Chapter 48 - Deep into dungeon

The next day, early morning, Miyuki got up on time.

Opening his eyes, Miyuki looked at Ais's sleeping posture and smiled.

Just then Ais also woke up.

With their strong strength, they didn't need to sleep for too long. So, it was easy for Ais to wake up with Miyuki.

"Miyuki..." Holding Miyuki's hand, Ais muttered his name with a dazzling smile.

Last night after doing that kind of thing, her attachment to Miyuki is much stronger and she feels very happy to be with Miyuki.

"Get up, we have to go or if we are late to join the expedition, Finn might be angry at us." Miyuki rubbed Ais's golden bright hair which was soaked with sweat due to high-intensity exercise last night and he said with a gentle smile.

After doing it with Ais, he likes Ais even more and he treats her even more gently.

"Ok." Ais instantly remembered they were still on expedition. She immediately got up and tried to walk.

"Ahh..." Crying out in pain, Ais felt uncomfortable while walking.

"Ais use this." Miyuki took out a blue bottle of potion and threw it to Ais.

"Thanks." Frowning slightly due to pain, Ais thanked Miyuki.

"No need to say thank you within us." Miyuki shook his head and said with a smile and he rubbed Ais's head.

What he gave just now was a recovery potion brought from Orario.

This world is truly amazing. There are various types of potions like in RPG games.

Last time he forgot to give it to Lili otherwise Lili wouldn't have looked comfortable in front of Hestia after doing that kind of thing.

Ais immediately drank the potion. After drinking the potion, Ais felt the plain slowly disappearing and she began to walk calmly.

After that, Ais and Miyuki took bath in the water created by Miyuki.

After washing off, Miyuki and Ais returned and joined the expedition team.

It was still early morning, so, not many people had gotten up. Therefore, Miyuki and Ais were not discovered.

Next, all the members of Loki familia slowly got up then they began to pack the tent and supplies.

While the members of Loki familia were busy collecting the logistics, Riveria looked at Ais and always felt that she had changed somehow but after looking at her again she felt nothing has changed.

"Maybe it's my illusion?" Shaking her head, Riveria didn't think much.

In fact, it wasn't just Riveria, many of the girls in the Loki familia discovered that Ais changed somehow. It's just they couldn't tell how she changed.

After sorting out the logistics, weapons, and armor, the Loki familia once again set off for an expedition.

This time Miyuki acted as a vanguard, Ais and Lefiya assisted him and Riveria, Tiona, and Tione were responsible for supporting them.

Bete and Gareth were chosen as rear guards. Finn also stayed back as a rear guard.

The second strong members were chosen as central defenders and guards for the rest of the troops.

The Loki familia was quite cautious in advancing to deeper floors.

After that, they advanced steadily in the dungeon

In fact, don't look at Miyuki pushing the deeper floors of the dungeon alone, the deep floors are really dangerous.

According to the division of the dungeon, every twelve floors belong to a level.

The first twelve layers belong to the upper layer, the 13th to 24th layers is the middle layer, the 25th to 36th layers are the lower layers, the 37th to 48th layers are the deep layers, and the 49th to 60th layers are the super deep layers.

The area below the 60th floor is called the unknown floor.

Every time a level is passed, the strength of the monster will be improved by leaps and bounds.

The monsters in the upper layer are all Lv1, the monsters in the middle layer are all Lv2, the monsters in the lower layer are all Lv3, the monsters in the deep layer are Lv4, and the monsters in the super deep layer are Lv5.

The monsters after the unknown floor are all above Lv6. There are many Lv7 and Lv8 inside. These Lv7 and Lv8 can launch attacks from deeper layers to upper layers.

So, it's very dangerous inside.

You must know that the number of monsters is constantly being refreshed. In such a cave, if he is not careful, then even Miyuki will suffer a loss in deeper layers.

If it wasn't for the monsters in the super deep and unknown dungeon floors being too numerous and too strong, Miyuki would have pushed the dungeon flat and gone into unknown floors for an upgrade.

Why would he join the Loki familias expedition?

Let's not talk about Miyuki. Let's talk about the Loki familia for comparison.

If they aren't careful then the Loki family will also suffer heavy losses in deeper layers of the dungeon.

So, Finn was very cautious when arranging the lineup.

According to the arrangement of the Finn, after the large force breaks through the forty-ninth floor and reaches the safe floor of the fiftieth floor, the subsequent exploration will be organized into small groups.

The main combat members of the team are all Loki family cadres above Lv5 and Miyuki, as for the rest, they are camped on the fiftieth floor, waiting for Finn and the others to return from their exploration.

After all, the super-deep monsters are Lv5 monsters. There are a few Lv6 in there as well.

This shows the horror of the deeper layers.

Therefore, in the entire Orario, there are only a few families who can reach the depth of the thirty-seventh floor.

The Loki family, the Freya family, the Hephaestus family, the Ganesha family, the Ishtar family, and the Astraea family which has been wiped out, leaving only Ryuu alone.

Of course, there were the Zeus family and the Hera family in the past, but that is already another era.

In the era when Loki and Freya ruled, there were only these six families.


In the next few days, under the command of Finn, Miyuki and the team of Loki familia quickly advanced forward in the dungeon.

Under Miyuki's firepower, no monster could get past the front defense line and Loki familia advanced rapidly.

