Chapter 113 - Winner Shuna

"Explore the sealed cave? This is a bit of a coincidence. To be honest, the reason why I investigated the Orc clan this time is also related to the changes in the sealed cave."

"It seems that this time, we need to form a team and act together!" Miyuki smiled and said after sorting out his complicated mood.

"Eh? Miyuki-san's investigation of the Orc clan is related to the sealed cave?" Hearing Miyuki's words, Eren's face suddenly showed surprise.

Not only she but also Shion beside her didn't understand what was going on.

Even Shuna who was depressed quickly stood up and looked at Miyuki curiously.

She was also eager to know why Miyuki investigated the sealed cave.

Seeing everyone cast their strange eyes at him, Miyuki didn't hide anything and said, "As a businessman, you should know that I have many sources of information."

"Not long ago, I got the news that after the disappearance of the storm dragon Veldora , a group of Majins began to act secretly, trying to make trouble in the Great Jura Forest, and the Orc clan is one of the targets planned by those Majins."

"Although I don't know what the purpose of those Majins is, I always feel that it will not be a good thing. So this time, I also want to see if I can stop the plot of the Majins in advance."

While explaining the situation briefly, Miyuki still had some reservations. But even so, the news was enough to shock everyone in front of them, especially the eating, drinking, and drinking trio who were ordered to investigate the sealed cave, and they couldn't help but stare at the boss!


"Miyuki, are you sure about the authenticity of this news?" It is not a small matter that there are demons making trouble. If such a thing happens, they have to go back immediately to report this important news. Kaval, who knew the importance of this matter, couldn't help but subconsciously ask questions!

"I can't be sure because I don't have enough evidence in my hand. But if we can find the Orc tribe, maybe we can find the evidence we want." Under Kaval's anxious eyes, Miyuki shook his head and said.

In fact, Miyuki is sure of the authenticity of this news, but he can't talk nonsense without evidence in hand.

"This..." Hearing what Miyuki said, Kaval couldn't help being speechless for a while.

Seeing this scene, Eren, who was watching from the sidelines, quickly suggested, "In this case, let's quickly investigate the sealed cave, and return to the guild immediately after completing the task to investigate the location of the pigs."

"Just like what Miyuki said, if we can find the Orc tribe, won't all the mysteries be solved?"

Eren's idea was very good, and Gido and Kaval quickly agreed.

So next, Miyuki, Shuna, and Shion also joined the team of eating and drinking trio and decided to shift their target and move toward the location of the sealed cave.

"Miyuki-sama..." It's just when everyone prepared to leave, most of them were distracted and no one was hugging Miyuki, so, Shuna took advantage of the timing and threw0 herself on Miyuki.

"What happened, Shuna." Miyuki immediately held Shuna and asked after seeing her red eyes.

He didn't know what happened to Shuna but he could tell that she felt extremely insecure and needed comfort.

Hugging her, Miyuki stroked trying to calm her down, and motioned Shion and Eren to not interfere.

'What are you doing with Miyuki-san/sama." Seeing Miyuki and Shuna hugging each other in front of them, Shion and Eren couldn't wait to separate them.

It's just when they saw Miyuki gesturing to them not to make a fuss, two of them stopped immediately.

Neither Shion nor Eren could ignore Miyuki's request even if another girl was lying in his arms.

At this time, Shuna greedily sucked Miyuki's breath and held tightly, not letting him go at all.

She lost her position to Eren because of a mistake, she doesn't want to lose it again.

Therefore, even after feeling that she had enough of hugging, Shuna didn't let go of Miyuki.

For such coquettish Shuna, Miyuki was helpless.

He liked every one of his women and he would never discriminate against any of them.

Therefore, under the stunned eyes of the crowd, Miyuki hugged Shuna and held her like a princess.

"What?" Shuna screamed then she blushed because of Miyuki's action and shyly hid her face in his arms.

"We lost." Shion and Eren looked at each and quickly had the same thoughts.

The intimate action between Miyuki and Shuna made them realize that there was another woman with them and she was also a rival in love.

"But we will not lose again." Flames burned into their eyes, and Eren and Shion decided to compete with Shuna.


Two men, Gido and Kaval looked at the scene and they shivered because of the look in Eren and Shion's eyes.

"Now, we can go." Holding Shuna, Miyuki said to the rest of the crowd.

In fact, he wouldn't hold Shuna in front of Shion and Eren, under normal circumstances.

But the problem is, he can feel that Shuna is extremely insecure at the moment and she needs his care.

Therefore, even if he fuels Eren and Shion's jealousy, Miyuki will hold Shuna.

Hearing the words of Miyuki, even if the atmosphere wasn't right, the crowd began to prepare to head to their destination.

It's just that along the way, Shuna got off Miyuki's arms because of embarrassment and just hugged his arm.

Shion and Eren, on other hand, no longer fell behind Shuna.

Then, three girls, Shion, Shuna, and Eren, began to compete for Miyuki.

The competition between three people is a situation that makes people tremble and shiver.

Miyuki was better, but Gido and Kaval could hide as far away as they could. They were really afraid that they would be affected in the slightest, which made people laugh and cry.

Fortunately, there were no surprises along the way, and the group arrived at their destination smoothly.

