Chapter 31 - Date invitation

Next day, about 9°clock in the morning,

Dungeon square,

Miyuki, Ais, and others walked out of the dungeon.

Miyuki, Lefiya, and Ais weren't carrying anything while Lili was carrying a bag full of various monster drops.

In fact, Miyuki wanted to carry the bag at first but Lili stopped him by saying that she was a supporter and this was her job, Miyuki didn't need to carry anything.

Miyuki was quite helpless after hearing Lili's reason, so he let her carry the bag full of monster drops.

When Lili walked out of the dungeon, many adventurers cast their greedy eyes over her.

It's just when they saw Ais beside Lili, they immediately retracted their eyes and didn't dare to look at Lili with greedy eyes.

"Ais, your deterrence is quite strong." Miyuki looked at surrounding adventurers who didn't dare to look over and said in a joking tone.

Previously when they returned from the 37th floor to the 18th floor, they didn't encounter many adventures, so, Miyuki didn't notice it at that time.

It was only after they started returning from the 18th floor and encountered many adventurers on the way, did Miyuki notice Ais's strong deterrence among the adventurers.

"It's nothing. If they know Miyuki's strength then they will also fear you." Ais shook her head and said with a light smile.

While Ais and Miyuki were talking with each other, many male adventurers' eyes turned red.

This time it wasn't because of greed instead it was because of envy and jealousy.

"Who is that kid with Sword Princess?"

"I don't know but that bastard sure is lucky to have the company of Sword Princess..."

"I saw that guy walking out of the dungeon another day."

"Could that guy be a newcomer of the Loki familia?"

"It's possible..."

While some cried with envy, jealousy, and hate. Some smart people tried to guess about Miyuki.

When Miyuki walked out of the dungeon with Loki familia half a month ago, he was really eye-catching. So, it's for people not to associate him with the Loki familia after seeing him walking with Ais and Lefiya.

"Miyuki-sama, I am going to the guild to exchange the monster drops." Before leaving, Lili informed Miyuki.

"Okay." Miyuki rubbed Lili's head and nodded in understanding and said, "If you meet Eina, tell her that I will visit her in the evening."

"By the way, Lefiya you should go with Lili lest those guys try to do something." Thinking for a moment, Miyuki spoke to Lefiya.

He was really afraid that some guys with short eyes will try to do something to Lili.

After all, all of their drops are from the 37th floor so it's very normal for these guys to be greedy.

"Okay." Although Lefiya was a bit reluctant, she still nodded and walked towards the guild with Lili.

She also didn't want someone to hurt Lili. After all, her relationship with Lili is very good after spending ten days time in the dungeon with her.

"Miyuki..." Ais's eyes flashed, she looked at Miyuki and lowered her head.

"What do you want Ais?" Miyuki looked at Ais not understanding what she meant.

"Head...touch... like Lili." Ais's face was slightly red and she spoke with a hint of embarrassment.

"So that's it." Miyuki immediately smiled and rubbed Ais's small head and combed her dazzling golden hair.

He didn't expect Ais to show jealousy just because he touched Lili's head.

"Comfortable." Ais squinted her eyes in enjoyment.

Thankfully, there were too many people going in and out of the dungeon. So, in such a crowded situation, not many people noticed what Miyuki and Ais did.

Otherwise, the news of Miyuki touching Ais's head will definitely become the most popular topic of Orario in less than a single day.

While Miyuki and Ais were enjoying themselves, a certain goddess above the Tower of Babel was burning with jealousy.

Tower of Babel, top floor,

A silver-haired goddess whose appearance didn't need to be mentioned was looking outside the window with an extremely jealous and possessive look.

"That pure soul, it has become even more dazzling."

Freya's face was red and a certain liquid was dripping from her lower body when she looked outside the window.

But then Freya's beautiful eyebrows frowned slightly, but immediately, two groups of blushes quickly appeared on her face, and she said obsessively in her eyes: "No matter what, I want to get him! He must be mine too! But that sword girl? She seems to be very close to him!"

"How can such a little girl be worthy of him? "

While Freya was burning with jealousy, Miyuki was completely unaware that he was being spied on.

Freya is a god, so, it's very easy for her to hide even if she seals her divine power.


After rubbing Ais's head for a while, Miyuki looked at her and said after thinking for a moment, "Ais, would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow."

He has been in the dungeon for a long time, so, Miyuki was ready to rest for a day.

As for why invite Ais on a date.

Does it still need to be said.

Going on a date with a beautiful girl like Ais? Who doesn't want it?

"Huh! What is a date?" Ais tilted her head and her eyes jewel-like eyes looked at Miyuki with a puzzled look.

"I forgot." Miyuki held his forehead and muttered. He forgot that Ais didn't have much common sense.

"Well, a date is something in which a boy and a girl travel around, visit the city and buy things they like and do things they like. Going on a date makes both boy and the girl happy." Miyuki didn't how to describe a date, so, he described it in as simple words as possible.

"Then let's go on a date. Being with Miyuki is comfortable." Ais nodded her head in understanding and then came closer to Miyuki's face and said with an expectant look.

"Huh!" This time it was Miyuki's turn to be surprised.

He didn't expect Ais to agree so simply.

It seems his impression in Ais's heart is much better than he thought.

"Okay, then we shall meet tomorrow at 9°clock in the morning in front of the tower of Babel." Miyuki said after a moment of thought.

Anyway, since Ais agreed. He will naturally not refuse after asking her out.

While Miyuki and Ais were talking, Lili and Lefiya returned.

