Chapter 91 - Abnormal Growth that shocked Anrietta

After the partnership was determined, Miyuki and Dwarf King talked about the products for the trade.

Food, fruit, spices, sugar, and alcohol, were the main products for the trade.

Especially, wine/alcohol was one of the most important products.

In this world, technology is still backward even after a lot of travelers and visitors from other worlds have arrived.

Wine is one of the best-selling products in the world.

The wine Miyuki traded with the Dwarf King is the god's wine he snatched from Soma in Dungeon World and then diluted it.

The wine was diluted thousands of times by Miyuki, so, he didn't have to worry about people getting addicted to it like they did in the Dungeon World.

The Dwarf King was shocked after drinking the diluted god's wine then he was extremely even specially added the diluted god's wine to the list of trade.

Although he didn't drink or like alcohol, Miyuki's resistance and dislike for Alcohol weakened quite a bit in Dungeon World because adventurers in that world drank alcohol every day.

So, Miyuki readily agreed to the trade of diluted god's wine.

When Miyuki expressed his willingness to accept the deal, the dwarf king was overjoyed.

"Then it's settled! The specific arrangements... you can continue to discuss with Anrietta."

"Anyway, I think, she should be happy to take the job." The Dwarf King patted Miyuki's shoulders and said with a happy smile.

The deal was done. The dwarf king stood up and shook hands with Miyuki very happily.

It's just after speaking the latter sentence, he suddenly turned his head and looked at his subordinates with those deep eyes.

This look immediately made the elf girl's pretty face blush all over in an instant!

"His Majesty!"

"Ha ha..."

"Stop talking."

"I still have a business to do so I won't be with Mr. Miyuki."

"Anrietta, help me entertain our guests. Next... I'll leave it to you!" He didn't wait for the elf girl to explode, the dwarf king laughed and left the room quickly after speaking.

Seeing this scene.

Miyuki was speechless on the spot.


Do you just leave?

Not even taking charge of the business.

Miyuki turned his head and looked at Anrietta with a complicated look.

Are all dwarf kings of your family so capricious?


Noticing the doubt in Miyuki's eyes, Anrietta also felt tired for a while.

After a long silence, she finally calmed down.

Only then did she bring Miyuki to the middle-aged man who stood beside the Dwarf King the whole time?

"Miyuki, let me introduce you. This is Drof, the head of the Pegasus Knights." Anrietta turned a blind eye to Dwarf King's action and introduce Miyuki to one of the important characters in Dwargon Kingdom.

Hearing Anrietta's words, Miyuki looked at her with doubt.

Why should you introduce the head of Pegasus knights to him?

"For the next training, we need to borrow Drof's Knights' residence. Let me introduce you, it's also a greeting." Anrietta knew the doubts in Miyuki's heart. Therefore, while introducing, he also explained in a low voice in his ear.

Don't look at this middle-aged man who doesn't show his mountains and dews, standing silently behind the dwarf king, like a small character.

But in fact.

The identity of the head of the family is really extraordinary!

Pegasus Knights!

The strongest secret force of Armed Nation Dwargon!

It is said that everyone in the entire knight group can reach A-level combat power!

A-level combat power.

What is this concept?

simply put.

That is a team in which every single person has city destruction-level power!

Proper disaster rating!

And this level of a powerhouse.

There are a total of five hundred members of the Pegasus Knights!

To be able to command such a knight order.

There is no need to introduce the strength and status of this head of Drof, right?

"Hello. Captain Drover. Nice to meet you." Miyuki reacted quickly after hearing the introduction and he greeted Drof. Then he opened his spiritual eyes to look.

{ Name: Drof

Race/Species: Dwarf Enlightened

Level: A+~S-

Combat: A+~S- }

This strength is already on the verge of breaking through country-level or S-level.

With such strength, Drof is worthy of being the commander of Pegasus knights.

"Hello, Mr. Miyuki. Welcome to Dwargon."

