Chapter 83 - Killing Ishtar

[ Mission Name: Kill the gods again

Introduction: Ishtar's action makes you disgusted, so, you want to do something.

Mission content: Kill Ishtar or send her back to heaven

Successful sign-in reward: 2600 points, talent level +1, lottery X1

PS: Rewards other than points can only be obtained after killing Ishtar. ]

Walking towards the happy street, Miyuki looked at his second mission.

This mission was released after he forcefully took Haruhime away.

He only noticed it after returning to his home.

It's just the mission makes him hesitate.

The reward for this mission is extremely rich. Even richer than killing Apollo.

But the danger is even higher.

Ishtar isn't just the goddess of beauty. She is also the goddess of war and harvest in Sumerian mythology.

She is the favorite daughter of God King Ann and she has the strongest bull of heaven in her hands.

In terms of combat power, she is definitely one of the strongest main gods.

Even if the destruction level can't reach Apollo, her frontal melee ability is much, much higher than Apollo's.

Apollo is no match for her in the frontal fight.

After all, Apollo isn't a god of war and victory.

Although this world is different from myth, there shouldn't be much difference.

Otherwise, Ishtar's reward wouldn't be much higher than Apollo's.

If it's just sending Ishtar back to heaven then it's an extremely easy task.

He just needs to stab Ishtar.

"It's just I am a bit greedy." Miyuki looked at the options and smiled.

Since he is greedy then he is naturally going to choose the most difficult path.

It's just, he needs to prepare a bit.

Ishtar in this world should not be like the hip stretching Ishtar from Type-moon.

If she is really like that, then his mission would be much easier and maybe he wouldn't attack her.

Unfortunately, she is nothing like Ishatar from Type-moon World.


Brightly lit Happy Street.

The headquarters of the Ishtar family.

As the main god, Goddess Ishtar sat on the main seat with an angry expression, and in front of her were members of the family including Aisha.

Several Amazon members sat on the chaotic chairs and sofas. They were all faction cadres and top combat whores.

"Lord Ishtar, what are you doing to summon us suddenly? I just caught a man and I'm going to enjoy it."

The custom-made sofa, the woman who pressed the corner of the wooden table with cracking noises, has a fatter body than ordinary women.

Not only was she ridiculously ugly, but she was also fat and bloated, which made her look extremely different from the slender whores.

Her name is Phryne Jamil, the only lv5 adventurer of the Ishtar family and the head of the family.

Ishtar glanced around gloomily, and said, "Haruhime was snatched away just now."


"How so?"

"Who on earth has the guts?"

The room was shrouded in silence for a while, and the members of the regiment were discussing in a hurry.

"Why Haruhime?" Aisha frowned.

Among the family members, she has always treated Haruhime as her younger sister, and she took care of all the guests she was unable to receive in the past.

"The murderer hasn't been identified and everyone present at that time has lost their memory." Ishtar's face was gloomy as hell and she spoke in an extremely terrifying tone.

"Erasing memory..." Aisha opened her mouth wide and said in shock.

"No one in Orario should have that type of magic."

"Although it's unbelievable, someone definitely has that magic and he snatched Haruhime. Now, he is our number one enemy." Ishtar's gloomy face became even gloomier after hearing Aisha.

At this moment her heart is already dripping with blood.

She shouldn't have spent time with that damn Hermes and she should never have let Haruhime outside the familia.

Now, it's good, Haruhime has been snatched and the enemy is extremely troublesome.

Hearing this, Aisha was very shocked again.

Someone was really able to take away Haruhime without even alarming anyone.

"But don't worry, the scope has been narrowed." Ishtar regained her previous calm and said, "If my guess is true then it is the Sword Master who took away Haruhime."

"Why?" Aisha asked in a puzzled tone.

She doesn't think that Sword Master would do that kind of thing.

After all, his reputation in Orario is really good.

'But if it's him then it should be fine.' Aisha thought of that person's character and she breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

"Hehe... I really couldn't have guessed that it was Sword Master who took away Haruhime." Laughing gloomily Ishtar said about how she found out about Miyuki.

"If it wasn't for the recording magic crystal at the gate of Happy Street, I really wouldn't have found him." Thinking about the picture in which Miyuki took away Haruhime and no one could even stop him, Ishtar could wait to kill him.

Aisha was relieved after hearing Ishtar's words.

Sword Master, Ishtar shouldn't have the strength to snatch Haruhime from the opponent.

Next, Haruhime's life should be very happy.

Aisha blessed Haruhime in her heart.

