Chapter 90 - Meeting Dwarf King and business

"Yesterday? Secret observation? How free is your dwarf king?"

"Why do you pay so much attention to me, and even mix up among ordinary people to observe me?" Miyuki couldn't help complaining about the Dwarf King,

Although his identity was exposed from the moment he entered the city gate.

But he couldn't figure it out.

There are not a few visitors from other worlds in this world, why can he get so much attention from the dwarf king?

He has come to this world for less than two days.

It couldn't be that his future self in this will also travel and meet the Dwarf King in the past right?

That's too ridiculous.

"Your Majesty is busy with official duties, how could he be so free that anyone would pay special attention to him?"

"It's because your strength is too strong, and it's true that there are very few visitors from other worlds in Dwargon."

"That's why I quietly took someone to observe your whereabouts..." After noticing the doubts on Miyuki's face, Anrietta also gave a very reasonable explanation.

Miyuki considers himself an unknown person.

But His Majesty the Dwarf King of Dwargon didn't think so.


"And bring someone to observe? That means... all of you Dwargon's high-level executives basically know me?" Listening to Anrietta, Miyuki's mouth twitched and spoke with uncertainty.

Those who can be brought by the dwarf king are not ordinary people, right?

But even so, they shouldn't be stronger than themselves.

So, how could he not find many people observing him?

Could the increase in strength be his own illusion and instead of becoming stronger, he has regressed?

[ Host, yesterday, you didn't pay attention to several gazes on your body, thinking that they were some ordinary (miscellaneous) people or soldiers observing you. ]

[ And most of your thought was on Anrietta who was following you and on how to become stronger. ]

[ These are the reasons why you didn't find the Dwarf King and his minions observing you in secret. ] The system detected the thoughts of his host and explained everything very humanely.

Sometimes she doubts whether her Host is smart or stupid. He can't even remember someone who just looked at him yesterday.

'So that's it.' Miyuki immediately relaxed after hearing the system's words,

Now he understood why he didn't find the Dwarf King.

It turned out, he thought it was a small character who observed him yesterday.

But it's no wonder, he didn't feel any malice from the opponent and the opponent's strength was really no match for him.

'But I still have to be more careful in the future.' Miyuki thought.

Everything between Miyuki and the system happened in just a few split seconds, so, Anrietta had just begun to speak.

Looking at Miyuki, Anrietta spoke in a normal tone, "Isn't this a very normal thing?"

According to the importance the dwarf king attaches to visitors from other worlds.

It is impossible for Dwargon's top management not to pay more attention to Miyuki, which seems natural to Anrietta.

"Fine, since the dwarf king has invited me, I can't help but give this face. Then let's go see the dwarf king first." Silent for a moment, Miyuki finally let out a long sigh and replied.

Knowing that the dwarf king can't probe his inner thoughts and his strength might not be as good as theirs, Miyuki no longer resisted meeting the other party. After all, there is no danger in meeting him.

Besides, even if there was any danger, he was confident to resolve it as long as his opponent wasn't an awakened demon king.

As for the awakened demon king.

It's impossible to appear in Dwargon Kingdom.

In this way, Anrietta took Miyuki to meet Dwarf King.

Just like that, Miyuki met Dwargon King with Anrietta.



"Welcome, Mr. Miyuki."

"I am very glad that our Dwargon can have a traveler with great strength like you visiting." Dwarf King greeted Miyuki in a bold tone.

Come to the palace with Anrietta and see the dwarf king in a real sense, Miyuki subconsciously compared him with Gareth of the Loki familia.

There is one thing to say.

The other party has bronze skin, a square face with a beard, and finally a tall, strong, and burly figure.

Compared to Gareth who looks stable and reliable, the Dwarf King looks like a man of great majesty.


No matter what Miyuki thinks about it.

It is really impossible to equate the man in front of him with a dwarf who belongs to the same race as Gareth.

Whose dwarves are so tall?

