Chapter 72 - War game begins

The so-called positional warfare is different from the siege strategy, but one thing is the same, it cannot be fought in the city of Orario.

During the buffer time of these two days, one day was used to prepare the venue, and the other day was used to prepare the weapons or potions that each familia wants to station in their city.

It's just that during these two days, Miyuki, Bell, and the others, did not make any other preparations, and they were still doing the training they should do every day as if they were not the ones who were going to start a war game with the Apollo familia.

And today the streets are bustling with activity. It was even several times more lively than usual. It was as if a festival was about to be held.

Even, all the taverns opened early in the morning, and vendors began to set up stalls one by one on every corner of the street.

Of course, some people are most concerned about the game ending of the two families, because it is related to their odds.

And on the 30th floor of the Tower of Babel, most of the gods who were looking forward to war games more than anyone else have come here. Hestia and Apollo are naturally here, and Loki and Freya are also here.

Holding a glass of red wine in her hand, she gently picked up a piece of pastry and put it in her mouth. The silver-haired goddess Freya narrowed her eyes, but the flash of light in her eyes was completely caught by Loki beside her.

"Hestia, are you ready to become a loner? Hahahaha." Apollo laughed loudly and said.

Looking at Hestia with a smile, Apollo even raised his legs because of his self-confidence, not caring about the etiquette of the gods at all, and the corners of his mouth were raised high, almost reaching the ears.

Glancing at Apollo, Hestia snorted and didn't turn back, still chatting with her best friend Hephaestus.

"Oh, I want to see if you can still be happy then." Seeing that Hestia ignored him, Apollo also knew that he was asking for trouble, but in this situation, Apollo just laughed and no longer spoke.

However, Apollo is not qualified to speak next because the war game has already begun.

Including Hestia and Apollo, all the gods in Orario stretched out their hands and snapped their fingers together.

Also, at this moment, with a buzzing sound, screens like projections quietly appeared in front of the guild headquarters on the street corners of Orario's taverns, and everyone focused their eyes on the screens that suddenly appeared.

On the screen, the two cities were reflected on it. These are the cities occupied by the Hestia family and the Apollo family respectively.

Countless circular screens quietly appeared in every corner of the city making the whole city constantly erupt with noisy conversations.

The gods all set their own rules, and absolutely cannot use the power that belongs to the gods. If it is discovered that any god uses the power of God in the lower realm, then this god will be sent back to the heavenly realm.

However, in the lower realms, the only power of gods allowed to be used is the ability called the mirror of gods, which is similar in effect to clairvoyance.

This ability can broadcast live everything the gods want to see, no matter how far away it is.

In order to allow the gods to enjoy the activities planned by the lower world, get entertainment, and get stimulation, this is the only special case that is approved for use.

Of course, this ability can only be used under special circumstances. If it is used under normal circumstances, something will happen. Otherwise, Freya would have used this ability to spy on Miyuki all the time.

Among the rich hostesses, a waiter in a long green dress is pulling her elf friend and staring at the screen without blinking.

In the Loki family, in Finn's office, except for Loki who went to the Tower of Babel, all the high-level members of the Loki family are here, whether it is the elf Riveria or the leader Finn, at this time, the two cities also attract their attention on the screen.

And behind them, a girl with light blond hair who looked like a porcelain doll quietly held the long sword in her hand, her pupils shone brightly like a lake illuminated by the sun, but she was staring closely at the Hestia family the wall of the city.

Beside her, three more girls with beautiful faces were looking at the city in the mirror.

There, stood a black-haired boy.

In the Hestia familia, two long white-haired girls stood silently looking at the city on which Miyuki and others stood.

In the adventurers guild, a pink-haired girl and a half-elf girl also looked at the mirror and saw Miyuki and others standing on the city wall.


"Miyuki-sama, it's started." Standing next to Miyuki, Lili followed Miyuki's line of sight and looked at the opposite castle standing there intact and said.

In the war game, they have only one task today: to capture the opponent's position or defeat the opponent's leader.

"Oh, I see," Miyuki spoke indifferently.

The calm face made it hard to see what Miyuki was feeling right now, but now, there was a colder smile on the corner of Miyuki's mouth.

"Man, how about saying hello to the other side." Muttering to himself, Miyuki prepared to launch an attack.