"Hehehe, Sword Master? I heard that he is a very cute boy. I am afraid that only such a man is worthy of my beauty." Phryne croaked like a frog.

"Lord Ishtar, since the murderer has been identified, why don't you let me catch them all."

After finishing speaking, the giant Phryne stood up, and the sofa under her let out a moan of relaxation.

"Need not."

Ishtar, who saw through what Phryne was thinking, narrowed her eyes.

"Wait until tomorrow to go to the guild to complain about the Sword Master's crimes, and demand compensation from the other party as much as possible. If the compensation is not enough, then arrest that Sword Master... I will use it first, and I will give it to you after the matter is over."

"We are no match for that Swordmaster in one on one fight. So, we have to use others."

Ishtar was not in a hurry.

Haruhime would not give up, but since the Sword Master came into view, she naturally took advantage of this opportunity to wipe out that little man.

Although her familia is no match for the other party, she can still force the other party by relying on her connection with those lustful male gods.

Besides, she can use this chance to disgust Freya.

She heard that Freya was rejected outright by the Sword Master in the god's banquet.

Unfortunately, she wasn't there when it happened otherwise she will definitely laugh at Freya.

As long as she can get that Sword Master then wouldn't that prove that her charm is stronger than Freya's?

Swallow the man that Freya can't get in advance, so as to provoke the "above" goddess.

As if imagining the scene at that time, Ishtar, also known as the God of beauty, showed a supremely happy expression.


"I really did the right thing by coming tonight."

Suddenly a male voice sounded in the hall and a sigh was heard,

"Who?" xn All the amazons immediately put on their guard and they looked around vigorously.

Being able to sneak into their familia and stay beside them without their knowledge, the opponent is definitely a strong man.

"You guys should go to sleep."

As the voice fell, all the amazons saw a red ruby-like light flashing in their eyes and then they fainted.

Aisha persisted for a while and she saw a shadow with blond hair and red ruby-like eyes then she also fainted,

Among everyone present, only Ishtar and Phyrne remained conscious.

"I really shouldn't underestimate hundreds of millions of year-old gods."

"Even idiots with low IQ can become cunning rabbits in hundreds of millions of years, much less gods."

As the voice fell, Ishtar saw a blond-haired and red-eyed man with an extraordinary appearance appear in her vision.

"Who are you?" Although she was shocked, Ishtar calmed down by relying on her years of long life and she asked the most important question.

She has never heard of anyone with such an evil appearance appearing in Orario.

"Who am I?" The blond boy let out a strange laugh and he said, "I am the Sword Master who snatched Haruhime from you."

"Impossible, you can't be Sword Master." Ishtar shook her head and denied crazily.

The man in front of her has already stepped into god realm and he has definitely gone a long way.

Relying on her instinct as the god of war, Ishtar can tell this.

As for Sword Master. He is only Lv4, he could never achieve god level no matter how strong his bloodline was.

Right now, Miyuki still hasn't disclosed his real level. After all, it is too shocking to be promoted by two levels in less than a month.

"Believe it or not? It doesn't matter." Miyuki shrugged his shoulders and said.

In his heart, he has already sentenced Ishtar to death.

Because if Ishtar survives then many troublesome things will happen.

"Quack, Quack, Sword Master is really worthy of my beauty," Phryne laughed like a toad and said, "I am going to let you have an unforgettable night."

'This idiot.' Ishtar looked at Phryne with an idiotic look.

She is trying to die.

The opponent is far stronger than the so-called Sword Master.

"Shut up, you toad." Miyuki's stomach tumbled in disgust and he spoke with nausea.

Although what he cares about is the beautiful soul of his women and not their beauty.

But Phryne, she is totally disgusting.

With her horrifying appearance and disgusting nature, she isn't as good as a disfigured girl in Miyuki's eyes.

Miyuki has the urge to spit just by looking at her.

"Toad, you called me toad. Ahhhhhh..." Phryne roared and she immediately attacked Miyuki with the ax beside her.

"Disappear..." Miyuki could no longer bear to look at Phryne.

Condensing a large amount of magic on the tip of his fingers, he directly launched magic cannon at Phryne.

The magic cannon's speed was unbelievable and before Phryne could react, her body turned into dust under the terrifying magic cannon.

The current Miyuki's magic cannon is so strong that not even ashes remained of Phryne.

"What?" Ishtar was shocked after seeing Phryne dying so simply.

