Chapter 112 - Shura Field in Reincarnated Slime World

( The Orc clan is also known as the Pig-head clan, So, sorry for the inconvenience, in some places, the Orc tribe has been written as the Pig-head tribe. )

Since there is no target, Miyuki can only wander around in the forest with Shuna and Shion.

In the original plot, the Orc tribe seems to have assembled an army of 200,000, so according to Miyuki's thinking, with his extremely high level of luck, he should easily be able to find them, right?

However, to his surprise, Miyuki didn't notice the Orc army. Instead, after advancing with Shuna and Shion for a while, he felt a familiar wave of magic power not far away.

And this familiar magic power doesn't seem to belong to monsters.

In the Great Jura Forest, Miyuki seems to be unable to think of other possibilities except for the trio of eating and drinking, as someone with familiar magic power.

Such a coincidence?

So many days have passed, why haven't they left Jura Great Forest yet?

Thinking of meeting those three, Miyuki stopped Shuna and Shion and said, "Huh! Shion, Shuna, wait for a moment. I seem to have met a friend."

"Friend?" Miyuki's footsteps that stopped suddenly, as well as the words in his mouth, stunned Shuna and Shion.

However, when three humans dressed as adventurers appeared in front of her, two Kijin girls suddenly had a strong sense of vigilance!

That's right!

Just be vigilant!

Not for the two male adventurers, but for the female elf in the middle.

Looking at each other, Shion and Shuna seem to have tactically agreed that they need to be vigilant. The sixth sense of women told them that something must be between Miyuki and the elf girl.

At the same moment, the eating and drinking trio who happened to meet Miyuki, Shuna, and Shion also showed surprised expressions.

"Miyuki-san?" Especially Eren, while subconsciously saying Miyuki's name, she quickened her pace and asked, "Miyuki-san, I didn't expect to meet you here?"

She thought that after the last farewell, even if they meet again, they still have to wait for a long time.

In the end, she didn't expect that they would meet again in this big forest after such a short time.

Meeting Miyuki made Eren very happy.

But Eren is happy, Gido and Kaval behind her aren't happy.

After seeing Miyuki, Shuna, and Shion, they couldn't help but turn pale with shock and say, "Wait a minute, Eren! That's... a monster!"

The single horn on Shion's forehead and the thin double horns on Shuna's forehead clearly showed their identity as a monster.

In particular, their appearance is no different from that of a human being, which shows that they are a superior race different from ordinary monsters!

Eren was heartless, and approached without knowing the depth, who knows if the monster will explode and hurt people?

"Eh! Miyuki-san, you..." In the exclamation of Gido and Kaval, Eren subconsciously stopped and she asked with an unnatural look.

Looking at Shion and Shuna next to Miyuki in surprise, she seemed to feel a strong sense of hostility at this moment.

"Don't worry, Eren, two girls beside me are my good friend." Miyuki smiled and said.

He met his friends, and naturally, he has to introduce them.

"This is Shuna and this is Shion." Miyuki pointed at Shuna and Shion while speaking to Eren.

"Shuna, Shion, let me introduce you. This is the Eren I knew before. Behind her are her companions, Mr. Gido and Mr. Kaval." Turning his head, he introduced Eren and the trio to Shuna and Shion.

Then he looked back at Eren and asked "Speaking of which, Eren, haven't you completed your mission yet?"

"So this is Miyuki-san's friend..." With Miyuki's introduction, and even though she felt hostility from Shion and Shuna, Eren couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. After all, in her mind, Miyuki's friends will not be bad guys.

"In fact, our mission has been completed. It's just that we took another mission this time, so we came back to the Great Jura Forest." Relaxed, Eren subconsciously patted her chest and quickly answered Miyuki's question.

However, at this moment, Shion, who noticed her movement, looked at Eren's chest, suddenly showed a contemptuous expression, and then puffed out her chest proudly and triumphantly.

Then she hugged Miyuki's arm tightly as if she had already defeated the little girl in front of her, she was so proud!

Shuna was also attracted by Shion's movement and she immediately looked down at her own chest.

Then, she became depressed.

Although she is cute, her boobs aren't as big as Shion's.

But her's isn't small either, as long as Miyuki-sama loves her, she doesn't care.

Shuna shook her head and convinced herself that it was fine.

Miyuki was attracted by Eren's answer, so, he didn't notice the scene beside him.

But Shion's expression was not lost in the slightest, and Eren saw it all in her eyes, which immediately aroused her raging anger.

What does that female monster mean?

Could it be that she was despised by her?

All right, in terms of size, it is indeed a complete defeat.

But so what?

Is it better to be big?

Besides, what is her relationship with Miyuki-san?

Why is she so intimate with Miyuki-san?

In fact, when it comes to the relationship between Eren and Miyuki, at best it is just a one-sided relationship before. It is impossible to say whether you like it or not, at most it is a bit of a good impression.

But the problem is, Shion's contemptuous performance at this moment greatly stimulated Eren's competitiveness as a woman!

Why is this female monster so arrogant?

Why can't I do what she can do?

With such thoughts in mind, Eren took the initiative to attack at the next moment, taking three steps and two steps at the same time, and when she came to Miyuki, she hugged his other arm tightly!

'My position was robbed.' Shuna looked at Eren who took Miyuki's arm and thought.

All of them traveled by jumping on the trees or running, so, she couldn't hug Miyuki whole time.

Now, she didn't expect her position to be robbed because of momentary carelessness.

She can share Miyuki with others but she will be jealous if Miyuki is close to others in front of her. So, a dangerous thought appeared in Shuna's heart, 'Why not just rob her position back.'

"But, I can't leave a bad impression on Miyuki-sama." Thinking of destroying her image in Miyuki's heart, Shuna shook her head and quickly threw out the idea of snatching her position back.