After reaching the sealed cave, Miyuki and others entered the sealed cave.


"Miyuki-san... why do I feel that you seem to be familiar with this place?" Eren walked behind Miyuki and asked suspiciously.

Ever since they entered the sealed cave, Eren was surprised to find that no matter how many forked roads there were in front of her, Miyuki could always choose one of them without hesitation, and she didn't experience any danger on the way.

This kind of performance really made her curious. She wants to know, how Miyuki did it.

"If I say, I have been to the sealed cave, do you believe it?" Sensing Eren's surprised eyes, Miyuki couldn't help replying with a smile.

It's just, after hearing his answer, Eren immediately shook her head again and again and said with disbelief, "I do not believe it. For three hundred years, no one has ever entered the sealed cave."

"Miyuki-san, unless you are the Storm Dragon or the brave man who sealed Veldora back then, how could you have been here?"

By the way, because of the existence of the seal, even the demon king cannot enter this cave.

It would be really strange if Eren believed Miyuki's words.

Just seeing the girl puffed up her cheeks and showing such a cute look, Miyuki couldn't help laughing again.

Sometimes, he feels that Eren is really cute.

"Well, you're right. The reason why I am familiar with this place is that I have the ability to explore the terrain, so even if it is the first time I come to the sealed cave, I can quickly figure out the situation inside." Laughing for a while, Miyuki said with a smile.

In fact, just like what Miyuki said, the reason why he was able to travel unimpeded in the sealed cave was not that he had been here many times, but because he brought the map of this place from the system.

The Map of the sealed cave only cost 10 points, so, Miyuki easily brought it, otherwise, god knows how long it would take them to explore this place.

"Eh! It turned out to be the ability to explore the terrain. Isn't this too convenient? If we also have this ability, we won't get lost so many times!" Hearing Miyuki's words, Eren exclaimed.

The abilities of this world are all kinds of strange, and it is not surprising to have the ability to explore the terrain.

But if they were replaced by the eating, drinking, and drinking trio who often got lost, this would really make them envious.

At this moment, not only Eren but even Gido and Kaval couldn't help casting envious glances.

This ability not to get lost makes them so greedy!

It's a pity that this ability is not available to everyone, it looks like it is exclusive to Miyuki.

So there is no way, no matter how envious they are, they can't envy this ability!

"Really? I think it's okay, it's just that it will be more convenient when you move." Under the watchful eyes of the eating, drinking, and drinking trio, Miyuki was very Versailles and said that this is not worth mentioning.

And soon, he changed the subject and attracted everyone's attention to a piece of white flowers, "Oh, isn't this Hippocut herb? It's a good thing. Aren't you going to collect some?"

"Huh! It's really Hippocut herb!"

"Wow! There are so many, we are rich!"

Gido and Kaval exclaimed together.

As the main raw material for making recovery medicines, the Hippocut herb itself has considerable economic value, but this herb only grows in areas rich in magic power, so it is not particularly easy to cultivate.

However, in this sealed cave surrounded by Veldora's magic power, this medicinal herb grows almost like weeds.

It's just that Rimuru's arrival has greatly harvested these herbs, and Miyuki also relied on the help of the spiritual eye to collect a lot for himself in his spare time and put them all in the system space.

Therefore, there are basically not many medicinal herbs left.


Even if the remaining medicinal herbs were no longer in the eyes of Miyuki and Rimuru, in the eyes of the eating and drinking trio, this was the rhythm of making a fortune.

With a cheer, Gido and Kaval immediately threw themselves into the ranks of digging herbs, and even Eren almost couldn't hold back, and subconsciously wanted to join their companions.

But just after her figure subconsciously took two steps forward, she suddenly remembered Miyuki beside her and asked, "That...Miyuki-san, aren't you going to collect Hippocute herbs?"

In Eren's view, since Miyuki is a businessman, he definitely needs this kind of medicinal herb with economic value.

Unexpectedly, after hearing her question, Miyuki shook his head and said, "No, I don't run a recovery medicine business, and I don't know much about this business, so I don't need to collect these herbs."

"You guys, be careful when collecting herbs. Although Veldora's aura has disappeared, there are still many dangerous monsters in this cave!"

There is a large amount of inventory piled up in the system space and there is no place to use it. So, how can Miyuki care about the scattered little herbs on the ground?

What's more, he has Rimuru who can easily create recovery medicine. He really doesn't need these herbs.

It's just that while rejecting Eren, he didn't forget to tell her.

Because of Veldora, the monsters living in this cave are far more powerful than those in the Great Jura Forest.

If you accidentally provoke those monsters, with the currently sealed state of the eating, drinking, and drinking trio, if they don't keep it together, they will stage another good show of being chased by monsters!

"Help... help!"

"It's a monster!"

Good guy!

Fortunately, Miyuki even reminded him on purpose, but he didn't expect that less than ten minutes later, Kaval's scream was heard not far away.

Looking in the direction where the sound came from, I saw a huge spider in hard armor dancing with four pairs of legs, chasing after Kabalu.

Feel the fluctuation of the magic power fluctuation.


Proper A+ grade monster!

If it was before being sealed, with Kaval's strength, he should be able to fight this monster for some time.

But now...

Tsk tsk, look at how ridiculous he is being chased all the way, how funny it is!
