Chapter 82 - Explaining the situation

The matter of Miyuki was not known to anyone.

Soon, Miyuki returned to the mansion with the three girls.

Before entering the door, Hestia's complaints were heard.

"Lord Hestia, don't be angry, even Miyuki-sama needs a private space." Lili comforted the goddess.

Apparently, Hestia feels lonely because of Miyuki's absence.

Miyuki pushed the door open and entered.

"Miyuki-sama!" When Lili saw it, she took the initiative to greet him.

"Where have you been for half a day?" Hestia came, and before she finished complaining, she saw a beautiful girl in his arms.

Still unconscious.

"you you you!"

The twin tails stood up high, and Hestia pointed at him in disbelief.

"Am I not enough for you." First Hestia's mental state broke down and then she said angrily, "Abduction and trafficking of women are wrong! Hurry... Hurry up and send it back, before the guild finds out!"

"Miyuki-sama, it's true, obviously we always do it but you're looking for girls outside. ." Lili blushed slightly and said resentfully.

Cassandra and Daphne remained silent, and they looked at Miyuki with questioning looks in their eyes.

They just established their relationship with each and here they went to kidnap another girl.

No matter what, Cassandra and Daphne also have some complaints in their hearts.

Even Bell looked at Miyuki with subtle eyes.

She never thought that her glorious father had such a side.

He would kidnap young girls.

The atmosphere became silent, depressed, and subtle.

Thankfully Meteria and Alfia aren't here, otherwise, the atmosphere would definitely detonate and it would become even more depressing.

The different expressions of the girls were noticed by Miyuki, and they all pointed to one point.

He put Haruhime down on the sofa.

"I guess you must be brainstorming the plot of me snatching the poor girl at night, but I declare in advance that she is the poor person I rescued from the happy street. As for the fainting, it may be because I can't accept the facts for a while. Regarding this point, Mikoto and Chigusa can testify."

Only after hearing Miyuki's words, did everyone discover the two girls hiding behind the boy.

"Another...two more!"

Hestia trembled with anger.

"And it's from Happy Street!"

They all know what Happy Street is.

A place of pleasure for wretched adventurers.

It's full of whores from all over the world, sucking men's wallets, intelligence, and energy.

Now it's even more suspicious.

"Miyuki-sama has me, lord Hestia, and others to do that sort of thing. Why would you go to Happy Street?" Lili said with a rosy and depressed face.

Can't she satisfy Miyuki's needs?

So, he went to find women outside.

"Miyuki-san also has me and Daphne. We can do it too.".Cassandra said shyly.

"Hey, don't agree to do it directly." Daphne pinched Cassandra's face and said with a slightly red face.

Even she would be embarrassed if she talked about that kind of thing in front of others.

Although it does feel good and she doesn't hate doing it. Even she likes it.

But, but...

In the end, Daphne lowered her head blushing.

"Dad, I can also help..." Bell's face was red and she said while pinching her fingers.

The emotions in her heart aren't simply familial love.

It is the taboo love between father and daughter.

Bell has been with Miyuki for a while after birth and she met him when she was young.

Although she spent quite some time with Miyuki, it was just her childhood.

Rest of her life, she has only heard of her father's existence.

Hearing the stories about her father, learning about his character, and knowing about him more and more.

Bell developed a father control attribute and Miyuki became the most perfect existence in her heart.

It's just like Mordred loved Artoria in Type-moon. The only difference is that Bell's love is normal love, it's not the distorted love of Mordred.

Now that her father's needs can't be satisfied, Bell is ready to take the lead.

It's just, hearing Bell's words, Miyuki was speechless.

He can understand Hestia and others talking about that kind of thing but Bell...

She is his own daughter.

He couldn't have become a ghost father in the future, could he?

Anyway, his own daughter is his little paddle jacket. It's good not to be snatched by a pig outside.

Sighing in his heart, Miyuki stopped joking with everyone and explained with his eyes.

After a few minutes.

