seems to hear a voice calling him.

Opening his eyes, he saw Lili shaking himself and trying to wake him up.

"What's the matter, Lili," Miyuki asked while rubbing his eyes.

Continuous fighting made him a little tired. So, he was quite lazy at the moment.

"We have taken a bath. Miyuki-sama can go take a dip if you want." Lili said and took her hand back.

"Thanks for telling me, I am going." Miyuki rubbed Lili's head and said with a gentle smile then he left.

"Miyuki-sama's hand, so warm..." Lili touched her head and muttered.

"Wait, Lefiya should still be there. So, Miyuki-sama shouldn't run into her, right."

"Probably not. After all, it's been more than ten minutes, she should have come out." Lili shook her head and threw her far-fetched idea aside.

Miyuki on other hand walked forward while removing the bushes.

Tread, tread,

Stepping out of the woods, Miyuki once again arrived at the lake.

Looking towards the lake, Miyuki was stunned.

Lefiya was standing naked in the lake, her fair skin and golden yellow hair were extremely dazzling under the illumination of dim crystal light of the 18th floor, she seems to be ready to return to the shore.

" around..." Walking out of the lake, Lefiya easily spotted Miyuki. Her face instantly turned red and she spoke in a voice full of shyness and anger.

If it wasn't for the fact that she didn't have her magic wand, she might have directly launched a magic attack against Miyuki

"Sorry." Miyuki immediately turned around.

He didn't expect him to encounter the protagonist's plot.

Although he did like Lefiya, he didn't want to take advantage of her.

A rustling sound sounded behind him, and Miyuki instantly understood that Lefiya was dressing up.

Having seen Lefiya's naked body, it's hard for Miyuki to calm down when hearing the sound of her changing her clothes.

After all, with his vision, every curve and detail of Lefiya's body has been engraved into his mind.

Just remembering Lefiya's naked appearance, Miyuki felt his nose was slightly hot.

Shaking his head, he tried hard to forget it but with his super memory, it was hard to forget even if he saw Lefiya's body for a moment.

"Okay, you can turn around." Lefiya finished changing her clothes and said in an angry tone.

"Sorry, Lefiya. Lili said that you guys were done bathing. So, I came here. It's just, I didn't expect you..." Miyuki knew Lefiya was angry. So, the first thing he did after turning around was to explain everything to Lefiya.

Hearing Miyuki's explanation, Lefiya calmed down a bit but her face was still red like a ripe peach.

Miyuki saw her naked self. It's hard for Lefiya to not be shy and angry.

"You...forget what happened and never tell Miss Ais." Lefiya tried hard to calm down and said with a flushed face.

"Ok." Miyuki immediately nodded. He knew that only by agreeing to Lefiya could he get Lefiya's forgiveness. So, he readily agreed.

As for whether he will really forget Lefiya's naked image. Well, only Miyuki knows.

Hearing Miyuki agree so simply, Lefiya felt lost for a moment.

'Was her charm not enough for him to remember her appearance?' Such thoughts inevitably appeared in Lefiya's mind.

"What are you thinking, your favorite is Miss Ais, don't take this stinky guy's words seriously." Lefiya shook her head while muttering in her heart.

Although Lefiya didn't know it, in fact, the shadow of Ais in her heart is slowly disappearing and another shadow is gradually occupying her heart.

Ten days was long enough for Miyuki to make Lefiya have a good impression of himself.

Gentle, reliable, kind, strong strength, and powerful magician with a handsome appearance and good temperament.

When all these conditions are combined, even a lily girl like Lefiya would have a good impression.

Much less she stayed with him for more than ten days. This time is enough for her to have high favorability for Miyuki even if she didn't fall for him.

Previously, she has seen the relationship between Miyuki and Ais slowly becoming ambiguous. So, her thoughts of lily have slowly started to decrease.

Now, her naked appearance was seen by Miyuki.

Such a thing not only made her shy but also broke the last window paper for her.

So, it's inevitable for Lefiya to care about Miyuki's opinion. After all, her heart has slowly begun to change after her naked body was seen.

"Remember to forget what you saw and don't tell Miss Ais or I will kill you with Sky fire javelin." Lefiya gradually lost her anger and said with extreme shyness on her face.

After speaking, Lefiya hurriedly escaped from the lake.

Seeing Lefiya escaping without punishing himself, Miyuki laughed.

"Lefiya is really cute," Miyuki muttered while looking at Lefiya's back.

"But I have to prepare something as an apology." Miyuki isn't someone who takes advantage of girls, so, even if Lefiya is no longer angry, he will still prepare something to ask for forgiveness.

Although this might make Lefiya remember the shame of being seen naked, Miyuki thinks it's to apologize rather than not to apologize.

After all, he took advantage of a young girl and saw her naked. Miyuki will feel guilty if he doesn't do anything.

Undressing, Miyuki stepped into the lake while thinking about what to do.