Only some miscellaneous fishes born directly from the dungeon walls could attack the Loki Familia's rear and center guard.

All the defenders of the Loki familia were strong players, so, everyone advanced in the dungeon very easily.

Miyuki's incomparable combat made many girls look at him with starry eyes and almost all the Loki familia admired him.

Especially the sense of security provided by Miyuki is too strong. No monster can ever pass him to attack the people behind him.

Coupled with his high appearance value, Miyuki was able to win the love of many young and innocent girls from the Loki familia.

With Miyuki solving the monsters for them, they quickly reached the 30th floor. From here on things became serious for the central guards and rear guards.

Although Miyuki easily cleaned all the monsters up front, there will still be many monsters born from dungeon walls suddenly. These monsters are all Lv3 and above. So, the people in the rear guard and central guard have to be more careful.

Although they had to be careful, that was all, Loki familia and Miyuki still advanced rapidly.

After that team quickly reached the 37th floor. Because Udaeus was killed by Miyuki before, they directly advanced the floor while killing endless numbers of Lv4.

It wasn't until floor 39 that they decided to rest for another day. Floor 39 is a safe floor, so they didn't have to worry about being attacked.

That night Miyuki and Ais once again got together and did it. After tasting the forbidden fruit, Ais was more active, it wasn't until early morning that she fell asleep with a satisfied look on her face.

Miyuki also had a pleasant time doing it with Ais. After all, Ais isn't only beautiful, she is also the girl whom he likes.

The next day, Riveria and others once again felt that Ais had changed somehow, it's just they still couldn't tell what changed about her.

After that, the Loki familia once again started advancing toward the deeper layers of the dungeon.

Floor 40...

Floor 41...

Floor 42...


The pressure slowly increased and the speed of everyone slowed down a bit but even so, it didn't take long for them to reach floor 49.

On this floor, another dangerous battle began. An endless number of Lv5 monsters attack the Loki familia and Miyuki.

Although Miyuki stopped the monsters in front, the monsters coming out from the dungeon wall couldn't be stopped.

Finn, Riveria, Tiona, Tione, and others fought against these monsters head-on with Miyuki while the members of the second string supported them.

Riveria directly let the elf army launch magic attacks on these monsters while Tiona and Tione fought them head-to-head.

With everyone clearing the battlefield, they quickly arrived at the room of the floor master.

"Finn, can you let me fight Balor? I need it for great achievement." Stepping into the boss room, Miyuki asked Finn beside him.

"What!!?" Hearing Miyuki's words, Ais, Lefiya, Tiona, Tione, Riveria, Finn, and others were shocked.

Not only them, the whole Loki familia was shocked.

"Are you serious?" Anakitty, the cat girl asked Miyuki with shocked eyes.

You know this is Balor, a veritable Lv7 top-rank monster. Except for Ottar from Freya familia, no one has ever been able to single out this guy.

Although she has seen Miyuki's strong firepower and strength and she even thinks that Miyuki might be stronger than Ottar, Anakitty doesn't want him to challenge Balor alone.

After all, she already has love-like emotions for Miyuki, why would she want him to do such a dangerous thing even if his strength is strong?

In fact, not only Anakitty, but many other girls from Loki familia also persuaded Miyuki and asked whether he really wanted to challenge Balor.

Facing these girls' kindness, Miyuki felt a bit touched but he still insisted on fighting Balor.

"Are you sure?" Biting his thumb, Finn looked at Miyuki and asked in a serious tone.

He also thinks that it's not good for Miyuki to challenge Balor alone.

It's just he remembered that Miyuki joined their expedition to become stronger. They have no right to stop him from fighting.

"Sure." Miyuki nodded with a reassuring smile.

"Okay." Finn made a bold smile and said, "All members of Loki familia, retreat back. Now, we have to witness the heroic fight between Miyuki and Balor. We must see the heroic posture of Miyuki winning."

"Yeah!" Hearing Finn's loud voice the Loki familia members roared loudly.

Since their persuasion didn't work, they also want to witness the scene where Miyuki fights against Balor alone and defeats him.

"Take care." Riveria, Tiona, Tione, and Anakitty, said to Miyuki and left with worried eyes.

"Miyuki, I believe you," Ais said very simple words and left with her hands clenching her sword.

She believes that Miyuki will definitely win. Even so, she has already prepared to fight Balor in case of some accidents.

"Miyuki..." Lefiya looked at Miyuki with worried eyes but after seeing his reassuring smile, she clenched her staff and said, "You must beat Balor and be safe."

After that Lefiya also left.

Seeing the girl's worries for him and their belief in him, Miyuki clenched his fists and nodded.

Even if it's just for these girls, he must defeat Balor.

"Miyuki, go and show us your heroic posture." Finn gave Miyuki a fist punch on his shoulder and said with a bold smile. Then he also retreated back.

"Okay everyone, today, I will show you what a heroic fight means." Miyuki stepped forward and roared loudly.

He is ready to use his full strength.

Boom, Kakakaka...

The moment Miyuki stepped in, Balor, the floor master of this floor noticed him. He immediately stepped towards Miyuki. With a large size of tens of meters, every one of its steps shook the dungeon, even cracks appeared whenever he took a step.

"Come on Balor." Miyuki smiled and raided loudly then he began to run towards Balor.
