Chapter 89 - Invitation from Dwarf King

Next day,

Miyuki rested his hands on a table and looked outside the window thinking about something.

Yesterday, after chatting with Anrietta, he already knew his problems.

The reason for exposure isn't completely due to being unable to block breath.

The real reason is that his strength has grown too much suddenly, it has become so strong that he can't control it completely.

So, he will inevitably leak his breath which leads to others being able to perceive his magic power.

Previously, his strength was either obtained in a gradual and controlled process through god's gift or through the system.

It is because his strength was previously gained in a gradual way that Miyuki was able to control his strength.

But after getting the protection of Veldora, his strength increased explosively which isn't a gradual process.

His strength increased because of the extraordinary nature of this world.

He doesn't have any practical skill for perfectly controlling his magic power and strength like Cute King.

So, his control over his power has inevitably gone downhill and he will unconsciously execute his terrifying magic power.

"System is useless too." Miyuki looked at the system mall and complained.

He looked at system mall for magic control skills.

But after seeing the price, he can't help complaining about his system.

The lowest level of magic control skill needs 8000 points.

He doesn't have so many points to buy magic control skills.

[ Host, everything is available on the system, so, don't complain about the system. ] Miss System couldn't help but express her dissatisfaction.

"Hmph!" Miyuki snorted coldly.

He knows that there are a lot of good things in the mall.

But if you can't buy then what's the use of looking at several top-level treasures, bloodlines, equipment, skills, etc?

"It seems, we can only gradually control the magic power or try asking Anrietta for help." In the end, Miyuki sighed.

Now, he has two choices.

One, take the same route as Dungeon World and slowly train your magic power control with the help of fantasy materialization.

In the dungeon world, his magic power control reached quite a high level because he kept using fantasy materialization.

Two, ask Anrietta for advice.

As A+ level strong man, even if Anrietta isn't as strong as him, she definitely has profound control over magic power. So, she should also be able to help.

Only if he had the Mage as the development ability then it wouldn't be so troublesome.

Thinking of Mage's development ability, Miyuki sighed.

Then after thinking for a moment, Miyuki chose to train with Anrietta.

After all, it would take at least a few months to control magic power with the method in the dungeon world.

He doesn't have much time, so, he can only ask for Anrietta's help.

Besides, he can enhance his relationship while training with Anrietta.

As for people other than Anrietta, he only knows Veldora in this world.

Although that stupid tsundere dragon is strong, he is still the weakest among his brothers and sisters.

Besides, he is stupid and he never tried to control his strength which is why he was known as a disaster.

So, Miyuki has no hope of learning from Veldora.

The only one he can think of is Anrietta.


Knock, knock,

"Miyuki, are you there." Anrietta knocked on the door and called.

Say Cao Cao and Cao Cao is already here.

Miyuki immediately went to open the door.

"Come in..." Miyuki opened the door then he was stunned before he could say much.

It was Anrietta's appearance that made him stunned.

Anrietta is wearing a tight blue-white skirt and top which highlight her curves and figure.

She also untied her blond hair into a long straight which gives a sense of nobility and vigor.

Coupled with that cool temperament, Anrietta looks extremely beautiful.

Even Miyuki who has seen many beautiful women was stunned.


Anrietta looked at Miyuki's stunned face and clenched her fist.

Those romance books didn't lie.

Men really can't take their eyes off a beautiful woman.

"Well, come in." Miyuki is also an extraordinary person, so, he quickly returned to his senses and said.

"Then pardon me." Saying so, Anrietta stepped into the room she brought with Miyuki yesterday.

"Sit down, I will prepare some refreshments for you." Miyuki helped Anrietta to the chair and went to bring some plates and glasses.

"Refreshments." Anrietta's interest was hooked after hearing Miyuki's words.

For her sweets and anything related to sugar is irresistible.

So, she was inevitably attracted by Miyuki's words.

She even forgot about the love knowledge she learned from various books last night.

Next, Miyuki brought two dishes of pancakes and two glasses filled with unknown liquids.

"Anrietta, try this drink, it comes from my other world." Miyuki first placed the drink on the table then he placed the pancakes while speaking.

"It's tasty. Do you want to try it?" Miyuki held the glass filled with drink and handed it to the elf girl while speaking.


A transparent glass filled with a black liquid that is bubbling.

Anrietta who saw Cold Drink (Coke) for the first time hesitated for a moment before receiving the drink from Miyuki.

Although pancakes are equally attractive, the cold drink introduced by Miyuki is more attractive to her.

The moment she held the glass, the cold body of the glass made her stunned.

Although the current weather is not hot, such a temperature cannot be kept all the time.

Certainly, the most attractive to her is still liquid in the glass.

When she picked up the glass, she put it in her nose and sniffed lightly, then raised her head and took a mouthful of drink.

That cool and pleasant sweetness.

It immediately filled her entire mouth!

Not only that, accompanied by carbonic acid, next second, Anrietta hiccupped involuntarily.

