Chapter 49 - Fighting Balor

Boom, Boom, Boom,

The young man's fists far beyond the speed of sound kept hitting the huge monster in front of the Loki familia.

"Roarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..." With each fist, Balor screamed in pain and it also attacked the small human adventurers in front of him.

Miyuki jumped up and stood on Balor while avoiding its attack and then thunder flickered around him.

Immediately the monsters besides Balor were destroyed by him and Balor was also electrocuted.

Then he began to hammer Balor with his iron fists.

Miyuki doesn't need a weapon, his fists are enough to fight Balor.

Boom, Boom, Boom,...


Balor once again roared due to extreme pain and it shook his body, trying to get rid of Miyuki.

Feeling Balor's shaking body, Miyuki once again jumped into the air.

It's just, this time, a huge amount of magic power gathered in Miyuki's hand.

Feeling the threat from Miyuki, Balor tried to attack in order to interrupt him.

Unfortunately, Miyuki easily dodged his attack. Then he flew up in front of Balor.

Immediately, a golden light cannon appeared in Miyuki's hand and it bombarded Balor.


A huge golden explosion appeared and half of Balor's body was directly wiped out.

It wasn't just Balor, the area between hundreds of meter radius also sank due to this magic cannon and most of the monsters beside Balor disappeared under this large-scale bombing.

"Excalibur is really strong." Miyuki looked at the surrounding damage and couldn't help muttering.

The magic cannon he materialized just now was Artoria's golden light cannon, a veritable city destroyer cannon.

Although he compressed it to the limit, it still destroyed the hundred-meter radius ground and all the monsters in the surroundings. This shows the terrifying power of Excalibur.

"This guy is really resistant." Looking at Balor who recovered in just a few seconds, Miyuki couldn't help pouting.

This guy's recovery power is far beyond Goliath he faced back then.

"But it's a good sandbag and the perfect target for great achievement." Muttering for a while, Miyuki once again began to fight with Balor.


While fighting Balor, Miyuki took care of other monsters as well, so, the Loki familia was watching his fight from afar.

Loki familia members looked at the changed battlefield with shocked and speechless expressions.

"Is this really human?" Tione's mouth twitched after seeing the golden light cannon and she couldn't help complaining.

If she was hit by that magic cannon then she will definitely die.

"I don't think so." Tiona beside Tione said with a twitching face.

"Miyuki is really strong," Ais said with a shallow smile and she clenched her fists and looked at Miyuki hammering Balor and destroying several monsters of Lv5 with thunder and lightning.

"Miyuki..." Lefiya looked at Miyuki with admiration and love.

"We all underestimated him." Finn looked at the battlefield which was rapidly changing and said while biting his thumb.

They really underestimated Miyuki. According to his current strength, he is definitely stronger than Ottar, the strongest adventurer of Orario.

"Yes." Gareth nodded after hearing Finn.

Such a fight has proved that Miyuki's strength is far beyond their imagination.

"So cool and so handsome..." The cat girl Anakitty looked at Miyuki with admiration.

Such a heroic fight, she feels that her heart is pounding.

Not only her, but many other girls' eyes were also full of stars and they all looked at Miyuki with admiration.

Now, most of the girls in the Loki familia have become Miyuki's admirers, and even many of them like him from the bottom of their hearts.

"Really heroic." Even Riveria has to admit that Miyuki is too attractive at the moment. She can't help but be attracted to him and give birth to love for him.

This world is the world of adventurers where the strong are respected and heroes are admired.

What Miyuki is doing is like a hero coming out of a fairy tale to reality. After all, other than a hero, no one can beat an Lv7 floor boss with Lv3 strength.

Girls in this world grew up listening to heroic epics, so, their liking for heroes is inevitable.

After seeing Miyuki's heroic posture of defeating endless monsters while fighting Balor head-on, the girls in Loki familia can't but admire his heroic posture and like him.

Riveria is also a girl, so, she is no exception. She already had a certain degree of liking for Miyuki. After this time, she feels she can't find any other man. After all, her vision has widened after seeing Miyuki's heroic fight and her requirements for a lover have become stricter.

No other man has the strength of Miyuki. So, it's natural for her to think that she can't find another man beside Miyuki.

"Tsk." Bete, the werewolf frowned slightly but he was still impressed by Miyuki's strength.

Now, most of his complaints about Miyuki dating Ais were gone.

After all, orcs respect the strong. Miyuki is strong, so he can let it go.

Other members of Loki familia also looked at Miyuki with longing and admiring looks.

Miyuki didn't know that he has let more girls fall for him. He is still fighting seriously with Balor.

Although his own strength is at top of Lv7, Balor is no ordinary monster. Fighting against him, he still has to put in some strength.

This fight lasted for about twenty minutes. In such a short time, the 49th-floor boss room was overturned by Miyuki, and endless monsters were beheaded by him.

Due to the fierce and destructive attacks of Miyuki, the Loki familia also had to retreat back.

After retreating, they also faced monsters of the 49th floor.

Having watched Miyuki's fight, the morale of the Loki familia was too high. So, when monsters attacked them, Finn and others directly fought against these monsters.

While Finn and others fought, Miyuki also fought against endless monsters and Balor.

After fighting for more than twenty minutes, Miyuki felt that it was enough and he killed Balor. Due to the strong strength and powerful recovery power of the true ancestor, he wasn't injured much during the battle and his state was still good after killing Balor.

After Miyuki killed Balor, the Loki familia directly advanced toward the 50th floor while congratulating him.

Many girls from the Loki familia looked at Miyuki with love-filled eyes and some bold ones even stepped forward and pecked his side face.