For Miyuki's greetings, although the leader Drof on the opposite side did not refuse after the two sides shook hands, the scene became very awkward for a while.

The leader of Drof seems to have always maintained a little bit of vigilance against Miyuki.

Miyuki's strength is too strong. He is definitely not an opponent, so, he is unable to let his guard down when Miyuki is present.

"Alright, Drof, you should be busy with whatever you should be doing."

"I came here this time just to inform you that I want to borrow your training ground." Seeing the embarrassment of the atmosphere, Anrietta hurriedly opened her mouth and spoke in order to smooth things over, then she directly pulled Miyuki away.

Walking in the hallway, Anrietta said thinking that Miyuki might be angry by Drof's behavior, "Don't mind Drof, he didn't mean to target you. He has a naturally rigid character. When you really get to know him later, you will know that he is actually a very reliable partner."

"If there is any trouble, he is the first to take action."

I can see it.

As a colleague under the command of the Dwarf King, Anrietta is quite familiar with the leader of the Pegasus Knights.

If not, she would not immediately open her mouth to explain to the other party after leaving the living room.

"I see. In fact, such companions are often the most trustworthy." Miyuki smiled and said calmly.

In fact, he understood Drof's character. After all, the other party appeared in the anime quite a few times. So, understanding his character was quite easy.

"Um, It's good that you understand. Then, let's go to the training ground and start practicing." Hearing Miyuki's words and seeing his expression, Anrietta spoke in a relieved tone.

She was afraid of any conflicts between the two parties.

She was afraid to be caught in the middle, after all, one is a colleague who has known each other for a long time and another is the man she likes.

Now, everything is fine, because there is no misunderstanding.

Then, she took Miyuki's hand and planned to take him to the training ground to start training immediately.

After all, this has already been said before.

Miyuki looked at Anrietta who took his hand without any scruples and smiled.

It seems his guess isn't wrong.

Anrietta has ideas about him.


Just like that, Miyuki was brought to the training ground by Anrietta.

Miyuki thought that they would train in an open training ground.

It's just, he didn't expect that when he came to the training ground of the Pegasus Knights with Anrietta.

What greeted the two was the staring salute of all the knights in the arena.

Miyuki didn't understand why everyone was looking at them or rather Anrietta.

"That person... is the commander-in-chief of Anbu, right?"

"That's right! It's her."

"Why did she come to our Pegasus Knights? What does she want to do?"

"Who knows! Anyway, as long as they don't come to trouble us, I don't want to provoke that horrible woman!"

In the training ground of the Pegasus Knights.

The knights who were training noticed the arrival of two strange figures and soon started whispering.

Relying on his terrifying physique, Miyuki heard the conversation between the Pegasus Knights even though their voice was extremely low.

At this time, he somewhat understood what happened.

It seems that everyone is afraid of Anrietta.

Miyuki looked at Anrietta's beautiful face and sexy figure and he didn't understand why everyone feared her.

Suddenly, the idea of teasing came to his mind. He looked at Anrietta playfully and said, " I didn't expect, Anrietta, you are so popular."

'Popular?' A question mark appeared on Anrietta's face when she heard this word.

She took the words of Miyuki seriously.

According to her thinking, Miyuki didn't know the reason, so it was not surprising that there would be a misunderstanding.

But how could Anrietta not know what kind of image she was in the eyes of those knights?

Hence hearing Miyuki's words, Anrietta fell into silence directly.

Then she turned her head to look at the knights who gathered together in twos and threes and looked at her again and again, a feeling of anger suddenly came from her heart!

What are you looking at?

Instantly, the eyes that were full of murderous intent, as if they could freeze everything, made all the knights present shudder.

That's right!

The Anbu leader once gained a great reputation and was regarded as the right-hand man by the dwarf king.

It really can make people feel trembling from the bottom of their hearts!

Even though it is sunny weather but it makes people feel like they are in a cold and windy place.