I never thought that I would be so rude.

This made her cover her mouth subconsciously, and her cheeks flushed instantly.

"I am..." Not knowing the cause of the hiccups, Anrietta was at a loss.

Seeing such a cute reaction, Miyuki couldn't help laughing.

To be honest, he didn't have these things until the mall function opened.

So, he didn't have much chance to try it on Ais and others and tease them.

Now, I don't know why but he is extremely interested in teasing Anrietta and making her blush.

"Do not worry. This is normal. As long as you don't drink too fast, you won't burp." Chuckling softly, Miyuki explained.

There is one thing to say.

That is Anrietta is really cute.

Especially under the reminder of Miyuki,

Taking a sip of Coke, she narrowed her eyes showing a happy expression.

Immediately, she became even more heart-pounding.

Miyuki knew that his success in the strategy is slowly increasing and Anrietta's favor for him is also increasing.

Next, he just needs to let it go and they can come together naturally.

He also took advantage of this opportunity to explain his situation.

"Learning to control magic power? There's nothing wrong with that. However, you'd better go with me to see His Majesty before you start the magic element training." Anrietta agreed to Miyuki's request, but before that, she proposed to meet the dwarf king, which made surprised Miyuki.

"Meet the Dwarf King? Why did you bring this up all of a sudden?"

"Isn't it enough for you to see me?" Miyuki asked with a puzzled looked.

Although Dwarf King isn't strong, his mind-reading ability is too buggy in the original work. So, Miyuki doesn't want to face the opponent if he can.

It's just because Anrietta asked him, he didn't show his emotions directly.

"After all, you are a traveler from another world with extremely terrifying strength, and your majesty will have to see this side sooner or later."

"Besides, His Majesty personally told me to take you to see him when I have time. Wouldn't it be appropriate to see His Majesty while you have time now?" Anrietta immediately stated her reason.

She thinks that it is good for Miyuki to meet Dwarf King because Dwarf King is extremely sensitive about travelers.

He is likely to provide backing for Miyuki and maybe she can tie Miyuki to her side with his help.

All in all, it's good both for her and for him if Miyuki meets Dwarf King.

Miyuki still shook his head and said, "It's not that I don't want to see the Dwarf king..."

Hesitating how to speak, Miyuki continued, "As far as I know, your dwarf king seems to have a special ability to read other people's inner thoughts."

"I don't like the feeling of being seen through everything."

"If possible, I still don't really want to have face-to-face contact with the dwarf king."

Yes, that's right!

Just like I said before, the reason why Miyuki didn't want to see the Dwarf King was mainly because of my understanding of the original book, I know that the dwarf king's mind-reading ability is very BUG.

He isn't sure whether his thoughts will be read by Dwarf King.

Hearing what Miyuki said, Anrietta on the opposite side was obviously stunned.

Then asked with a suspicious look, "Your Majesty's a secret that only a few people know in Dowargon. How on earth do you know?"

The dwarf king's ability to read other people's thoughts is only known to a few high-level people in Dowargon.

In the end, Miyuki, a foreigner who had just arrived for a day knew this secret.

Anrietta couldn't imagine how this secret was revealed.

'Oops.' Miyuki knew that he said a bit too much after seeing Anrietta's reaction.

Knowing that he is not good at conspiracy, Miyuki racked his brains to come up with an answer.

A few seconds later, he replied, "This... As you know, as a visitor from another world, I will get some special abilities. It is also through these abilities that I can know some secrets that are not known to outsiders."


Only by completing half a sentence and letting the other party make up for the rest, could Miyuki think of solving the situation.

"Is it... the ability to predict? No wonder His Majesty can't see through your thoughts."

"It turned out to be like this..." Thinking for a moment, Anrietta spoke with sudden realization.

Miyuki's explanation was vague, even so, the elf girl on the opposite side can make up her own mind just like Miyuki thought.

Listen to Anrietta talking to herself, Miyuki couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, I really fooled her.



Wait a moment!

"You just said... the dwarf king failed to see through my thoughts? This means... the dwarf king has already seen me?"

"When did it happen?" Miyuki instantly caught the point and asked with a look of astonishment

Miyuki didn't remember meeting the Dwarf King face to face.

That being the case, could the other party have sneaked on himself and probed their own thoughts?

When did this happen, and why didn't he realize it?

Could he have miscalculated the strength of the Dwarf King and the human race powerhouse of this world?

It seems we have to reevaluate the strength of Dwarf King and be more careful in the future. Otherwise, you might capsize into a gutter one day.

Miyuki couldn't help thinking.

"Just yesterday, when you were wandering in the city, your majesty got mixed in the crowd and secretly observed you." Anrietta on the opposite side directly revealed everything and she didn't think about hiding it, so she made it clear on the spot.

Hearing this, Miyuki breathed a sigh of relief.

If the Dwarf King mixed into a group of ordinary people and just observed from a distance without any malice then it can explain why he didn't detect the opponent.

Even so, you must not be careless in the future.
