Chapter 54 - Meteria, Alfia, and Bell Ariyama

"So, you are Meteria and Alfia from Hera familia which was destroyed in the crusade against the one-eyed Black dragon, or rather you guys disappeared instead of being destroyed."

"In the future, Miyuki will fight against Antares, a main God-level monster and then he will fight against an unknown monster who is stronger than most gods due to unknown reasons."

"And after two successive fights, Miyuki will fall into a space-time storm because of some unknown reason."

"And because of falling into the space-tike storm, he will return to your era which is the time period of Hera and Zeus familia."

"After entering your era, Miyuki saved your family from being destroyed by the black dragon. Later you lived with him for a while and fell in love with him."

"After that, you and Miyuki had a child. Later, Miyuki wanted to return to his era, in order to not worry Miyuki, you didn't immediately tell him about having a child."

"The girl with the weak temperament is Miyuki and your child and her name is Bell Ariyama."

"How the heck do you expect us to believe such a fairytale-like story." Hestia slammed the table angrily and said in an anxious, annoyed, and worried tone.

Although she doesn't know whether what Meteria said is true or not, she has already believed more than 90% of their content. After all, mortals can't lie in front of gods.

Traveling time isn't possible under normal circumstances but if one falls into a space-time storm and is able to survive it then there is a possibility of traveling through time.

It's just the possibility of surviving is too low, so low that even Gods in charge of time never dare to travel through time.

How can Miyuki who is far weaker than gods survive in such thing as a space-time storm?

What's more, telling her that Miyuki will fight against Antares, a main God-level opponent and even an unknown monster who is stronger than most gods, in the future.

Now, she is worried, anxious, annoyed, etc. Her emotions can be said to be quite complicated at the moment.

Even she has no time to be angry at Meteria and Alfia for stealing her Miyuki.

What she is thinking now is what will happen I'm the future that will make Miyuki fight against a God-level opponent.

"What..." Beside Hestia, Lili was stunned after hearing Meteria's explanation.

She fully believed Meteria because when Meteria said Miyuki's name, her eyes were full of love just like when she looked at Miyuki-sama.

Lili didn't think that Meteria would show such strong emotion without knowing Miyuki.

As for traveling through time, Lili didn't know whether it was possible or not but if it's Miyuki, then she is willing to believe that he can travel through time.

It's just she is worried about the same thing as Hestia. Exactly what will happen in the future that will make Miyuki fight against God-level opponents? Were the gods not present when it happened?

Meteria was slightly stunned after seeing Lili and Hestia's reaction but then a bright smile appeared on her face.

They really love Miyuki-san.

Next, Meteria told some of Miyuki's secrets which made Hestia believe that what she said was true.

"Lord Hestia if possible then please let us stay with you. We have been waiting for a long time and Bell is also eager to meet her father." After making Hestia believe her relationship with Miyuki, Meteria bowed towards Hestia and said with a very sincere face.

She knows that her husband respects and loves Lord Hestia, so she absolutely can't have a bad relationship with her.

What's more, if they want to be close to Miyuki in this time period when he still hasn't met them, they have to rely on Hestia.

"You can stay." Hestia suppressed her complicated thoughts and agreed to Meteria's request.

Although she doesn't want Miyuki to be close to other women, this girl Meteria has already given birth to Miyuki's child.

Hestia is a kind goddess, she isn't cruel enough to drive Miyuki's child away just because of her selfishness.

Although she feels very complicated to share Miyuki with another woman, she can't do anything about it.

"Lili, go ahead and let them choose a room," Hestia said with an extremely complicated look in her eyes.

"Okay." Lili nodded and agreed.

Although their house isn't too big, there are still quite a few vacant rooms available.

She didn't mind that Meteria was Miyuki's woman, after all, she already knew that Miyuki will definitely have several women in the future.

"By the way Lord Hestia, Miyuki-san likes you as well. So, you don't have to worry about losing Miyuki-san." Before leaving the room, Meteria smirked at Hestia and said in her ears in a very low voice and she revealed a playful smile before leaving.

"Bell-chan and Sister Alfia let's go." Meteria took Bell and Alfia's hand and ran towards Lili who stood at the door.

"Mom/Meteria..." Both Bell and Alfia were already accustomed to Meteria's liveliness, so they let her drag them.

"That guy did a good job." Alfia looked at her sister who was cheerful and lively and she remembered the bastard who told her that the black dragon was nothing and he later made her fall in love with him.

It's just that guy should not remember her right now.

This means she has a chance to improve her violent image in that guy's heart.

A smile appeared on the corner of Alfia's mouth when she thought about her future.

The current Alfia was no longer cold-hearted and fierce. She has changed a lot after meeting Miyuki in past.

Meteria saw her sister's smile from a corner and immediately a smile also appeared on her face.

She is very happy that she met Miyuki and fell in love with him. Because Miyuki not only cured her but also untied the knot in her sister's heart.


While Meteria left with a smile, Hetsia in the living room became a mess.

"Miyuki likes me, he likes me,..." Hestia kept murmuring and her heart slowly became a mess.

"What should I do? How should I respond when he comes back." After knowing that Miyuki likes her, several questions began to flash through Hestia's mind.