"Miyuki-sama, here is our harvest, a total of 200 million Valis." Lili handed a heavy pouch filled with Valis and spoke with a hint of pride.

She was really proud of being able to exchange so many Valis. After all, she had never exchanged so many Valis.

"Thanks for your hard work." Miyuki took the bag and smiled and rubbed Lili's head.

"So warm..." Lili closed her eyes in enjoyment and thought.

"Hum." Ais didn't know why she felt uncomfortable when Miyuki touched Lili's head.

Pressing her hands on her chest, Ais carefully felt her heartbeat and then shook her head.

She really didn't understand why this happened.

'Let's ask Riveria when we go back.' Ais little head moved and she thought in her heart.

"Ais, Lefiya, Lili, here. This is your share." Miyuki divided the bag into four equal parts and distributed it to the girls.

Ais and others immediately took the pouches given by Miyuki.

They didn't think that distribution was uneven because most of the monster drops were obtained by Miyuki.

Miyuki took the monster stones and paid for them with monster drops. This deal was quite fair.

"By the way Ais, when are you guys going to the expedition." Miyuki stored the money in the system and asked.

His ability value will become very difficult to increase with the upgrade of his level.

He can't always go alone in the dungeon. After all, dungeons can continuously spawn monsters. Who knows if some accidents will happen?

So, he thought of Loki Familia's expedition.

Joining Loki Familia's expedition, he should be able to upgrade to Lv3.

What's more, if he remembers correctly then Loki familia will go on another expedition after this expedition and there will not be too much time gap.

If he can join both expeditions then his level might be upgraded to Lv4.

The story of Sword Princess should be about to begin and that guy Bell should soon be joining Hestia familia.

So, the time for Artemis familia inciden isn't long either. He urgently needs to become stronger.

"Well, it's about a week later." Ais looked at Miyuki and said.

"Then can I join you guys on your expedition?" Miyuki asked calmly.

He has done a big favor to the Loki familia by helping Ais become stronger. So, he thinks that the Loki familia shouldn't mind him joining their expedition.

"Ok, I will tell Captain. He should agree to Miyuki's request." Ais golden eyes moved and she said with a serious look in her eyes.

"Thanks." Miyuki smiled and rubbed Ais's head.

"Comfortable." Ais once again squinted her eyes in enjoyment and let Miyuki rub her head.

"Is it me or has the relationship between these two progressed a lot?" Lili came closer to Lefiya and spoke in her ears.

"Woooo...Miss Ais..." Lefiya didn't answer Lili, she just cried out in grief.

I don't if she is envious of Miyuki rubbing Ais's head or if is she envious that Ais is the one being rubbed instead of her.

"Okay, it's time to say goodbye. Both of our Main Gods should be worried about us since we have been in the dungeon for too long." After rubbing Ais's head for a while Miyuki said goodbye to Ais and Lefiya.

Ais and Lefiya nodded. They knew that Loki must be worried.

"By the way Lefiya, remember to meet me at the dungeon in the early morning the day after tomorrow. I will teach you parallel chanting." Before leaving, Miyuki reminded Lefiya.

"Okay." Lefiya nodded. Even if her feelings are a mess, she knows what's important and what's not.

So, she isn't going to miss the appointment because she can learn parallel chanting from Miyuki and become stronger.

After saying a few more words, Ais and Lefiya left.

"Let's go, Lili, Hestia should be home." After Ais and Lefiya left, Miyuki took Lili's hand and walked back home.


"Hestia, we are back." Back at home, Miyuki opened the door and announced in a loud voice.

"" The moment Miyuki entered the living room, Hestia threw herself on Miyuki.


Miyuki immediately fell to the ground and Hestia rode his waist.

Thanks to his strong physique, Miyuki was fine, if it was someone else then he must have been injured.

"Miyuki how are you? You weren't injured in the dungeon right? Nothing happened right?..." One question after another were bombard to Miyuki's face by Hestia.

Lili's mouth twitched when she looked at Hestia's action and her face blushed a little after seeing Hestia and Miyuki's posture.

In fact, Miyuki and Hestia's posture is really indecent.

Hestia is sitting on Miyuki's waist and her skirt is slightly pulled up. What's more, Hestia is jumping up and down on Miyuki's waist.

If she wasn't next to Miyuki then Lili might have thought that these two guys were doing something indescribable.

A black line appeared on his face and Miyuki tried his best to control the reaction of his body and spoke in an angry tone, "Hes..tia!!"

"Get off me first."


A while later,

"Sorry Miyuki, I was too excited." Sitting on the ground Hestia admitted her mistake.

"But you have been in dungeon for too long. So, so,..." Hestia pressed her fingers together and said, "So I was really worried."

"It's okay, just don't do such things next time." Miyuki rubbed his forehead and spoke in helpless tone.

He was really helpless towards Hestia.

This goddess is cute and cute and she is really worried about him. So, he can't say anything to reprimand her.

"By the way, since you're worried, let Lili tell you. I going to take a bath." Miyuki said and left.

He didn't know what Hestia would do next, so, he left the mess to Lili.

After Miyuki left, Hestia's eyes lit up. She looked at Lili and swayed her double ponytail. She immediately held Lili's hand and asked, "Lili tell me what happened. I need to know everything in detail."

Hestia felt a certain rival radar lit up, so, she is very eager to know what happened in the dungeon.

"Okay, goddess Hestia." Lili sighed helplessly after Miyuki left and began to tell about their journey in the dungeon.

"Things are like this..."