Under the words of the oriental girl with a slightly excited expression, everyone finally understood Haruhime's life experience.

Poor girl.

She was supposed to enjoy a happy family, but because of ancient rules, she was expelled from the house and sold to Orario as a prostitute.

"Fortunately, Lili didn't fall to this level in the past," Lili said with a bit of fear.

In her heart, she is very happy.

The initial betrayal and beating turned her into the person she hated the most.

But still alive.

Not like the girl in front who was sold as a prostitute.

Thankfully, both of them were saved by Miyuki and no tragedies happened.

"A girl abducted by human traffickers."

Hestia also calmed down, and after apologizing to Miyuki, she looked at the sleeping girl with soft and loving eyes.

The golden fluffy hair seems to be having a nightmare, and the drooping ears are shaking slightly.

"She is a very rare Fox race woman, so it's no wonder she was sold here." Hestia sighed.

Although the coming of the gods is a game in the world, they will never be reduced to such a miserable situation.

Without God's permission, no one would dare to touch them.

"How much did it cost to redeem it? Although there are not many girls like this, the price will be very expensive." Hestia asked with folded arms.

"We took it back directly." Miyuki is very straightforward.

"Snatch it back...snatch it back...huh?!"

Hestia jumped up instantly.

Bell, Lili, Cassandra, and Daphne all cast incredible looks at Miyuki.

"Haruhime couldn't be redeemed with a ransom, so I used my own method to bring her back." Miyuki shrugged and explained the matter.

At this time, there was a sleepy sound beside him.

Haruhime, who fainted, woke up.

"Introduce yourself." Looking at Haruhime, Miyuki smiled and said, "Explain your situation here."

The unfamiliar environment made Haruhime who had just woken up, stunned in place, until more than ten seconds later, the previous memories gradually came to mind.

She looked at Miyuki sadly, and after standing up from the sofa, she knelt down in front of him.

"My little girl is not talented, and I am very grateful for your kindness, but...before the situation gets worse, I beg you to let me go back to the Ishtar family, otherwise, the Lord God Ishtar will not let it go."

If it's just an ordinary prostitute, even if Ishtar is not informed, the adventurer can directly buy the woman he likes with money.

But Haruhime is different.

She has very rare magic.

Even more practical than Cassandra's precognitive dreams.

Magic - Magic Mallet.

The effect is that the activation target is limited to one person, the adventurer level of any one target is increased within a certain period of time, and there is no level limit.

That is to say, after Haruhime uses the magic mallet, the Lv1 adventurer can grow to Lv2, Lv2 can be upgraded to Lv3... and so on, and even the Lv7 Ottar can be upgraded to Lv8.

Miyuki can also temporarily upgrade his level with Haruhime's help.

Haruhime's magic is practical and rare.

Besides, Ishtar wants to sacrifice Haruhime in order to let all of her familia members level up and fight against Freya.

This is the main reason why Ishtar didn't want to let Haruhime go.

Miyuki looked at Haruhime with satisfaction.

The fox girl is very kind.

Knowing that she is in a quagmire, she still doesn't want to hurt others.

Miyuki looked into her eyes and said with a smile, "Knowing that there is only one death to go back to, why don't you want to seize this only chance of survival?"

Haruhime's heart tightened.

It's not that she doesn't want to live.

Her desire to survive was wiped out in the brothel long ago, and a woman's modesty and dignity were trampled on mercilessly by men.

It made Haruhime feels ashamed to continue living in this world.

"You think you're not a virgin, so you're unclean, don't you?"

Miyuki's straightforward words made several people present blush.

Haruhime looked into Miyuki's eyes, endured her shame and sorrow, and nodded.

"Haruhime-sama, as long as you live well, it doesn't matter if you're not a virgin!" Mikoto said anxiously.

As soon as these words came out, Haruhime wanted to die even more.

"Whether you are a virgin or not, isn't it only you who knows best?" Miyuki said and he didn't blush when he mentioned a private topic.