Tiona and Tione even hugged Miyuki directly.

Due to the action of several girls, Ais felt uncomfortable but she didn't show much on her face.

On other hand, Lefiya directly showed her jealousy after seeing the action of these girls. She took one of Miyuki's arms and stopped other girls including Tiona and Tione from getting close to Miyuki.

After seeing Lefiya's action, Ais silently hugged Miyuki's other arm and declared her sovereignty.

With Ais and Lefiya obstructing, the girls from the Loki familia could no longer get close to Miyuki.

Still, many of them teased Ais and Lefiya. This made Lefiya turn red while Ais didn't respond much. So, even under teasing these two girls protected the law for Miyuki.

Seeing the action of Ais and Lefiya, Miyuki couldn't laugh or cry, still, he was delighted that these girls hugged him.

At the same time, he also understood that many girls in the Loki familia have fallen for him.

Knowing such a thing, Miyuki was very happy. Girls in the second dimension are generally more beautiful than the third dimension.

What're more the girls of the Loki familia are top-notch in terms of appearance.

How can Miyuki not be happy after hearing that so many girls like him?

Even he had the idea of finding a few beast-eared girls to have relationships with, especially that cat girl Anakitty.

Unfortunately, Ais and Lefiya were by his side, so he didn't dare to openly be with other girls.


The fiftieth floor of the dungeon, the security floor.

The Loki family who finally came here quickly set up camp for repairs. After all, their goal is the fifty-ninth floor!

Even if they were e excited due to Miyuki, they still have to do their work.

At this time, Miyuki, who was assigned the task of finding ingredients, was doing a wonderful lazy activity.

"Is this the fiftieth floor? What a peaceful scene! No matter how many times you look at a safe floor like this, it's so surprising." Lying on the edge of a cliff, Miyuki pillowed his arms, blowing a soothing breeze and muttering.

"In this case, the next step is the ultra-deep exploration." Thinking of their next target, Miyuki was quite excited.

Although the battle with Balor was enough for Great achievement, Miyuki can feel that his values still haven't reached the limit. He still needs to fight against strong monsters.

The ultra-deep dungeon is what he currently needs to exercise his ability value.

"We should soon face the original plot." Getting rid of his excitement, Miyuki began to carefully think about what will happen later.

In this expedition, the Loki familia will encounter a new type of monster attack, and because of the lack of information, and damaged pieces of equipment, this expedition came to an end with heavy losses.

And this is the first scene of Sword Oratoria

"Thankfully, these things will not happen." Miyuki smiled and spoke with confidence.

Due to his presence, the condition of the Loki familia can be said to be very good and there is no damaged equipment like in the original book

Besides, Ais is already comparable to top Lv6 and even Lefiya's strength has improved a lot.

What's more, he is still here. The plot like the original work happening is almost impossible.

"Miyuki, where are you? It's time to go back!"

Hearing the voice of Lefiya who came out to pick ingredients with him, Miyuki quickly stood up and responded, "I'm here, I've already picked this, let's go back!"




Because they previously saw the fight between Miyuki and they finally reached the fiftieth floor, the members of the Loki familia were in a very good mood.

There has never been a time when they reached the 50th floor without much difficulty like this time.

What's more, Miyuki's fight was really like the epic of a hero. So, the girls are especially excited. Many of them are still looking at Miyuki who was hugged left and right by Ais and Lefiya.

As for men, they feel their blood boiling after watching Miyuki fight with Balor. Now, many of them are eager to fight monsters. If it wasn't for this being the 50th floor then maybe many of them would have already gone to fight monsters.

Tiona and Tione still kept teasing Lefiya. As for Ais, forget it, she didn't respond much to their teasing before so they no longer teased her.

Lefiya's face is thin, so, she once again turned red under Tiona and Tione's teasing but she still didn't let go of Miyuki.

Seeing that Tiona and Tione had so much fun teasing Lefiya, the rest of the girls from Loki familia also joined in.

Miyuki looked at red-faced Lefiya but he didn't stop others from teasing her. After all, shy Lefiya is too cute.

While Miyuki and the girls were having fun, several men were also quite excited and cheerful.

Under such an atmosphere, Finn raised his glass and said with a cheer, "Everyone, let's congratulate Miyuki for his epic battle with Balor."

"Cheer for Miyuki!"


With Finn's speech, the atmosphere of the party became visibly lively.

Under this lovely atmosphere, everyone including the girls who were teasing Lefiya joined the party and they left Miyuki's side.

Looking at Burt and Tiona, who were constantly bickering, Miyuki looked at Ais sitting next to him and said in a low voice that only she could hear, "Ais shall we sleep together again."

"Um..." Ais nodded with a slightly red face after hearing Miyuki.

She likes the feeling when Miyuki touches her body and goes inside her with his stick. She feels very happy when she does that kind of thing with Miyuki.

So, she agrees to sleep with Miyuki whenever she gets a chance.

"Ais is really cute." Miyuki rubbed Ais's small head with a smile and said in an extremely gentle tone.

He himself likes doing it with Ais. So, he is very happy that Ais agreed to sleep with him tonight.

"Um!" Ais nodded slightly, then squinted her eyes to enjoy Miyuki's touch.

Lefiya, who was completely watching this scene from the side, couldn't help being envious.

Although she is also hugging one of Miyuki's arms, she can't whisper like Ais and him. She is not only envious of Ais being so close to Miyuki but she is also envious of how close Miyuki is to Ais.

Looking at the two people who were whispering in a low tone, Lefiya really wants to shout that I want them all and pounce on them.

But it's a pity that hugging is already her limit. After being teased by so many girls, she didn't dare to do anything.