In a dilemma, Shuna could neither force Eren out nor could she snatch her position back.

Then she became depressed.

While Shuna was depressed, Eren held Miyuki's arm and asked, "And you, Miyuki? Before you said that you were collecting goods in the Great Jura Forest, isn't it done yet?"

??? Eren's action made Miyuki's head full of question marks.

When we parted last time, it seemed that we didn't reach such an intimate relationship, right?

This time we met, why did you come up and hug someone?

But the girl was so proactive, he couldn't struggle, so he could only answer with a smile while letting her hug him, "After the goods were almost collected, I got to know Shion, and under her leadership, I found the village of the Ogre tribe and met Shuna there."

"At present, I have established trade matters with the Ogre clan, so I am not in a hurry to leave the Jura Forest."

"Oh? It turns out that Miyuki met Miss Shion after we separated!"

"So it is, so it is!" The answer in Miyuki's mouth made Eren feel encouraged for a while. While repeating Miyuki's words, she turned her gaze to Shion.

It was as if to say—Look! I was the one who met Miyuki first! You are a latecomer, how proud are you!

"..." After receiving the challenge from Eren, Shion couldn't help but secretly gritted her teeth.

But to be honest, she is indeed the last to meet Miyuki, and in this regard, she really can't say anything to others.

But, if you really thought that I would just admit defeat like this, that is simply impossible!

"Miyuki-sama, aren't you going to find the Orc tribe? Should we go?" Shion smiled and asked.


It's just a mere encounter, as long as you take Miyuki-sama away, let's see what you, a little elf girl, will do!


"Miyuki-san, are you going to find the Orc tribe? If there is no information, the Jura Forest is so big, it should be difficult to find it?"

"If you let me go back to the free guild to look up information, wouldn't it be much better than looking around?" Eren didn't fall behind and immediately counterattacked Shion.


Want to kidnap Miyuki-san? How can it be that simple?

Do you really think there is nothing I can do?


At this moment, Gido and Kaval who were not far away could not help but tremble as they watched the scene in front of them.

Could this be the legendary Shura field?

Looking behind Eren, it seems that at this moment a majestic elf king icon appeared, and behind the female monster, there seemed to be a shura evil ghost.

This war between women is too terrifying!

Shuna herself was depressed, so, she didn't care about what was happening between Eren and Shion.

Miyuki, who was caught between the two women, sensed the rapidly descending coldness in the air at this moment.

At this moment, Miyuki knew he had to do something otherwise he would face terrifying Shura Field.

As a qualified harem opener, Miyuki's experience in dealing with Shura Field isn't low.

After all, he has experienced a lot of Shura Field because of that girl Syr who often makes trouble and is black-bellied.

At this moment, Miyuki knew that it wasn't the time to speak.

However, when he heard the news about the Orc clan, Miyuki couldn't help but ask, "Eren, do you really have any information about the Orc tribe over at the free guild?"

In fact, Miyuki had no choice but to ask, because time was running out, and no one knew whether the Orc clan's army had assembled or not, and what position it had reached.

"Of course. Although the guild's exploration of the Jura Great Forest is not sufficient, there will definitely be relevant records!" Hearing Miyuki speak, Eren's face immediately revealed the joy of victory and she then answered him.

As the adventurer's guild of the human country, the Free guild stores a lot of information about monsters. Although she doesn't know if there are Orc tribes among them, she has full confidence in them.

But at this moment, Gido and Kaval on the side finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Eren! Don't forget our mission. Before the task is completed, how can we go back to the Free Guild to help Mr. Miyuki investigate the intelligence of the Orc tribe!"

Although Gido and Kaval were quite wary of Miyuki when they first met.

But after this reunion, they have already given him considerable trust.

Don't ask why, it's because of the delicious bread that Miyuki gave Eren before the last parting.

After all, it's a trio of eating and drinking, and the attributes of foods have made them treat Miyuki as one of their own.

Therefore, if time permits, Gido and Kaval really don't mind doing Miyuki a favor, even if it's for the favor of repaying the bread, there's nothing wrong with it at all.

But this time, they really couldn't help it.

This time they re-entered the Jura Great Forest with an important mission in mind.

There is no way for them to leave before the task is completed!

"This..." Gido and Kaval's stop reminded Eren of The importance of the mission, and her expression froze.

Seeing this scene, Miyuki couldn't help but ask curiously, "Can you tell me about your next mission? If the situation allows, maybe I can help you one or two."

"If you can complete your mission as soon as possible, then I can also ask you to help me investigate the traces of the Orc tribe. It seems to be good to help each other."

Finding the Orc tribe is really important.

So, as long as Eren's mission isn't too difficult and troublesome, Miyuki doesn't mind helping.


"Actually, there is nothing we can't say about our mission. Miyuki, you should feel it. The breath of the storm dragon Veldora suddenly disappeared in the Jura Forest, causing many changes in the forest."

"So this time, we also received a mission to explore the sealed cave, and wanted to see what happened inside." Facing Miyuki's proposal, although Eren's expression was slightly hesitant, then she spoke.

Although Eren has a lot of affection for Miyuki, she still knows the seriousness, and she didn't reveal the real reason for this trip to investigate the sealed cave, only that she took on a mission.

Hearing Eren's words, Gido and Kaval, who were very nervous, breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now, they were really afraid that the little aunt's mouth would be bald, and if they told the truth, then everyone's identities would be exposed!

It's just that they never thought of it.

It is reasonable to say that it is just an ordinary exploration task, but it has attracted Miyuki's eyebrows.

After listening to Eren's explanation, Miyuki's eyes became slightly complicated.

After all, Veldora is his friend and the culprit for the loss of Veldora is his own friend Rimuru.

How can Miyuki's expression be not complicated?