"Or do you want me to take a look at it for you?"

When he grabbed the girl's wrist earlier, he had felt the purity of Haruhime in the dark.

Moreover, in the original work, Haruhime faints when she sees the naked skin of men, so the work of serving men is also done by a member of the familia named Aisha.

"Mikoto, Chigusa, go and verify your childhood playmate's purity." Miyuki pushed Haruhime into Mikoto's arms and said playfully.

"Um, Huh!" The girls blushed and they took Haruhime into another room.


A while later,

The girls came out of the room one after another.

Finally, Haruhime.

She lowered her head, and the blush spread to her ears.

Although Mikoto and Chigusa's cheeks were equally flushed, they were smiling.

Looking at their appearance, Miyuki knew that he got the answer he wanted.

"Leave the question until the end. As you can see, I have rescued you from the brother forcefully. Although it is only half of my original wish, it is also true that the ending to prevent you from being ruined is true. If you still want to seek death. It's going to be difficult." Miyuki spoke in half teasing and half-serious tone.

Mikoto and Chigusa remained silent.

"I am so sorry."

Haruhime threw herself on the ground~, ​​still kneeling.

People in the island country really like to talk on their knees.

Not bad though.

"However... the little girl is very likely to bring you a fatal disaster. The Ishtar family has taken a fancy to my magic and plans to use the killing stone to sacrifice the life of the little girl to take the magic away. If you do this, then is it worth it?"

"Whether it's worth it or not is not up to you." Miyuki shook his head.

"Besides, I have already erased the memory of everyone who knows about your abduction. So, other than us no one knows that Sword Master has been to Happy Street and he snatched a member of Ishtar Familia." Miyuki shook his fingers in front of Haruhime and said in a calm tone.

Since Haruhime doesn't like the word prostitute, he wouldn't use it.

"Huh!" x8 All the girls and the goddess in the room were shocked after hearing Miyuki's words.

Erasing memory, that's magic that people should not have.

"What's so surprising? My bloodline is extraordinary, hypnosis and memory manipulation of creatures lower than myself is extremely easy."

"Bell can do it too." Miyuki shrugged and spread his hand while speaking in a somewhat helpless tone.

The ability of hypnosis and memory manipulation is innate for true ancestors just like fantasy materialization.

He didn't use it before because there was no need.

Now that he has made a fuss in Ishtar's familia, he naturally used it in order to end the conflict without anyone's knowledge.

After all, if Ishtar dies or returns to heaven while he is in conflict with her, then the first suspect will definitely be him.

"Really." Everyone immediately looked at Bell.

"Um..." Bell nodded and timid red eyes shrank slightly.

"That's one awesome ability." Daphne patted Bell on the should and said with a smile.

"It's better than my useless future vision." Cassandra nodded with a weak look on her face.

"Miyuki-sama's magics are really unique." Lili smiled and said.

"Miyuki's bloodline is really extraordinary." Hestia looked at Miyuki and sighed.

Unlike others, she knows that Bell is really Miyuki's daughter, she isn't playing some role game.

So, she knows very well that Bell has his bloodline flowing in her veins.

Could she and Miyuki's child be also extraordinary?

Looking at Miyuki, Hestia couldn't help but have the thought of having a child.

Then she blushed but she looked at Miyuki and her gaze became firm for some reason.

"Thanks a lot, Miyuki-dono. We will try our best to repay you." Yamato Mikoto bowed toward Miyuki and solemnly thanked him.

"Thank you, Lord Sword Master." Chigusa also bowed slightly.

Both of them know that Miyuki erased everyone else's memory for Haruhime.

Now, Haruhime would not be found out and she could live freely as long as she wasn't found.

Mikoto and Chigusa are really grateful to Miyuki.

"It's okay." Miyuki nodded and accepted the gratitude with a smile.

"Ishtar's matter, leave it to me."

In the cold night illuminated by moonlight, Miyuki left the mansion after talking with everyone for a while.