"How? Mr. Miyuki is wondering why I don't look like a dwarf?" Seeing that Miyuki didn't respond to him immediately, and also looked at him with a slightly confused expression. The Dwarf King laughed out loud again and asked.

"You really don't look like a dwarf." Hearing the Dwarf King's words, Miyuki complained even more in his heart.

But in the next moment.

He suddenly reacted.

Did the dwarf king tell his truth just now?

Could it be that...

Does his mind-reading ability actually work on me?

Subconsciously, Miyuki turned his head to Anrietta beside him.

Shouldn't I be fooled?

As a result, she noticed Miyuki's eyes.

Anrietta was also very aggrieved.

How did she know what was going on?

His Majesty did say before that he cannot see through your heart!

"Don't be nervous, Mr. Miyuki. I really can't see through your thoughts."

"Anrietta is not deceiving you."

"The reason why I know what you are thinking."

"The main thing is that your emotions are all written on your face."

"Even if I don't want to know, I can't!" Noticing that Miyuki was looking at each other with his subordinates, the dwarf king laughed again and explained the reason.

And after saying this, the dwarf king stared at the elf girl with great interest for a long time before finally turning his attention to Miyuki.


"Really interesting!"


What's the fun?

Originally hearing that the expression betrayed him, Miyuki was speechless for a while.

As a result, the dwarf king suddenly burst into this series of exclamations.

This suddenly made him feel inexplicable.

He never felt so tired and speechless even when he lived with countless gods and killed an unknown number of monsters and even slaughtered the gods.

At this time, Miyuki realized that he was still too young.

Even though Miyuki didn't understand the true meaning of the dwarf king's words but that didn't mean that others didn't understand his meaning.

The elf girl beside him reacted immediately.

Next moment.

She suddenly turned her eyebrows coldly, and there was a breathtaking death ray in her eyes and she said coldly, "His Majesty! Put away your abilities! You should know that this ability shouldn't be used on me!"

Should it be said that he is the leader of Anbu?

This momentum. Sure enough, A+ exploded!

The key is...

Even her own king dared to be so angry.

Such an elf girl.

I really love it!

Miyuki looked at Anrietta and he somewhat guessed why she reacted like that.

After all, even if he is young, he is not a pure bud who hasn't experienced anything.

So, Anrietta's action made him happy and he smiled.

"Sorry sorry..."

"I just thought it was fun."

"Not meant to probe your mind." The Dwarf King apologized extremely quickly.

Miyuki was surprised by Dwarf King's action.

Logically speaking. As the king of a country, the dwarf king should always maintain his kingly posture.

But in front of him, he even apologized generously to his subordinates. It was quite unexpected for Miyuki

"This is not an example!"

And then Miyuki looked at Anrietta.

Facing the apology from her own king.

She opened her mouth to warn with a cold expression as if she didn't regard the other party as her immediate boss at all.

Such a scene, undoubtedly made Miyuki even more surprised.

This didn't seem to be reflected in the original plot at all.


"Sorry... for showing you a joke."

"Mr. Miyuki."

"Please sit down."

The dwarf king didn't think it was disobedient at all with such an attitude from his own subordinates.

Just look at Miyuki in reverse.

There was some embarrassment on his face.

After a light cough, he reached out and invite the other person to sit down.

After all, it was not a formal meeting.

The atmosphere is quite relaxed.

Seeing this, Miyuki also relaxed and turned around and sat on the chair opposite the dwarf king.

Looking at the dwarf king, Miyuki opened his spiritual eyes to look at other parties' information.

{ Name: Gazel Dwargo

Race: Dwarf

Level: S-

Combat: S- }

Seeing the attribute of the Dwarf King, Miyuki was inevitably shocked.

S-, this is the rank that is just about to condense the demon king seed, brave man seed, immortal seed, or saint seed.

In terms of combat strength, he is just two levels lower than himself.

{ Name: Miyuki

Race: True Ancestor, a trace of pure dragon blood(Dragon Physique)

Level: S- ~ S

Combat: S+( upper demon king seed ) }

Miyuki looked at his own attribute and then sighed that people in this world are really extraordinary.

