Chapter 55 - Title

The meeting place of the Gods Conference is on the 30th floor of the tower of Babel in the center of the city.

The interior structure of this tower of Babel used up an entire floor of the hall, knocked out all the compartments, and lined up thick and long columns to support the high ceiling.

In the spacious space, there is only a large round table in the middle, without any other furniture.

The walls in the distance are all huge glass, surrounded by the sky as high as 30 floors.

And because the ceiling is unusually high, the whole space is like a temple in the sky.

The number of gods sitting around the round table at regular intervals is more than thirty.

In other words, among Orario, there are so many familias whose strength is enough to rival high-level adventurers—adventurers above Lv.2—and whose strength is recognized.

All kinds of gods attended this meeting. There is a male god with his mouth tightly pursed and his nervous expression hard to hide.

There are also mysterious figures in mammoth masks and silver-haired goddesses with half-closed eyes and smiling faces as they wait for the meeting to begin.

Unlike the "Banquet of the Gods" where formal attire is required, the gods are free to wear whatever they like in god's meeting.

Among them, Hestia sat in her seat, looking at the other gods around intentionally or unintentionally.

"I thought you'd be even more nervous, Hestia." Sitting next to the loli goddess, the one who spoke to her was a goddess wearing a blindfold.

She has red hair shining in the back, and she wears a light top and black trousers.

She looks like men's clothing and has good looks, full of gender-neutral charm.

It was indeed Hestia's former host—Hephaestus.

"If my nervousness and panic can give my family members a nice title, then I don't care what I do, but it will only make other gods look down upon me and laugh at me." Hestia's eyes were burning with a fighting spirit that was the opposite of her laziness in the past and she spoke rather calmly.

"That's right, I just didn't expect you to see it so thoroughly," Hephaestus said with a wry smile and she came over to her side.

As if confirming Hestia's words, several gazes pierced Hestia's soft cheeks like needles.

The faces of the gods who issued these gazes had disgusting smiles admiring the moths flying into the flames, showing no intention of hiding.

"Cough cough, everyone, be quiet!"

The originally clamoring round table suddenly became silent. The person who made the sound stood up, and his vermilion hair fluttered.

"The thousandth session of the Gods Conference has officially begun, and this time I will be the master of ceremonies, Loki! Please take care of me!"

The gods were not stingy with their enthusiasm and gave warm applause and shouts.

"Quiet, quiet!"

Loki succinctly sorted out the information provided by the gods and listed the main points one by one. After all, the Gods Conference is a gathering of the main familias gods of Orario, and it also has the function of conveying attention-grabbing information.

Make sure that the topic is almost covered... She paused for a moment, then raised the corners of her mouth.

"Then the much-anticipated naming ceremony begins!"

With Loki's words as the fuse, the faces of the gods who had been silent all the time changed suddenly.

The silent Hestia was also one of them.

As for the other gods, they grinned wickedly.

Some of the old faces of the Gods Conference seized the opportunity to have fun, and all showed old drivers smirks.

This is where the tragedy unfolded.

"Have everyone got the information? Let's start then?"

The god whose name was called immediately stood up, threw away the dignity of the god, and began to bow: "Please, please, please be merciful...!"


Decide! A certain adventurer, whose title is—[Holy Dragon Knight of Dawn]


This is the mournful cry of the gods.

From the fact that the gods love the culture of the lower world, it can be understood that the tastes of the gods and the people of the lower world are actually very similar.

What humans like, gods will like too.

What humans hate, gods hate too.

Humans are amusing, and so are the gods.

What humans are ashamed of, gods are also ashamed of.

But... only the taste of naming is not limited here.

In other words, it is precisely because they know the shame of these names that they can laugh gloatingly.

And the Assembly of the Gods is a factory rich in such "painful names".

In order to obtain memes that can laugh until they are hypoxic, a few gods with particularly bad tempers continuously launched countless aliases that will make children feel awe.

Every time I saw the gods going mad because of the pain, those vile gods just pointed at the two sides like this and rolled on the ground laughing every day. There will probably be another "myth" that can be passed down to future generations.

At this moment, Hestia's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and she could imagine that if she also got a name like "Black Flame Dragon Knight", she would receive a kind smile from Miyuki after he returned from the dungeon.

At the assembly of the gods, especially at the naming ceremony of the alias, most of the newly joined gods were treated poorly.

Those gods who lead high-level familias and have high positions and authority will always take the opportunity to bully the newcomers because of their seniority in the Gods Conference.

One side was screaming and falling to the ground, while the other side was laughing. Seeing the vastly different camps on both sides, Hestia felt horrible and turned her head away.

And the divine meeting is not over yet, and the naming is still going on. The sun is about to rise to the sky.


Deep in the dungeon, floor 58,

Miyuki is constantly fighting with several Lv6 monsters in order to exercise his ability value.

"Shall we go and have a look." Miyuki looked at the 59th floor after killing all the monsters around him.

"Forget it." Miyuki shook his head and decided not to go to unknown floors.