Killing Phryne was easier than crushing an ant, Miyuki didn't even bat an eye and he walked toward Ishtar

"Whether you're Sword Master or not, I don't care about Phryne. As long as you join my familia, I can forgive you." Ishtar didn't panic even if her strongest familia member died. She twisted her waist and released her charm skill while speaking.

As long as she can snatch Miyuki then Phryne's death doesn't matter.

She believes in her charm that can fascinate even the gods, so, she is confident in making fall under her skirt.

Miyuki didn't answer and he kept walking toward Ishtar.

"That's right, come here, come to me, my child." Ishtar thought that she succeeded in charming and she opened her arms, welcoming Miyuki.

Looking at Ishatr, the corner of Miyuki's mouth raised and he still kept walking toward Ishtar as if he was really charmed.

"That's right, that's the way." Ishtar didn't realize something was wrong and she still welcomed Miyuki.

She had already dreamed of how Miyuki will throw himself in her arms and she will take him to overthrow Freya.

It's just that reality is not a dream and Ishtar realized it in seconds.

"Poof...why." Ishtar looked at the slender sword piercing her heart and spoke with unwillingness and hatred.

She didn't understand why her charm didn't work and she didn't understand why Miyuki dared to wave the sword at her.

Isn't he afraid of her seal being released and then being known by other gods?

Killing god is an extremely heinous crime in this world and no god will allow Miyuki to live if they got to know about his action.

Ishtar's question was answered without delay.

Ishtar immediately felt the changing space.

In just a few seconds, she found that her connection with the outside was broken and most of her theocracy was restricted.

"So that's the case, have you already prepared?" Looking at the majestic city behind Miyuki, Ishtar laughed miserably and said.

"But don't think you can beat a god like this, unknown adventurer claiming to be Sword Master..." Ishtar roared and broke her seal then she tried her best to pull out the slender sword from her heart and she used her divine power to attack Miyuki.

Unfortunately, the sword seems to be specially made to kill gods.

Ishtar was unable to pull it, even her divine power was rapidly absorbed by the sword and she couldn't even attack.

"It's useless." Looking at Ishtar, Miyuki smiled.

He didn't feel pity for making Ishtar so miserable.

If it was Ishtar from Type-moon then he might show mercy but Ishtar is in the dungeon world,...

He will just hehe...

Ishtar isn't only a villain but she even tried to plot against him.

Miyuki isn't going to let her go.

As for being insidious and cunning.

Miyuki doesn't care.

Ishtar is strong, so he naturally has to do everything if he wants to kill her.

Before Ishtar could pull the Sword out, she felt herself being bound by extremely tough chains.

Then Ishtar felt her divine power was even more suppressed.

Now, she couldn't even suppress her injury.

"You are really prepared for everything." Ishtar looked at Miyuki with unwillingness and hatred while speaking.

"Killing god isn't an easy task. So, I naturally have to prepare." Miyuki replied with a calm tone.

The treasures that he used on Ishtar are extremely famous.

They are the Sword of the Ragnarok of Norse Mythology, Mistilteinn, and the chain that binds the god-killing wolf, Gleipnir.

Both of the treasures have extremely high god-killing attributes.

Ishtar is naturally suppressed to death.

Miyuki was only able to create these two treasures after killing Apollo and upgrading.

"Then, let's end this." Miyuki sighed and he took out his strongest Anti-World Noble Phantasm, Heaven and Earth Rupture Sword, Ea.

"Heaven and Earth Rupture Sword"

"Enuma Elish!"

Immediately extremely terrifying wind currents surged and space began to be cut.

Terrifying pitch-black space cracks appeared.

Under the attack of Ea, Ishtar stopped her actions.

She understood that she was going to die.

"Sword Master, even if I die, you will not have a good life."

"As a goddess, I curse you for your act of killing god."

Before the end of her life, Ishtar began to curse Miyuki.

"You shall never...Ahhhhhhhhhhhh..."

In the end, Ishtar was torn apart under the attack of Ea and she couldn't even finish her curse.

After Ishtar was killed, the inherent enchantment was also destroyed by Ea, and only then did Miyuki come out.

"It was easier than Apollo." Thinking of how easy it was to kill Ishtar, Miyuki couldn't help sighing.

If he didn't play with Apollo in order to exercise then he should have been able to kill him easily.

It seems that gods in this world can still be killed after adequate preparation.

[ Ding! The mission was successful. ]

[ Host gets 2600 points, talent level +1, lottery X1 ]

Immediately Miyuki experienced the same feeling as when he got talent lv +1 by helping Lefiya.

Then he understood that his talent has become even stronger.

Now, his ability value should break through the charts.