She does have a high liking for Miyuki otherwise she wouldn't blatantly give benefits to him.

It's just she is a hundred million-year-old virgin, she doesn't know what she should do after knowing that Miyuki likes her.

As for having other women, she is a god her concept is different from humans. Even if she is jealous, she will not stop Miyuki from associating with the girls he likes.

Just like that Hestia was sleepless the whole night.


Next day,

Hestia stood at the door and said goodbye to Lili, Meteria, and others.

"Take care Lord Hestia and try to win a good title for Lord Miyuki," Lili said with a smile.

Although she is still worried about the future, what she cares about now is what title will Miyuki get.

She hopes that Miyuki-sama doesn't get a shameful title.

"So, it's that guy's time to get a title." Alfia thought after hearing Lili's words.

"Wish you the best of luck, Lord Hestia. I hope that Miyuki-san can get a good title." Meteria said with a smile.

She didn't ask for her husband's title when he was with her, so she also hoped that her husband would get a good title.

"Lord Hestia, please try to get a good title for Dad." Bell who was weak in terms of temperament spoke in a determined tone.

Bell has heard several times that her father is a hero. So, she hopes that his title will be the best.

"I will try my best." Hestia nodded after hearing everyone's words and she patted her chest in a reassuring manner.

After knowing that Miyuki also likes her, Hestia's determination to win a good title for him has increased several times.


While Hestia was preparing to go to the god's meeting, Miyuki has already separated from the Loki familia. Now he is advancing inside the super deep floor.

"This is annoying." Miyuki dodged the flame attack of the dragons on the lower floor and muttered.

Ever since he reached the 52nd floor, he has been attacked by the dragons from the 58th floor several times.

52nd to 58th floor is called the Dragon's Pot, and its characteristic is that it ignores floors.

The dragon monsters on the fifty-eighth floor will directly carry out breath attacks from the fifty-eighth floor to the fifty-second floor.

Therefore, once you enter the fifty-second floor, you must run continuously and beware of attacks from below.

It's just, Miyuki finds it annoying that he has to dodge so many times in such a short time.

"Since you're so eager for a fight then I shall give you a fight," Miyuki said in anger and jumped into the hole which was destroyed by the attacks of dragons from lower floors just now.

Since he finds it annoying to dodge. Miyuki has decided to attack these bastards head-on.

Next Miyuki used Fantasy Materialisation and materialized a wing. Then he flew into the deep floors at an extremely rapid speed while dodging and beheading the flying-type monsters who attacked him.


While Miyuki was fighting, the Loki Familia had begun to retreat under the order of Finn.

"Don't worry, he will definitely be fine." Riveria saw the worried look of Lefiya and Ais and comforted them.

"Yeah, brother Miyuki is so strong hoe could something happen to him," Tiona also came over and patted Lefiya on the shoulder and comforted her in a cheerful voice.

After Tiona, Tione and some other girls also joined in and comforted Ais and Lefiya.

In fact, they are also worried about Miyuki. This comfort isn't just for Lefiya and Ais, it's also for themselves.

Under the comfort of several people, Ais and Lefiya also calmed down.

Next, they began to return to the surface.


While Miyuki and Hestia were busy among themselves, Hestia finally arrived at the guild for the god's meeting or Denatus.

In this meeting, the adventurers who have newly upgraded to LV2 will report to the guild by their gods.

Only in this way can he obtain the "title" at the Gods Conference/meeting.

The so-called Gods Conference is a kind of gathering planned by some gods to relieve boredom.

After accumulating a certain amount of strength and territory for his own faction (familia), a god can easily forget the hard work of living and enter a period of laziness.

Having become idle and free, they learned to hang out with their old friends from the same village, chatting about trivial matters to pass the time.

It's just plain chat, but here's the point: every once in a while the gods, with their wild temperaments, hold a gathering.

Later, the number of gods participating in this kind of assembly increased day by day, and the scale of the assembly also expanded accordingly. With the passage of time, the purpose of the event changed.

It has changed from just chatting to sharing the latest information and exchanging opinions, so the gathering is no longer just an exchange between [familiars] but has become an event that cooperates with the guild and affects the entire city.

Although it is almost nameless, the Assembly of the Gods has been recognized and has evolved into a kind of advisory body, possessing certain powers, and its influence has even extended to the adventurer group.

Awarding the title is also one of the links, which has become a common practice now.

An adventurer with a title is like a brave man who left Novice Village. He started to gain a little fame, but due to the waywardness of the gods, the title may become an existence that is ashamed to say.

At this time, the main god of the family needs to appear and try to win a handsome title for his child.

In order to fight for the title of the past for Miyuki, Hestia has been full of energy these two days, visiting her former girlfriends everywhere, trying to get their help.

Unfortunately, her friends are also fun-seeking gods, so except for Hephaestus, Takemikazuchi, and some other friends, none of them are willing to help.

This is also the reason why Hestia was so worried yesterday.

It's just after hearing Meteria say that Miyuki likes her, her fighting spirit has reached its peak. Now, even if her friends don't help, Hestia wants to win a good title for Miyuki no matter what the cost.