Closing his eyes gently, he mobilized the huge magic power in his body and began to condense a certain sci-fi weapon combined with magic in his mind.

Holding the gun he formed, Miyuki began to power it up with magic power and he used his magic, Magic cannon.

Surging magic power poured into the gun and it began to emit dazzling white light due strong concentration of energy.

"What is that!"

"Is the Sword Master going to do it directly? Is this another magic sword newly developed by the Hephaestus family?"

"It seems like some kind of magic."

"Isn't Sword Master a master of swordsmanship, why is he using such strong magic."

Miyuki's move at the beginning has already interested the gods, including ordinary people, but no one can answer their questions and no one can tell them that Miyuki's swordsmanship isn't as good as his magic.

The next moment, a dazzling magic cannon shot out from the muzzle of the gun, left a long straight line in the sky, and bombarded the city wall of the Apollo family.

Under the eyes of Hyakinthos, the leader of the Apollo family, the city wall that took a day to reinforce was blown away like a block of mud, and many members of the familia were also blasted out amidst screams.

This was just Miyuki's first attack and it's still casual.

On the other hand, the Apollo Familia was caught off guard and directly injured more than a dozen regiment members. Before Hyakinthos could relax and take a breath, the opposite city wall lit up with that bright light again.

The second bombardment has already followed!


The war game had only started for a few minutes, and the attack from the Hestia family was obviously beyond everyone's expectations, including Hestia's small mouth opened in surprise.

Even though Hestia knows that Miuki is strong and she also knows that his magic called Magic Cannon must also be strong but she has never seen him using it in reality. So, the visual effects brought by the magic cannon shocked her.

On the contrary, Apollo, the smile on his face was not affected at all, as if this situation was just a small scene, his heart was as stable as an old dog, and he didn't panic at all.


The bright laser blasted on the city wall again, and the penetrating magic cannon shot directly through the opposite city wall. Amidst the screams of the Apollo familia, the other side once again lit up this terrible light.

Under everyone's horrified eyes, the third shot was ready to go.

"Really! How can such strong magic be used continuously? Doesn't Sword Master feel tired?"

"His magic is too powerful, the Apollo familia is doomed to fail I'm in front of Sword Master."

"Don't say that guy is Sword Master, this guy is a proper Magic user. It's better to change his title."

"Hmm, we have to wait for the next god's meeting if we want to change his title."

The boring gods quickly began to talk about Miyuki's magic and they forgot about Apollo's familia.

"Don't talk about breaking the opponent's position if this continues, our side will be beaten into a sieve first!" Hyakinthos looked at the magic cannon attacking one after another and cursed in a low voice.

Looking at each other in horror, the adventurer of the Apollo familia has only one thought in his mind at this moment: to try his best to avoid the next attack.

"Apollo, if that's the case, it's useless to have a large number of people on your side. You might as well have promised me to fight one-on-one from the beginning." With her small face up, Hestia glanced at Apollo who was sitting on the other side, and said in disdain.

"Don't worry, the real contest is just beginning now." Squinting his eyes, it was hard to see Apollo's true thoughts.

"Bell, the protection of the city will be handed over to you and I will leave an enchantment and some things for protection."

After creating a strong enchantment with the ability of fantasy materialization, Miyuki gave some magic crystals which could explode Lv7 magic explosion.

These magic crystals were made by him in his spare time based on the same Principe as the one in Artemis's hand. It's just the magic inside them is his magic cannon and not the power of nature.

After the Bell took the magic crystals, she excitedly promised to protect the city, Miyuki nodded to Lili at the side and jumped off the city wall, and this move also made the gods a little puzzled.

Like this, shouldn't it be planning to rush over foolishly alone? Obviously, as long as you release that strange weapon at home, the long-range strike alone is almost guaranteed to win.

And now, is this planning to abandon the advantage of long-distance and choose to rampage alone?

The gods and even everyone in the Orario guessed right, Miyuki on the field really planned to solo.

Unsheathing the Hestia's Blade forged by Hephaestus, Miyuki muttered, "Just right, let's make a fuss."

He raised his eyelids, and a cold light flashed in his dark pupils. Miyuki's patience with Apollo's family had long been wiped out by Apollo himself. Well, since Apollo is going to be taught a painful lesson, killing all his minions is just the first step.
