Chapter 71 - War Game Topic and Time

The next day,

The whole Orario was very lively because the news of Miyuki agreeing to the war game spread.

After experiencing a long life of boredom, Gods have become fun-seeking creatures.

Since all of them attended the banquet, they naturally spread the news of the war game.

So, the news about Hestia familia and Apollo familia is going to have a war game spread in just one night.

The guild quickly approved their war game and it was decided that the topic of the war game will be decided today and will be held the day after tomorrow.

The gap in the middle is preparation time for respective familias.

At this time, the god's meeting was held again and all the gods are gathered in the tower babel in order to decide the type of war game.

Orario Central, the 30th floor of the Tower of Babel.

In the assembly hall with a high ceiling supported by columns and columns, and only one round table was placed, many gods gathered at this time.

The rules and forms of the war game will refer to the opinions of other gods with the consent of the two main gods of the opposing factions.

Although this is a means of maintaining fairness, it is also to make war games more enjoyable for the gods.

Hestia and Apollo sit facing each other, and the gods are the witnesses.

"I can't wait any longer. Time is limited. Let's start now, okay?"

Loki said impatiently with his hands folded on the back of his head. With her words, the gods began to discuss the issue of war games.

First, under the supervision of four weeks, the goddess Hestia and Apollo completed the autographing and formalities of the necessary documents.

"If I wait to win, I want Miyuki (Sword Master)"


Hestia was silent for a while, and said, "If I win, I want the Apollo family to disband and leave the Orario city and never return!"

The corners of Apollo's mouth twitched, and he forced a smile and said, "It's really merciless."

Next, it is to determine the form of the war game to determine the outcome.

"Let's go one-on-one, and each [Familia] will send a representative to decide the outcome, how about it?"

Hestia, who was sitting at the corner of the round table, stared at Apollo opposite and made a speech.

"Then the Apollo family will be miserable."

"That's right, that's the Sword Master who is said to have defeated the Formidable One!"

"It's not fair."

The gods sitting around the round table giggled.

They didn't take sides, they just watched the silent Apollo for fun.

Hephaestus clenched her fists and sighed. She also spoke just now but these fun-seeking bastards ignored her opinion.

In fact, not only Hephaestus, but Takemikazuchi also spoke due to Yamato's request. Mihe and some other god friends of Hestia also voted in her favor. It's just, these gods really want to watch the fun.

So, none of them listened to Hestia's or her friend's words.

The blond male god wearing a laurel crown put on a calm mask and snorted.

"Don't be kidding, there is no fun in war games in this case."

Apollo immediately grasped the pain point of the gods and said: "War games should allow all members to conduct a siege battle! The lack of members of the family is all due to your negligence, Hestia because you have not actively recruited members until now. "


Hestia bit her lip and was powerless to refute when Apollo explained the responsibilities of leading the faction's lord god.

Indeed, it was because of my personal desire to be alone with Miyuki that I didn't actively recruit members. Later, Lili joined due to Miyuki's life-saving favor and Bell joined as Miyuki's daughter.

Even though there are super spec existence like Meteria and Alfia at home but they are from the Hera familia, not from her own familia.

Next, the two sides of Hestia and Apollo began to struggle over one-on-one and positional warfare.

The two sides insisted on their own opinions and quarreled, and Hestia insisted on a one-on-one fight, while Apollo chose to insist on a positional battle, and the rest of the gods were yelling, as lively as a vegetable market.

"It's so noisy, when will we be able to make a decision if this goes on like this? All I suggest is to write down your thoughts on a piece of paper, and then draw lots. Whatever you draw will be yours! Whether it's a one-on-one battle or a positional battle, it's all settled. ."

With a fierce punch on the table, the angry voice of the goddess named Loki resounded in the noisy environment, and she made a relatively fair suggestion.

Yes, relatively fair.

Each god writes down his own thoughts, and whichever one is drawn is the one.

If you got a heads-up, then you can only blame Apollo for not pulling out all the potential of his child.

But if it is a positional battle where the required number of people is drawn, then blame you, Hestia, why don't you find more familia members?

"Well, Loki's suggestion is very good."

"I agree."

The moment they got the solution, everyone became excited and recorded their thoughts on the parchment on the table.

Because it was a lottery, no one knew who would be drawn, so each god wrote down the one he found exciting.