Now, he guessed that it might not be his negligence that the dwarf king was able to avoid himself.

It should be because of one's own strength and skill that he was able to avoid him.

"I don't know that His Majesty the Dwarf King invited me this time. What's the matter?" Sighing in his heart, Miyuki spoke directly to the point.

After what happened just now, Miyuki has completely calmed down and regarded the dwarf king as someone worthy of friendship just like Finn and Gareth.

In the dungeon world, Finn and Gareth are one of his few male friends.

To him, the person sitting opposite him at this moment was no longer a high-ranking king, but just an ordinary middle-aged uncle.


"It seems that Mr. Miyuki is also a cheerful person!"

Miyuki's attitude changed. Naturally, he couldn't hide it from the dwarf king on the opposite side.

The dwarf king was quite satisfied with Miyuki's directness.

Immediately after laughing, he directly clarified his intentions.

"I know very well that Mr. Miyuki has many secrets."

"However, I don't want to inquire into your privacy. I only care about the benefits my country can reap after reaching cooperation with both of us."

"So I invite Mr. Miyuki to come this time. My purpose is very simple."

"That's... I need to make more deals with you."


Next, Miyuki and the dwarf king discussed business with each other.

The dwarf king asked Miyuki whether he could supply the sweets that Anrietta ate and whether he had other items in his hand.

If he had daily necessities, spices, food, and alcohol then the Dwargon kingdom is willing to purchase them.

Miyuki had no shortage of anything, and he doesn't require anything, so, he wanted to refuse first.

It's just, a system prompt rang before he could refuse.

[ Ding! Mission Sign-in triggered. ]

[ Mission Name: Build a business empire. ]

Introduction: Coming to a new world, how can you not establish your own force?

Task: Establish diplomatic relationships with at least three countries and become the lord of a country.

Successful Sign-in reward: 3500 points, top-level breath shielding, level +1, and additional reward depending on completion.

Restriction: You can use fantasy materialization to create commodities and materials for trade but you can't use it to create the currency, gold, silver, or some other hard currencies for trade. ]

[ Top-level breath shielding: Able to hide one's strength from an enemy. An enemy of the same rank and below can't perceive your strength. Even people a few levels higher than you can't perceive your strength. ]

Seeing the mission, Miyuki was surprised after finding that a restriction was added.

But after looking at the reward of the system, Miyuki immediately accepted the mission.

Top-level breath shedding is something he needs quite a bit and level +1 definitely means the level in this world is increased by one. This means his level will increase from S- to S rank and his combat power will increase again.

What's more, if his level is higher than today when he completes this mission then, the reward level+1 will definitely increase his strength by a large margin.

Besides, he can also get 3500 points with additional rewards. Currently, he is lacking in points, so, he naturally wouldn't refuse the mission.

As for restriction, he can understand it. After all, his fantasy materialization (magic version) is a bug that can materialize anything that he can think of.

If he directly materializes hard currency like gold, silver, diamond, etc. then his mission would be easily completed by buying things from large countries and then selling them to some other countries.

His reward wouldn't be so high if the mission was so easy.

After all, the higher the reward, the higher the risk or difficulty. So, he calmly accepted the restriction.

"I do have the products that your majesty the dwarf king requires and I am willing to trade with you."

"And the price will be the same as the market price."

"It's just, I want to establish a long-term business partnership between us."

"Does his majesty the dwarf king agree?" Miyuki smiled and said politely.

Since he has to establish diplomatic relationships with three countries then why doesn't he target the fish that jumped on the board itself?

"Of course, it's fine." The dwarf king laughed out loud and said boldly.

He didn't expect Miyuki to really have other products and was willing to trade with them.

Since the other party is going to trade various important items then they naturally have to establish a long-term business relationship.

This will not harm the Dwargon country and it will only bring benefits.

"Then happy cooperation, your majesty, you won't regret today's action." Miyuki's mouth curled up and he said calmly.