Such a woman.

Who would dare to get within three meters of her?

However, what none of the knights expected was——

"Ignore them. Just a bunch of brainless muscle chumps. Let's start practicing power control." Anrietta smiled and asked Miyuki.

Obviously, a second ago, everyone can still feel the killing intent of biting people.

The result is the next moment. When the elf girl turned her head to look at Miyuki, she smiled sweetly, as if she could drip water gently.

This state change.

The knights who witnessed this scene were all shocked, and their jaws almost fell to the ground!

What's the situation?

Why can I see such a gentle smile on the face of the terrifying Commander Anbu?

Who is that man?

How on earth did he do it?

At first, Miyuki, who was following Anrietta, was not noticed by the knights.

After all, there is Anbu, who is notoriously famous is visiting, so, who cares about a little-known character?

But now look at it this way.

The knights all woke up one after another.

This man... is definitely not an ordinary person!

"Then let's start. I'll leave it to Anrietta from now on. After all, I don't know anything about it." Miyuki responded with a smile.

In the dungeon world, there was knowledge about magic but there was nothing that could help in magic control. After all, the magic power in that world is spiritual power.

Even his own magic power is now a mixture of the Type-moon world's magic power and the magic power of the dungeon world, even, there is a trace of the divine power of Hestia.

So, Miyuki's previous magic control was purely learned by himself. There was no such thing as a magic control skill.

Now that Anrietta can teach him magic control skills, he is naturally happy to learn.

It's just, Miyuki didn't know, in the eyes of those knights, he also became an unpredictable character.

Seeing that Anrietta has entered the training state, the knights in the distance have no intention of approaching.

After thinking about it for a while, he made a decisive decision.

"Ok, then start with magic element training!" Saying so, Anrietta began to teach Miyuki.

It must be admitted, Anrietta is a very good teacher.

Under her careful explanation.

Miyuki quickly understood how the magic control skill, how the magic power is used, as well as the relationship between the magic element and the magic power, and quickly applied what he learned, showing his strong learning ability.

It's just when Miyuki completely controlled the magic power in his body and converged to the level of ordinary people, even Anrietta herself could no longer see through it.

Anrietta's explanation came to an abrupt end and she asked Miyuki with a shocked look, "How on earth did did you do it?"

Anrietta never expected Miyuki could do this in such a short period of time.

This learning speed really shocked her!

"Um? What's the meaning?" Miyuki looked a little puzzled.

He didn't understand why the elf girl was surprised.

At this moment, Anrietta could only helplessly and dejectedly say, "It will take at least several months for a normal person to learn to control magic essence from scratch. Especially in a situation like yours where you suddenly gain power, it is even more difficult to quickly grasp the essentials. But you..."

Even Anrietta, who is as strong as an A+ grade, was nowhere near Miyuki level when she first trained on magic element control!

To know!

She is still a forest elf with a natural affinity for magic!

Does this count as people being more popular than people?

"Eh? Is that so?"

"That's probably because... I have skills that can speed up my growth. That's why I learn very quickly." In the shocked eyes of Anrietta, Miyuki scratched the back of his head subconsciously and said after thinking.

He didn't think it was difficult to learn magic element control. Anyway, when people say it, he can understand it immediately. Not only can it be integrated, but it can even draw inferences from one instance.

In fact, this is normal.

He controlled his magic completely when he was in the dungeon world.

The only reason why he suddenly lost control is that the increase in his strength was too sudden and the power system also transformed after coming to this world.

Now that he learned magic control skills, he is naturally able to control his magic perfectly again.

Besides, he didn't lie about growth skills.

After coming to this world, his skill [ World Favour ] changed into [ Son of the World ].

This is the inherent skill he got after coming to this world just like other travelers who come to this world.

This skill not only gives him extremely high-level luck but also accelerates his growth in comprehensive ways, not just the god's gift.

Now, his growth rate will be even more abnormal than before.