There are several Lv8 monsters on the unknown floor who can attack from below.

Although his strength has also reached Lv8, that's only for weaker Lv8.

Weaker Lv8 means those who have just been promoted to Lv8.

Miyuki doesn't want to abuse himself. So, he decided to continue hunting monsters on floor 58.


While Miyuki was fighting, the god's meeting went on.


Hestia, who was attending the conference of the gods, suddenly felt a chill down her spine, and her teeth itched with hatred for no reason.

However, what happened next made her unable to think about other things.

I saw Loki looking at the materials she had applied to the guild in advance.

In addition to the name, there is also a person's data on the data, and a realistic portrait drawn when logging in as an adventurer is pasted.

The surrounding gods also turned over the entire stack of parchment in their hands and praised in unison.

"This girl is so beautiful!"

"Yeah yeah, so cute!"

"Oops, I'm super cute with black hair!"

"That's to say, how can I be so cruel to such a cute will make my chest burn, er no, it's a disturbed conscience."

There are a few ways to avoid getting a wicked alias at the Gathering of the Gods.

The least verbose way is to send a red envelope to a high-ranking god before the meeting, but the other party will probably open his mouth, which is not easy for the familias who are developing and do not have enough financial resources.

A more common case, as is being discussed at this time, is that the members themselves please the gods.

This is more likely to happen to women.

Like a ray of light in a dark cloud, Takemikazuchi, the male god with buns tied on both sides of his head, hurriedly stood up from his seat.

"However, Takemikazuchi, it's all your fault."

"Yeah, he's so handsome."

"The goddess and the lovely children have been cheated by you..."

"Damn, lolicon!"

"Yeah, if that's the case, let me do it myself... Xixixi."

Yes, the gods are such jealous and willful existence.

Takemikazuchi, who was so happy, gritted his teeth angrily. Damn bastards, he obviously didn't say that when he invited you to drink.

"Okay, let me see her off for the last time! [Future Galaxy]!"

"This lovely child is indeed a good girl, but if you want to blame it, you can blame your main god. [Sacred Maiden of Zero]."

"Hey, that's enough, stop! Yamato... Yamato was brought up by me!" Takemikazuchi roared in grief, but the wayward gods didn't care.

"Well, don't be angry, I think it's a good name."

"Yeah yeah."

"Why don't we just call him [Angel]?"

"Pfft—" A god covered his mouth and shook his shoulders: "I am a professionally trained god, no matter how funny it is, I will never laugh..."

"Stop bullying him, Takemikazuchi is about to cry."

This moment, this time is the most lively moment of the Gods Conference.

Hestia and Hephaestus also made several comments, but they were ignored.

"Then, Yamato's decided to be [Absolute✝Shadow]."

"no disagreement."

"Wow wow, wow wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Hestia could only feel sympathy when she saw the straight-faced god friend crying with her head in her hands.

She secretly decided to buy him a drink tonight.

After the male god who has the reputation of a martial god has shed blood and tears, the victims still appear on the stage one after another.

The hellish scene in the world lasted for a while, and the middle and small [Families] were almost finished, and then it was the turn of the high-level [Familiars] from the city to appear.

[Hephaestus Familia] is followed by [Ganesha Familia] and [Ishtar Familia]. The names of the members of the famous [Familia] are listed one by one.

Of course, [Loki Familia] is also listed, it's just there weren't many high-level adventurers in Loki familia who upgraded.

Although Ais's strength has already reached top Lv6, her level is still Lv5, so there is no such thing as her name during this god's meeting.

For these high-level familias, none of the gods dared to give shameful titles.

Another way to avoid getting a shameful title is to expand the influence of the [Familia].

In short, as long as the other gods feel that they don't dare to offend that [familia], that's enough.

Because no god will knowingly be a death squad knowing that he may be retaliated against.

"Okay, forget it, move on... well, there's only one last one left. " After another few unlucky guys, Loki finally saw the guy she hated a lot. It was this guy who snatched her Ais.

Hestia's face turned pale, and she took a deep breath.

There is the last piece of information at hand.

For this one, the guild was skeptical and put it at the end.

And because this adventurer's reputation is not obvious, there is only a little basic relevant information, and the speed of the other party's upgrade is really too appalling.

"Wait, isn't this child the one Hestia asked us to vote for?" A certain goddess spoke.

"Yeah, he's very handsome, no wonder he was able to make Hestia come to us to plead!"

"Wow, it's not as rude as other kids at all, I really want it!"

The naming convention went awry.

Loki coughed quickly, bringing back the topic that had been missed.

"Wait a minute, this kid, it's only been more than a month since he became an adventurer?"

"Hey, it's true, it's too outrageous!"

"Hestia, did you really not falsely report your level for personal reasons?"

Questions from the gods followed.

Hestia retorted angrily: "It's not a false report, it's true that he is different from ordinary children!"

"What's the difference?"

"Even [Sword Princess] Ai Si took a year to level up."

"Yet this child has already reached Lv3. You tell us that it's true."