Although Hestia's friends wrote down the heads-up, Hephaestus and the others helplessly shook their heads when they saw the excited expressions on the faces of the surrounding gods because their numbers were a bit smaller compared to the others.

"Then the question is, who will draw?"

If it was Hestia who drew, then Apollo would definitely have an opinion, but if Apollo came to draw, Hestia would not accept it, so these two people were directly ruled out.

"How about leaving this to me?"

In the center of the entire venue, there is a head of shining silver hair and a charmingly beautiful face. The goddess of beauty named Freya has a charming smile on her face from the beginning to the end. Open your mouth.

No one will solve Freya, no matter because of Freya's own beauty, or because of Freya's status as the double king of Orario.

Even if Miyuki is against Freya, her reputation still hasn't fallen. After all, the defeat of Ottar is still just a rumor.

"If you leave it to the goddess of beauty, I can't rest assured." With a dazzling smile on his face, Apollo felt flattered and he looked at Freya with eyes full of intoxication with this goddess.

"Freya, it's not impossible."

Nodding, Hestia thought it was okay.

Although she didn't deal with Freya very much, this goddess is relatively normal. Although Freya is also a promiscuous god, the children in her familia are all chased by her ability, which is completely different from Apollo's stalking and stalking methods.

Besides, Freya's love for Miyuki is quite obvious, so she doesn't mind leaving it to her.

I saw the silver-haired goddess who represented beauty stand up gently, and every move attracted everyone. This can be seen from the blush still appearing on the face of the god beside him.

It's just that Freya never set her eyes on these people. She came to the front of the table, stretched out her hand, squeezed a random one in the box, and spread it out on the table.

"Positional warfare."

"Hahahahaha, Lady Luck is still on my side. Thank you, Freya, you are really amazing!"

The moment he saw the note in Freya's hand, Apollo couldn't stop laughing wildly. If he could, he even wanted to hug Freya and thank him fiercely. But if he really did this, then he, Apollo, would not even think about mixing in Orario.

"Hey, my wheel battle!"

"It's okay, I didn't get the siege battle either."

"But that's not bad, in all respects."

Unlike the others, Hestia was a bit unhappy.

— Tsk! Gritting her teeth, Hestia curled her lips. Although she was very unhappy, she could only admit that she was unlucky in such a thing as bad luck.

"Hahahaha..." In contrast to Hestia, Apollo continued laughing sarcastically.

He thinks he will win, whether it is offensive or defensive, a large army battle requires a large number of troops.

One person against hundreds of people, no matter how strong the other party is, can be exhausted to death by relying on large numbers.

Moreover, positional warfare is more troublesome than siege warfare.

The number of people in Hestia's camp is really too small, even if Miyuki's strength is beyond the standard, but if Miyuki has been guarding the camp at home, who should break through the camp on Apollo's side?

( Bell is still Lv2 in the eyes of other gods. )

If Miyuki goes to Apollo to attack the position, then Apollo can directly send someone with excellent stealth ability to take the position directly.

The so-called war game is such a thing, and there are many ways to determine the outcome.

It is also because of this that even after knowing Miyuki's combat power, Apollo still dared to agree to engage in war games

"At this point, the method of the war game has been decided, so the next step is to decide the time."

"The time was agreed to be two days later. So, the battle shall be held the day after tomorrow."

Pinching her chin, Freya said so. However, Freya, one of the twin kings, has already spoken, who else would dare to veto it?

Loki, one of the other twin kings? It's a pity that Loki has no objection. This made the gods who couldn't wait to watch the war game could only wait patiently for another day.

After the meeting, Hestia thanked her friends and returned to her family impatiently, because she didn't want to look at Apollo's embarrassing expression at all.


Returning home, Hestia immediately informed Miyuki and others about the upcoming war game.

"Positional warfare, huh." Miyuki immediately remembered the information about positional warfare then he smiled.

"We will definitely win." Miyuki rubbed Hestia's head and said after seeing her worried face.

"Dad, let's discuss the matter of the war game." Bell came to Miyuki and held his hand then she asked.

"Okay..." Miyuki smiled dotingly and then he thought for a while and talked about his simple plan.

His plan is extremely simple.

Just go straight and kill the Apollo familia.

Next Miyuki and others talked about the upcoming war game for a while and then they returned to their respective rooms.

That night, Miyuki sorted out the artifacts he had materialized until now and he also prepared for the upcoming god killing.

After all, Apollo is a main god-level powerhouse. It's not an easy task to kill him.
